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I fought the elves and I won - Help is on the way Options
#1 Posted : 6/28/2012 6:31:59 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location - Daytime, living room, earth

In preparation for this voyage, I created a sacred space. After getting fucked with by some nefarious demons, I was strapping on whatever spiritual armor was available to me. I burned sage and incense and meditated although it was hard to clear my mind for any great length as I was routinely roiled by the fear and anxiety of hyperspace. I prepared a space in the center of my living room and put a mat down to sit on. I changed into comfortable clothing and wore a headband. My mind was clear of any responsibilities, guilt, regret or doubt. My attitude and intention were positive. I had a good friend help me with this voyage and he asked me what I was going to do in hyperspace. He has broken through once and had an incredible healing experience with the divine source of energy. So I said, "I can't just go deep into other dimensions and play around. It's too dangerous. I have to go in with purpose and intention. My intention is to try and find help. If I see anything else, I'll try and tell it that planet earth needs help. If I see the elves I'll try to ignore them." My girlfriend has a lapis lazuli crystal that I placed on the mat in front of me.

I sat facing the sunlit windows of my living room in full lotus position (on a recent trip, my friend learned that this is the correct body position to travel in). I loaded a glass bowl with a good mixture of spice and kush (prob about 65 mg, sry guys I know its wasteful, no I didn't vape it all) and sat down on the mat in the center of my living room in full lotus position facing the open windows. Sun was pouring in. This was about 4 weeks ago on a sunday afternoon and the air and weather were calm. I have been researching the shamanic techniques that can help one remain fixed and focused on your intention. The shaman's recite icaro's and bang rhythmically on percussive objects. The only analog that I had was my stereo system and the music that I make so I played my song "8 million more" while I went in deep. My friend held the bowl and helped me take all 3 hits.

As soon as I exhale the 3rdhit, I am right in the middle of hyperspace and I am still going in deep and fast. The whole crysthanthemum sequence must have occurred while I was inhaling the 3rd hit because I don't even notice. I exhale and I'm there. The colors are changing and weirdos are popping in and out. Several of the aliens/elves/beings who attempted to abuse me during my last visit are there and I recognize them and they recognize me. It almost felt like they we're waiting. The hide behind me instantly and keep kinda quiet but I sense their malevolence. They start throwing things at me (not physical objects but mental traps/paths to fear/visions of parallel worlds, universes), trying to separate my psyche from my body.

I'm also going deeper and deeper faster and faster. It really does feel like I'm travelling through space incredibly fast. Images and worlds are rushing past me. At one point, I felt like I looked out through the eyes of hundreds if not thousands of different creatures on different worlds. I am tumbling deeper and deeper through hyperspace I am aware that I am fighting a difficult battle to remain centered, lucid and calm in the face of such fantastic sights. I feel like I am holding on to an enormous length of heavy mental cable that is connecting my psyche, which is deep in hyperspace, to my earthly existence meanwhile I am being subjected to visions that startle, astonish and seem intent on confusing me. They all happen so quickly that it's almost impossible to focus on one, which I'm not really trying to do anyway, I'm trying to remain focused. So I focus on my intent, not on the pictures flashing before me and I'm still going deeper.

This rocketing forward/deeper phase of the trip culminates with what felt me breaking through to (what felt like) the furthest reaches of hypespace, it almost seemed like there was some kind of clearing. And there I sat surrounded by aliens/entities (not all of whom seemed bad at all, nor necessarily elves, they certainly weren't the clockwork variety) and it seemed like they we're saying "ok, you sure you wanna see it?" (feminine voice) and then they showed it to me. They removed a veil from my eyes and showed me something that affected me in the most profound way. I could feel my deepest instincts being triggered, instincts that are beyond the tampering reach of the ego, primordial instincts.

I saw that in some sense our planet is nothing more than a factory farm for souls. All of our humans concern are but an anthill to these creatures. I saw in all the graphic details what these horrible insect aliens were doing to us. I could see them operating on us and harvesting us with all the care that we show to the lower life forms on this planet. And it wasn't simply an image that I saw, it was less an image and more of a complete mental realization. It triggered in me and I was overwhelmed by the immediate sense of having reached the ultimate and highest point in human existence/understanding. The overwhelming nature of this sensation can not be overstated. It felt like I had just completed a video game or puzzle that had been an obstacle to my true happiness. All mystery was removed and uncontrollably, the sense of total completion was immediately accompanied by a deep sadness, a literal emptiness.

