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BreakThrough Story with pictures! Options
#1 Posted : 6/15/2012 1:17:59 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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B.C + M.H bound to Blue Lotus flowers (rolled pure in rizzla) ---
Well I decided to take it in small steps instead of jumping straight in, so only smoked 1/3 in 2-4 medium pulls... sat back and waited. Instantly I could hear a Zommmmmmm sfx that made me feel like I had vibrating goose bumps all over my body heheh, I looked up and there were multicolored badly woven diamond shapes flowing out from the top and bottom of my TV glowing brighter and brighter.

I noticed the blind spots in my vision were becoming very dark, almost moving into my sight, I tried to shake it off so looked across the room to distract myself. A few moments later was drawn to my arm, I looked and was instantly filled with shock/discust/fear all in the space of a second.

It also looked really.. really detailed "like looking at a baron wasteland made of flesh" then obviously I realized it was mine and everything was fine. I decided to take one more toke, this changed things again but this time there was a vortex in the corner of my room, all the objects in and around it were being twisted with it, I then started to feel like my body was being pulled into it, I was actually feeling OK about this but then I started to see something moving in the dark part of my vision again (right side) I can only describe it as some kind of Ultimate Power because I could not even bring myself to look at it, stood up put my head out the window...


from the horizon upwards the sky was bright yellow and gradually fading into a deep dark red. I also noticed the stars were spinning around each other in circles. For some reason the the "Power" I had felt earlier was still in my mind because as the effects faded I was thinking phew don't want to try that again...


I was in the garden and decided to take another 3 pulls.. again it began with the enhanced hearing (Zommmm sfx)... I could feel my surroundings a lot more this time, and my heartbeat seemed to send a warm buzz through me. The first thing that amazed me was the green trees were glowing red and the red trees (or leaves) were glowing green.

Green Glow (10ft tree)
Seemed playful when I looked at it.. how can I explain... like it was dancing around and the were 3 or 4 slightly diff versions of it moving in and out of it..

Red Glow (9ft)
This tree grabbed my attention 110% like we were !locked! in eye contact, instantly reminded me of the power Id felt during the first attempt. I carefully clipped what was left (half) and ended that adventure..... ( ._.)

(1Giant pull exhale.. 8med pulls until filled held for 1min+)
So I'd seen a few sensory deprivation tanks online and had gained a bit of knowledge that gave me enough ammo to go for a maximum DMT hit.

I turned off the lights... every plug socket, closed windows, doors laid down and relaxed. Then I took the first toke, instantly feeling more aware of everything... sat up and toked all what was left until my lungs had no space to fill, which allowed me to hold it for 1min+ during that time I laid down closed my eyes and looked around my inner eyelids as the color faded from dark grey to deep black. I FELT! six warm kisses on my forehead in random locations (I really think this was my Dad), my mouth was closed but for some reason I decided to slightly open the corner of my mouth, soon as I did it felt like an electric vibration go through my mouth (OOOMMMMMMMMMMM) down my throat and was swirling around my stomach. I exhaled AND my whole body was flooded with a extremely warm vibration. I completely relaxed, as my mouth opened it felt even stronger... maybe "bigger" vibration (ZOOMMMMMM) went through my mouth again but this time there was a beautiful flowing curtain floating in front of my face, it also looked like it had the same (diamond/pyramid) design that I saw coming out of the TV....

After getting to grips with this I realized there probably wasn't much time left, I thought to myself "Lets Do This" and like "!" I was pulled through the curtains and into a bright light...

"what happened here I don't know"

Because just like that in front of me was a female (loving) type entity standing in front of me, I say standing but I could only really make out one leg, she had her arm out to the side positioning a flame type orb above her hand. I quickly realized that my breath was controlling this flame because when my inhale/exhale was unbalanced the flame flashed and was pretty violent. I could feel the Entity analyze me.

THE BREATHING! (Rough example)
If a normal breath is 46%inhale 57%exhale ... 2sec wait... repeat
this felt like I was doing 5%inhale 5%exhale 15sec wait!

As I controlled my breath the flame calmed and turned into a perfect bright Orb. I felt a kind of psychic thumbs up/your doing it feeling from the entity. And she started communicating to me that the air we breath or maybe the art of breathing itself is a very special thing that shouldn't be taken for granted. Everything started to fade a little but I think that the breathing cycle has an ability to fuel something good or bad.... (maybe your intent) and I was back... grabbed a pen...


Apparently when a Mason receives there 9th Degree, they get taught about "Death" and "Sacred breathing" I think there's a special type of Yoga Breathing but I haven't researched

"Fact or fiction this cannot be used against me"
"See- Do- Know- Share-
"Your Beginning To Believe"

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#2 Posted : 6/15/2012 5:54:36 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Sounds intense! I didn't understand what you meant by your dad kissing your forehead... you think this actually happened or was it just a strong psychological feeling. Interesting stuff, wish I could comprehend it myself.
Electric Kool-Aid
#3 Posted : 6/15/2012 6:33:43 AM

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Nice report!
I have heard that breakthroughs happen easier when eyes are closed. Even further, deeper when closed eyes.
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#4 Posted : 6/15/2012 8:07:30 PM

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@ColourWind Embarrased
I can honestly say during this whole thing my mind was not affected, heh well something was obviously affected but.. I was still me. strangely though after going through the light I don't remember feeling my body at all just mind and breath.

