Hello to you all, seems like there is a remarkable number of new faces on the nexus recently and since I've been lurking here for a great many months I thought it was high time I took the plunge and introduced myself! This community has been such an inspiration for my personal development these past months and has been essential into my research into these fascinating plants and compounds. I have been reluctant to post merely because I enjoy reading everyone's view while I'm learning and with matters as deep as a lot of the more subjective threads on these forums I may not have come to any personal conclusions yet. However with many of these topics I suppose a lifetime could be spent and no definitive conclusion reached! Also, spending a great amount of time daily for several years when I was younger on many musicians forums and the like kind of put me off starting down that road again!
My first experience with DMT was a couple of years ago, where after meeting some rather...odd people it was brought up in conversation that they would be able to source me some. Long story short eventually I ended up with some dark yellow/brown compound with a very characteristic, strangely familiar smell. I now realise that this was most probably the result of quite a sloppy STB extraction that I suspect had residual sodium hydroxide thrown in there as every trip with that batch involved something of the feeling of tasting broken glass in my mouth for a large portion of the trip. However, it did seem to work extraordinarily well with approximately 50mg, even with bad technique, burning of the product in a cheap glass pipe with a blue-flame lighter, and any apparent impurities.
My first time was quite an experience to say the least, I won't go into too many details but there were some environmental factors that meant the set and setting were far from ideal. Nevertheless, I returned to this realm and with an incredible new perspective on what I knew was possible. Later on in the night, myself and this eccentric character who had sourced me the spice were relaxing with some friends of mine as I, of course, was letting everyone know what unbelievable places I had gone to earlier in the day. It came up that they would all like to try it and one by one each tried it, had an ecstatic time (no one having enough to break through, on asking their name each would be able to open their eyes and respond), and came down again. Now, this was the period of my life where although certainly not an addict, or a serious drug abuser at that, I was sniffing ketamine relatively frequently. By this point of the night I was partaking in a bit of ket and then the suggestion came from the eccentric character that I finish what remained in the pipe from everyone else. Little did I know that he had refilled the pipe with another 50mg.
I did not know what had happened. Did not remember I had taken a drug and was therefore in this state but I knew three short sounds had something to do with it and I was desperately trying to say them aloud with only glossolalia resulting (I now realise of course this sounds corresponded to the letters D, M and T). From what little I remember I do have a very vivid memory of travelling through what stereotypically would look like a wormhole in a science fiction programme. If I was travelling forward I would eventually arrive in the real world, albeit heavily tripping, though then, without warning, I would be sucked backwards through this same indescribable tube to a place where I do not know what I was being shown. Many scary things happened in that 10-15 mins and that whole experience scared me away from spice for a good year afterwards.
Within that time my habits changed considerably. I got my life back in order, stopped doing drugs out of boredom/chasing a high, developed a fervent passion in life, the universe and everything and began studying the sciences and mathematics intently. Most importantly I found purpose in life. For some reason it seems insincere me writing this on a forum in these words, but to truly express how I feel now in my life would take many hours of hard reflection and note making, planning, and this was exactly the thing that shied me away from posting here much earlier!
To this day I don't know if DMT was the cause of these revelations, but I certainly feel as if it were a catalyst to my current view on life. Since discovering this forum I've put the work in, done a hell of a lot of background reading and research and have used Q21Q21's tek to very good results. Now I've pointed my life in a much better direction I feel I'm ready to start experimenting again with the spice. I've bought myself a GVG a little while ago and have had a few mind-blowing dabblings here and there. I am currently in a time of great change (moving house/city, finding a new job until I can study full-time at a university in a year) again which should hopefully be over in a month, which is when I hope to continue my exploration into consciousness. Until then I hope to continue my studies, begin to practice meditation a bit more seriously, visit the nexus regularly, and who knows, maybe even post from time to time too! I look forward to all our future conversations. x