In the face of this ultimate realization it also became clear that everything people do on this planet is a scrap of sawdust compared to the scale and importance of the beings harvesting us. All the importance and significance of action were revealed to be meaningless from this perspective and this deep primordial reaction was one of sadness. I didn't feel depressed or frustrated, just sad, like a kid who really had mentally invested in the notion of santa claus only to find the truth. It was as though my psyche was instinctively reacting to the realization that all of the expectations, hopes and dreams arising from my earthly existence are reduced to a meaningless puddle in light of this ultimate realization. I felt like I could do absolutely anything I wanted in life, that all doors had been unlocked for me, but that the entire earthly existence had been revealed to be a charade from which escaping proved no recompense.

At the same time, this is all bundled with a deep overpowering sense that I should NEVER do DMT again. I think an elf whispered that to me as I was receiving this revelation but this all happened so fast and was almost overwhelming that I can't be sure who said that. (Question to Nexican's: Who or what would say that to someone deep in a DMT trip and why?) All through this I am fighting to remain focused, to remain one psyche bridge across multiple dimensions, and not a splintered tangent of reflections and thoughts struggling to align itself in an amorphous sea of energy. In one sense, I felt like I was seeing secrets, things that someone didn't want me to see. Who was showing me then? I could not ponder this at that time because I was still going deeper.

Right in front of me (my eyes have been open the entire time), as though it were on the other side of hyperspace coming toward me from behind a dark smokey glass, I perceived an organic shape. Now I'm slightly startled, still fighting to remain focused throughout this solar storm of cosmic realizations, and yet new things keep coming at me. Something about this form, this entity in front of me, indicates that it isn't here to hurt me even though it's not 'beautiful' in the classic sense. It's more of a reaching, billowing, shifting organic form that seems to implore me, "What are you? Communicate with me" as though it really didn't know when in time or space I was specifically. It seemed to be trying to get me to speak out loud.

Throughout this ordeal, I'm fighting a mental battle not to let too many of my thoughts from my deep brain nto my region of immediate thought. That's the area that the elves can read, its the thought before you speak it or act upon it. But below that is a mechanism that scans your deep brain for thoughts to pull up and express. The entire time, I can sense the malevolence of the "elves" that I tangled with last time and it's clear to me that they can read my immediate thoughts like the color of my shirt. That is where our mental conversation is taking place. They are also watching my mental process carefully in the hope that I will err and reveal information about myself that they could use to harm me here on earth. Sorry but the best analogy that I can find is the end of that Ghostbuster's movie...

And that's why it's a great idea to have an intention when you are going in deep because suddenly some part of me remembered that somewhere I was a body sitting on earth with an intention to act upon. That intention was still there in my body and now my psyche somehow remembered to pull it out. This is when I began to think that some of the stuff the elves we're showing me was really designed to confuse and scare me. As I focus on the entity in front of me, the jealously, shock and outrage of the abusive elves behind me is visibly palpable. They can not fucking believe that I am doing this. They can't believe that I came here and went that deep, alone and unregulated, without a shaman.

It was weird, I could read their thoughts and they we're scanning their understanding of this planet and trying to figure out how I did this. It seemed like on certain planets, traveling to hyperspace is regulated or organized (kinda like the FAA). Regardless, some of them we're not happy about what I was doing. They we're downright livid.

So there I am in the furthest depths of hyperspace, past the point of ultimate revelation, facing this other entity who wants to know what I am. And then I completed the most difficult mental challenge of my life. I spoke out loud to this other being. It wanted to know what I was and so I worked to manifest that thought into reality. The mental process of language which seems so effortless in our daily lives was here, in this dimension, a deliberate, conscious act of gargantuan undertaking. I had to remain focused on where I was and what was going on, not giving into fear or astonishment, while simultaneously searching back into the neurons of my physical body in order to find the word that corresponded to the thought that I was trying to express. I knew what I had to do and I was working quickly because I knew the window was closing as well.