Last year my Dad died, He was very.. very aware of the spiritual side of life and has definitely helped bring me to this point. Anyway when thinking about him I always finish with a small "air kiss"...

The kisses I felt were in the exact same style as my Dad, like the way someone would do it if you were moving away on a train...

If our spirits really are pure energy the first sensation that went into my stomach must have been something... if not him.

Razz this even sounds strange to me, so dont go thinking I'm 100% on this Big grin
but after researching... Mayans, Egyptians, Science Theory and Individual reports! its
hard to ignore.

We were in a car when the break fluid spilled over the engine and flooded the car, about a year later He died of a stomach blockage. I should have had the same problems, maybe me being younger (26) had something to do with it. But I do know the thing that went down my stomach did something.

@Electric Kool-Aid Thumbs up
Indeed!... Id say Tripping with your eyes open is like having a fight with your own subconscious. I do think you could get over it with practice, but for a first time tripper (like me) I wouldn't recommend it.

I'm starting to think that there are multiple layers of a DMT trip, the Vale like curtains I first saw felt a lot like a waiting room, which was definitely affected by my intent
"See- Do- Know- Share-
"Your Beginning To Believe"
DiMenTion Nineteen
#5 Posted : 6/19/2012 3:16:31 PM

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i totally understand what you mean when you described the tree as having four versions coming in and out of it. and i know what you mean by eye-locked with the object, as well as playful dancing. My computer desk once did all of these three things at the same time, it looks like dmt is showing you a whole bunch of different dimensions' versions of that object in the same place, rapidly shifting.
one another such occasion my computer tower did the same thing, but it was more surprising because this was the first time it happened.
#6 Posted : 7/3/2012 9:16:57 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Sorry for the quality, I can't get to HQ right now...
Rolling eyes
Donline attached the following image(s):
ScreenShot_2012-07-03_20-46-09_by_s4bb.jpg (275kb) downloaded 267 time(s).
11.jpg (240kb) downloaded 266 time(s).
112.jpg (234kb) downloaded 267 time(s).
113.jpg (31kb) downloaded 267 time(s).
115.jpg (27kb) downloaded 267 time(s).
"See- Do- Know- Share-
"Your Beginning To Believe"
#7 Posted : 7/7/2012 8:58:01 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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nice pictures! i wish i could draw some of the things i saw when i first broke through.
Divine Moments of Truth make everything smaller.
#8 Posted : 7/7/2012 10:37:16 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for the replys...

Grab a Pencil.... and a rubber.... Thumbs up

I'd say the top and bottom two pictures are 90% accurate, which has got me wondering if anyone else has seen similar images before it started..?

Random Notes-
Diamond Shaped (or 2 triangles on top of each other) Surprised
with 2 black symbols on of each triangle (one was a circle with a dash inside) Confused
Primary Colors Cool
Flowing Water Texture

For some reason I still cant remember what the Entity looked like, just the pose and what she was doing. Wut?

"See- Do- Know- Share-
"Your Beginning To Believe"
Electric Kool-Aid
#9 Posted : 7/8/2012 4:05:46 AM

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What is the bottom pic? A car?

I know you mentioned the car fluid thing. Did it occure in your trip too?
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
Wave Rider
#10 Posted : 7/8/2012 5:49:02 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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How did you create the first two images?

Here is a link to a similar image to the middle/3rd one that you posted:


With a bit of luck, his life was ruined forever. Always thinking that just behind some narrow door in all of his favorite bars, men in red woolen shirts are getting incredible kicks from things he'll never know. - Hunter S. Thompson
Electric Kool-Aid
#11 Posted : 7/8/2012 6:22:20 AM

Explorer, Creative and Curious

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Are these computer images?
You can do a "screen shot" and place it here.
They are higher detail than from a phone camera of a computer screen.

PC: shift and then the "print screen" button. Then paste in a paint program and save as a jpg.

Mac: Each of these steps will save image to desktop
Command+Control+Shift+3: take a screenshot of the entire screen (screens if multiple monitors), and saves it to the clipboard for pasting elsewhere
Command+Control+Shift+4, then select an area: takes a screenshot of selection and saves it to the clipboard for pasting elsewhere
Command+Control+Shift+4, then space, then click a window: takes a screenshot of a window and saves it to the clipboard for pasting
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#12 Posted : 7/9/2012 2:54:09 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Pictures 1, 2 and 3 (last trip)
I created the images from scratch using a graphics program (fireworks)

Picture 4 and 5 -
Took a photo in the exact same location I was sitting, then edited what happened on top. The car was just to give you an idea on what was happening to the images Thumbs up

Thanks Kool-Aid
I'm a veteran photo editor Wink my problems with the computers CPU... Wut?
I'll swap out the HDD tomorrow Cool

Oooh nice Art Wave Rider... I definitely remember the shape of that head Smile

"See- Do- Know- Share-
"Your Beginning To Believe"
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