The first thing that I found in my memory was a picture of the outline of the human form, my psyche knew that this picture was an adequate mental representation of the intention that I was attempting to convey and so I went about searching another part of my brain for the neural connections that control the verbal expression of the picture that I had. A second later I had found the sound of the word in my head and now I was heading for the exit, literally forcing my mind to turn the gears of speech while i was feeding the memory the sound of the word "human" into my speech engine. It was incredibly difficult, every aspect of mental process that works together to create language was now completely separate.

At no point was I ever in command of the process of language in its full sense, I was only able to speak by individually manifesting each mental process, separately and in the correct order. I was divorced from my natural reflex of reflecting on my complete thoughts before they are processed. I knew the thought that I was trying to express but the process of speaking was something taking place in a separate place from where my psyche was. All I could do was move the gears one at a time to churn the word out of my mouth. It took some time and effort but I did it.

Looking straight into the entity coming toward me from beyond hyperspace, I said clearly, loudly and with intention, "Human". I don't think I've ever enunciated a word with more effect than that. I heard myself say the word and I wan't even sure that I had said the right thing. I couldn't be sure that the sound that I just made corresponded to the concept 'human' as it was known and understood on earth. It felt like I had never spoken before, as though I we're a child learning to use language and my first apparent success emboldened me.

Now with the window closing and the gears in my head turning faster I manage to get out the word "individual". It is easier this time but it still kinda feels like I'm moving the mouth on a ventriloquist dummy from afar. My buddy who had blasted me off was sitting in a chair at the other end of the room and I looked up at him. Seeing him reminds me slightly of what is going on and of my intention and so with my last bit of mental strength I looked and focused on the entity again and said loudly "Planet Earth needs your help". The evil elves cannot believe it. They are literally stunned. I can hear their minds screaming and scanning the universe for ways to hurt/stop me. The window is closing fast now and my mental processes are slowly returning to normal.

I can hear the music and it comforts me. I realize that I just did the most difficult thing that I will probably ever do in my life. My spirit feels like its just been injected with hulk serum. I can feel my fucking powers growing and transforming like a metamorphosis only observed in the lower life forms here on earth. My friend stated humming a little to himself after I said "Planet Earth Needs Your Help".

Seeing and hearing him do that also brought me back to full consciousness quicker. I'm definitely receding back into the 4th dimension quickly and I feel good now. I knew that I made it out of the woods in one piece but the DMT was still coursing through my brain and I knew that I had about 5 more minutes of cirque de sole. Holy shit, I can't believe I went all the way in there, past everything, and did that. I confess that I'm feeling pretty damn good right then. I'm still sitting in full lotus and I turn my head behind me for a moment and say to the nasty creatures behind me "Just in case you were wondering..." then I raised both my arms above my head and formed my hands into middle fingers salutes to the ones behind me, "Fuck you elves!".

I saluted them for a minute and then put my hands on my knees as the trip was fading. Then I took a deep breath and said to the elves, "Make your peace with me now while you have the chance". I leaned my head forward and expressed my intention of making peace and closed my eyes. But as soon as I closed them, elves came from behind to lear and cackle. I hadn't really expected them to accept the peace offer and they seemed to be laughing at it. So I opened my eyes and cursed at them again, more out of joy than frustration.

I still have no idea who the other entity was on the other side of hyperspace. It's been a month since this trip. Soul is still feeling supercharged. I don't think I'm smoking the stuff again until I go the jungle and consult a professional and in further good news the experience seems to have permanently altered the way LSD affects my body. I ate some a week after this trip and my third eye opened and then my three eyes formed a blue triangle which then became a portal to another dimension! Does anyone report different LSD experiences after going very deep on DMT?

That's what I can remember. I am humbly submitting this in the hope that all will benefit.


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#2 Posted : 6/28/2012 6:47:34 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Fantastic report , that's the way to handle things in there. Recognizing the distracting illusions is the first steps to an eventual truth about what this is.

Many might disagree with your approach I thinks its Awesome.

I resonate deeply with your experience .
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

#3 Posted : 6/28/2012 7:12:42 PM
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I have to say that you did a really great job writing about your voyage. I understand how difficult it can be to put these things into words.

You and I may speak different languages when it comes to hyperspace exploration but I can definitely still relate to much of what you are saying in a lot of ways.

I have gone through very similar things when battling my so called demons...
feeling as if though they were holding different types of complicated barriers of perception before my eyes,,and yes they are ever so angry with each new discovery that I make concerning them because I am in effect threatening to reduce their food supply..

I have definitely seen that earth has been cultivated into this highly developed corn fed cattle farm of some kind...

I would agree that there are both extremely malevolent and benevolent forces that come into play here.. and the malevolent forces get angry when your connections to the benevolent forces grows stronger and they attempt to interfere.

So In my opinion your on the right track as far as your line of thinking is concerned.

My only suggestion to you just from a completely objective point of view is this....

IMHO It seems to me that your underestimating these beings just a bit...not only are you underestimating the trickery of the elves but you seem to be underestimating the wisdom of the "other" being that the elves feared.

You yourself said that we are like ants compared to the aliens that harvest us correct?......

so what about the "other" being you communicated that you were human to?

The "elves" were mad you were speaking to this thing right?

Don't you think this being was smart enough to know your human and that earth needs help also..?
I'm just saying that I have noticed a lot of times these beings won't bother to correct you they just let you go on assuming you know about them....

My suggestion perhaps you could do a little less assuming and a little more observing that way the true nature of things will naturally reveal themselves to you, you just seem a bit preoccupied with generating these labels for things, while I understand this is important it can also be quite elusive.

Just my view on it....

Thanks again for taking the time to write that out, it was really nicely done, I enjoyed reading it.

BTW have you tried LSD and DMT together yet?? Or Ayahuasca?

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#4 Posted : 6/28/2012 8:28:02 PM

ab intra

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I really enjoyed reading your trip. Thank you for posting. DMT is full of lies I feel, If you give this drug to much it has the capability of convincing you whatever it wants to. I do not believe anything. Even know it makes no sense whatsoever that we all share similar experiences, or it does slightly, but still.

Sounds like you where given an incredible experience either way, See if you can dispose of the elves next time.
Its in your head

#5 Posted : 6/28/2012 9:48:44 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Robert Monroe, a leading OBE research and practitioner, claimed in his out of body travels he was given a 'rote' (thought download) on what Earth life actually is. He claimed, similarly to you, that Earth was originally constructed to be a type of loosh production reality. Loosh, if I understand it correctly, is a type of emotional spectrum that humans give off, with white being the most valued kind of loosh and is represented by pure unconditional love, however the entire spectrum is a type of 'something' (that's all he says about it in the book) that is of value to the non-physical reality and by extension non-physical beings.

It's interesting to me that you had a direct, nasty confrontation with these elves. I myself have had one interaction with one of these beings and it was most definately trying to trick and trip me up as I was breaking into hyperspace. I'm about 90% sure that I was carried away from this thing by a more benevolent hyperspace denizen (by buddy Teo, see sig), yet I've never gotten over how this thing behaved and the way in which it was trying to trick me.

It was like it was attempting to convince me that I was unworthy to breakthrough into hyperspace. At the time, this seemed like my own thoughts, that I myself was feeling guilty about tripping and unworthy of that special place. As I was coming up strong, it was like there were two of me battling with this notion of guilt, and the one voice trying to convince me of my guilt lost this battle. No sooner did it lose the battle and I asserted my worthiness I broke through and saw this thing sitting on the inside of my face (a lot like an Alex Grey painting of the inside of human faces). It was EXTREMELY disturbed that I could see it and noticed what it was doing, and sort of poofed out of my vision as I was carried deeper into the trip.

I don't mean to hijack your thread with my own experience, but I wanted to add that because its similar to at least part of the trip you describe. What these elves are, imo, are what we typically think of as our thoughts. It's like actually seeing the thoughts that go on inside of our heads. Going back to this being a type of farm for emotions, if thoughts are actual beings in some sense, then it seems at least possible to me that the way they get what they want with us is by making us identify with what they are suggesting. Even the old literature dealing with these diminutive fairy beings discusses how they have the unique ability to glamour a human; to cast an illusory spell so convincing that a typical human cannot tell they are being tricked. I could go on forever discussing this; I really think that some version of meme theory is essentially correct and like you observed, our concerns seem to be more or less meaningless to some of these higher dimensional beings.

And it almost seems to me the elves don't really understand their relationship to us. I mean, how else do you describe the full gamut of behavior they seem to exhibit? You have some elves who flirt, others who trick, still others that decieve and try to hurt you, then you have some that are so loving and friendly that all you want to do is play for an eternity. What the heck is up with that right?

As I slowly descend into mental degradation and madness, I've begun naming my thoughts with the assumption that the corresponding thought has an actual freestanding existence in non-physical reality somehow. So in my above example, the elf I encountered I named Unworthy since that was what he was trying to convince me I was. Sort of like the dwarfs in Snow White, how each of their names describes their primary attribute. I think its something like that to be honest. Maybe elves are one track creatures, and perhaps Unworthy can only ever deal with unworthiness; he may have no conception of Play or Fun or Joy. Maybe being a human is unique in the sense that you get to run the full gamut of emotions, thus explaining why they seemed jealous of you, like in your experience you get to be something more than just one thing, you get to be many things and maybe that's upsetting from where they are. I don't know and now I'm rambling.

Really sorry for derailing so bad, you post just got my mind going like crazy!
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
#6 Posted : 6/29/2012 10:08:05 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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smilingblock, that was one of the best reports I've ever read, and that's saying a lot.

smilingblock wrote:
At the same time, this is all bundled with a deep overpowering sense that I should NEVER do DMT again. I think an elf whispered that to me as I was receiving this revelation but this all happened so fast and was almost overwhelming that I can't be sure who said that. (Question to Nexican's: Who or what would say that to someone deep in a DMT trip and why?)

My take on that is maybe it was some part of your own subconscious telling yourself that. Not necessarily a separate entity. But what do I know?
#7 Posted : 6/29/2012 7:18:38 PM

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Eliyahu wrote:

Don't you think this being was smart enough to know your human and that earth needs help also..?
I'm just saying that I have noticed a lot of times these beings won't bother to correct you they just let you go on assuming you know about them....

My suggestion perhaps you could do a little less assuming and a little more observing that way the true nature of things will naturally reveal themselves to you, you just seem a bit preoccupied with generating these labels for things, while I understand this is important it can also be quite elusive.

Valid points Eliyahu. Regarding the first one, I think that is the point of some of the noosphere research. Some noosphere researchers believe that parasitic aliens are shrouding our planet in a mental cloud (don't quote me exactly) but they believe that we are being prevented from reaching higher spiritual forces because of intermediate malevolent creatures who are preventing our planet from evolving. IDK, i'm not convinced of anything. But yes there are logical holes all over hyperspace. My whole decision to take this trip with this intention arose from my failed attempts to reason through my previous trip. Then I spoke to some mushroom's and among other things they told me "if you want answers, don't ask the elves". So if we definitely can't know everything, but we know that there's tons of stuff out there; then what CAN we know?

I thought of your point as soon as I landed. Did I really expect to wake up the next morning and see that aliens from another dimension had landed to help us? Maybe, but I'm taking that one to the grave with me.

Regarding my assumptions, you bring up another good point that I purposely left out of my report because of time constraints. I had original planned on including a short discussion about information received in hyperspace and how to classify and qualify it.

For starter there are several different ways that we receive information "out there":

Open eye visuals
Closed eye visuals
Things heard out loud
Things "heard" in our head
Telepathic communications/Synthesia
Deep senses - felt things
Gut reactions to our observations
Inferences about our observations
Assumption about our observations
Information we're not sure how we received

The confusion of sorting out where this information is coming from is compounded by the amount and variety of the messages. In my piece, I tried to be careful to use different langue to delineate between inferences, direct observations, and stuff I couldn't be sure about. I will go back through the piece now and make sure the language is consistent. Does anyone think a standardized methodology is needed here?
#8 Posted : 6/29/2012 7:32:46 PM

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Tek wrote:

And it almost seems to me the elves don't really understand their relationship to us. I mean, how else do you describe the full gamut of behavior they seem to exhibit? You have some elves who flirt, others who trick, still others that decieve and try to hurt you, then you have some that are so loving and friendly that all you want to do is play for an eternity. What the heck is up with that right?

Thank you for making this point. You are not hijacking the thread. One piece of information that I inferred from my experience is that the most effective thing that I can do to resist the bad spirits is to talk about them and write about them. Thanks for participating in this convo.

Regarding elves: They do seem to have a wide variety of dispositions. I am not sure that all elves are the same class of beings. I think most people assume there is a homogeneous group of elves because 1. they move too fast to get a clear picture of and 2. We don't have enough other data on them to classify them in any meaningful way. That being said, I can only claim to be certain about two pieces of information regarding them:

They exist
They lie

That being said, I'm not prone to reducing them to proto-entities i.e., free-floatin emotions or desires. The reason is because they do seem to have their own intention. They certainly appear to be acting on their own behalf, for their own self-interest. Self-interest (if present) would IMHO imply a more nuanced state of emotions and desires inter-playing off one another.

More presciently, I think the variety of dispositions speaks to a more important phenomenon, specifically, to the idea that there might be several different types of entities that 'resemble' elves in hyperspace. I still want to find our how we 'appear' to them. I'll close with a link or two that I found helpful:

Evil spirits


Imagining the 10th dimension

giver of will
#9 Posted : 6/30/2012 10:52:44 AM

L.ife's S.ubliminal D.ream

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*sigh* I have come to the same realization that we are just basically an anthill to these aliens a long time ago on LSD. I used DMT to help me understand this but so far it has been showing me more and more of this realization.
"The world is like a ride at an amusement park. It goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question: Is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey - don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride." - Bill Hicks
#10 Posted : 6/30/2012 1:25:11 PM

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Smiling block I think your suggestion of a standardized methodology is outstanding
And should be persued.

My own opinion is that the elves are some kind of interactive loop that plays out.
They are not the real thing .
It's a very advanced piece of software that I believe to be very old actually if you get what
I'm saying .

It's a show to fool us and keep us transfixed
I suggest staying super alert and observant and
Ignoring the show to see what is actually happening .

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

#11 Posted : 7/6/2012 6:34:15 PM

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giver of will wrote:
*sigh* I have come to the same realization that we are just basically an anthill to these aliens a long time ago on LSD. I used DMT to help me understand this but so far it has been showing me more and more of this realization.

I'm intrigued...care to elaborate?

#12 Posted : 7/6/2012 6:40:21 PM

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I added this thread this morning which deals heavily with these elfin entities. I've been reading up on Theosophy and there is a lot of information regarding these creatures. Smiling, see if any of the excerpt I posted resonates with your experience at all:

All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
#13 Posted : 7/7/2012 12:23:21 AM


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Does anyone else catch an ominous vibe from all of this? All these reports of entities with bad intentions, or lying trickster entities... it's just been giving me a bad feeling. I also wonder in the back of my head if I'm obsessing over the "Dark" experiences, or experiences like this one, and that is why more and more of my trips are like this. I'll have to try focusing on the loving, warm, benevolent entities that I have encountered in the past. The reason I pursued DMT so strongly of all psychedelics was the fact that my first encounters with it were the most blissful, love-filled and entity-filled experiences that I have ever had! There were these entities which I described as "Bug-bird Monster-aliens", that danced around me and downloaded a pure sense of love into every atom of my physical being and told me ad infinitum that they Loved me... I felt like I was with ascended human souls, it felt like my family.

That is nothing like the "Dark" trips... what is the difference? What are the variables that cause one or the other? Are there Bad Spirits around me, possibly drawn by my use of DMT without guidance or protection? I think that that is a possibility with this stuff. Perhaps it is a "technology" of sorts and doesn't necessarily dial one into the good entities? That is how I am starting to think about it at least. Here is another piece that I've been thinking over: could Ayahuasca or Harmala, supposing one has a good relationship with either, fulfill the role of "Plant-Guide"? A Plant-intelligence which can guide the Human through hyperspace? Every time that I take Harmala with vaporized Spice, the experience changes radically and becomes much more easy to handle, much more Hominid-friendly.

I feel there is a need to create an outline on "hyperspace self-defence" or something of that nature, I think it would be a valuable tool for the community and for anyone who is using this stuff. On top of that, a strong general message that this is really quite serious stuff and it isn't to be played with. It's really got to be respected. Intentions are good, but as smilingblock states the practitioner must keep the intention at the fore of their mind to make sure the goal is accomplished.

One last thing... I do not get these feelings from Jurema, or Ayahuasca. I don't get them from chaliponga with harmala. I don't even get it with pharmahuasca. This seems to be something in particular with vaporizing it, and perhaps IV but I wouldn't know. Usually I don't get (visual) entities with any oral DMT mixture, this is the usual case across the board with most people. My conception has been that the DMT being delivered to the brain slowly through the liver doesn't let one "punch through the veil" so to speak. It doesn't let you get behind it. However with 14grams chaliponga and 3.5 grams harmala I DID get some entities which seemed like a paleolithic version of the machine-elves... clearly much more ancient. They investigated me and seemed totally neutral towards me.
For whatever reason oral DMT, even when I get too much, it's not "dark". It's only scary in the sense that I am dissolving into the fabric of existence... not like malevolent entities or general flowing "Darkness"...

ุจุณู… ุงู„ู„ู‡ ุงู„ุฑุญู…ู† ุงู„ุฑุญูŠู…

Fairly responsible Kratom user.

"whenever he drank ayahuasca, he had such beautiful visions that he used to put his hands over his eyes for fear somebody might steal them."
in between the grinding-brakes of a train crash while aluminum-foil robots make obnoxious sex noises on a static-filled walkie-talkie radio.
#14 Posted : 7/7/2012 2:49:15 AM

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AluminumFoilRobots wrote:
Does anyone else catch an ominous vibe from all of this? All these reports of entities with bad intentions, or lying trickster entities... it's just been giving me a bad feeling. I also wonder in the back of my head if I'm obsessing over the "Dark" experiences, or experiences like this one, and that is why more and more of my trips are like this. I'll have to try focusing on the loving, warm, benevolent entities that I have encountered in the past. The reason I pursued DMT so strongly of all psychedelics was the fact that my first encounters with it were the most blissful, love-filled and entity-filled experiences that I have ever had! There were these entities which I described as "Bug-bird Monster-aliens", that danced around me and downloaded a pure sense of love into every atom of my physical being and told me ad infinitum that they Loved me... I felt like I was with ascended human souls, it felt like my family.

That is nothing like the "Dark" trips... what is the difference? What are the variables that cause one or the other? Are there Bad Spirits around me, possibly drawn by my use of DMT without guidance or protection? I think that that is a possibility with this stuff. Perhaps it is a "technology" of sorts and doesn't necessarily dial one into the good entities? That is how I am starting to think about it at least. Here is another piece that I've been thinking over: could Ayahuasca or Harmala, supposing one has a good relationship with either, fulfill the role of "Plant-Guide"? A Plant-intelligence which can guide the Human through hyperspace? Every time that I take Harmala with vaporized Spice, the experience changes radically and becomes much more easy to handle, much more Hominid-friendly.

I feel there is a need to create an outline on "hyperspace self-defence" or something of that nature, I think it would be a valuable tool for the community and for anyone who is using this stuff. On top of that, a strong general message that this is really quite serious stuff and it isn't to be played with. It's really got to be respected. Intentions are good, but as smilingblock states the practitioner must keep the intention at the fore of their mind to make sure the goal is accomplished.

One last thing... I do not get these feelings from Jurema, or Ayahuasca. I don't get them from chaliponga with harmala. I don't even get it with pharmahuasca. This seems to be something in particular with vaporizing it, and perhaps IV but I wouldn't know. Usually I don't get (visual) entities with any oral DMT mixture, this is the usual case across the board with most people. My conception has been that the DMT being delivered to the brain slowly through the liver doesn't let one "punch through the veil" so to speak. It doesn't let you get behind it. However with 14grams chaliponga and 3.5 grams harmala I DID get some entities which seemed like a paleolithic version of the machine-elves... clearly much more ancient. They investigated me and seemed totally neutral towards me.
For whatever reason oral DMT, even when I get too much, it's not "dark". It's only scary in the sense that I am dissolving into the fabric of existence... not like malevolent entities or general flowing "Darkness"...

Why would you do this? You ask so many questions that I have strong opinions on, and I'm already a notoriously long poster!! Big grin

Just bear in mind I'm only a top hat and tea party away from total madness, so take what you will from what follows:

Do I get an ominous vibe from all of this? I did for awhile, but as they say knowledge dispels all fear. Once you start to research and verify with direct experience what the 'darker' element of hyperspace represents, it isn't quite as bad as it seems.

Did you happen to read that excerpt I posted a link to? It offers a pretty good explanation of what I've experienced overall, and verified by others like Terence McKenna who used to say of the DMT elves "These are clowns on some level." What their existence seems to be about is a type of carefree, childlike glee. Other literature on this topic says that only on this level of reality do creatures understand what fear and death are; on the other levels these are only concepts that have no manifestation. So, thinking in terms like this, they don't really realize what they're doing effects us in such a dramatic way, or at least I think this might be the case.

Other theosophical literature claims that the universe is divided into levels, and these levels exist largely independent of one another. Therefore, they are not normally aware of us, and we are not normally aware of them. However, when we take a psychedelic compound, we suddenly appear in their realm. This is apparently, if this metaphysical nonsense is to be trusted, due to the fact that we shift our concious vibration to another level. That link I listed says that for the most part, these beings try to avoid humanity, but if we come make a rude entrance into their world they supposedly take great delight in causing us as much mental anguish as possible.

But! This doesn't have to be the case. See, they aren't god-like beings; I think quite the opposite is true in that they probably view us as the god-like ones. However, since we are not coming to the astral world by our own power but by the power of a substance, we are not in total control of all of the faculties we might normally be in control of if we were adept in our spirituality. This might paint a giant red target on our astral faces for them to pretty much have their way with us. A theory at least.

Those are my thoughts on the common fairy, gnome, elfin creatures people often encounter that are typically impish and cruel, but not vile and sinister. For that I have another possible way of looking at things.

First of all its important to invoke the works of Castenada here. Regardless of whether his books were true or not, his idea of the 'plant allies' resonates strongly with my understanding of what these natural hallucinogens actually are. These are hyperdimensional beings of great wisdom, and they are individuals. In some far out, strange way, each of these chemicals has a personality behind it, be it DMT, Psilocybin, Salvia, or an MAO. If they are individual conciousnesses of great wisdom, then its fair to wager they have different temperments about them, which may or may not match your own. I had posted this earlier today, but the few times I've used Salvia I was not only denied a breakthrough experience, but I got the distinct impression of distrust; it was as if she did not like me and made it so I did not like her. My intuition has and still is to stay away from Salvia.

Yet, I actually have a close association with the mushroom spirit, whom I affectionately call Teo. Like I said, I'm absolutely bat-shit crazy so take this with a grain of salt. My first real psychedelic use started with mushrooms, and I had many, many sessions to start out with. Eventually I discovered this being, this speaking voice that Terence used to talk about, and when I came in contact with this thing I knew I was accepted. You'll see in my sig how I say I am the apprentice to the mushroom god. He and I get along quite well as we are both absolutely bonkers.

So for the first part of this explanation, I think sometimes a dark trip is caused by taking too much of the wrong teacher. This is a lot like Avatar; not only do you choose it, it must also choose you. Since you say Jurema and Ayahuasca don't give you those scary feelings, that's a guide post pointing you who you can make your connection with.

This is only theory clearly.

I'm leaving out the standard set and setting talk because I'm assuming you've read the health and safety section. I don't know if it was ever added, but Hyperspace Fool was working on a 'Protection Against the Dark Arts' type of thread about how to protect yourself from negative entities. He and I discussed it awhile back but I haven't actually seen him around in awhile.

One last interpretation I have on this dark trip phenomenon has to do with spiritual development. If you know that you have made a connection with one of these plant teachers, and despite this fact you still experience a hellish trip, then I truly and fully believe this is for your benefit. Its a lesson about fear and an opportunity to overcome that fear. If the esoteric literature is to be believed, then its possible that we have and emotional body inside of us. If we have blocks in this, things we have repressed, and if its blocking our ability to function at our maximum, then I think our guides will take us to these dark sections of our emotional body and force us to confront them. If we overcome, we evolve spiritually. If not, we will have to try again. I don't think there is judgment either way on the part of the guide, its just you have to pass the class before you can move on to easier lessons, imo.

This entire community does take these substances very seriously; its why I stick around tbh (that and the spirited debate every once in awhile Very happy ). This isn't a bunch of 16 year olds running around trying to synthesize DMT, for the most part we are all fully mature adults who either stumbled upon these things or came to them by natural curiosity. Regardless of what side of the fence we fall on with regards to interpretation of these experiences, we all treat them with the greatest amount of respect and admiration.
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
#15 Posted : 7/7/2012 6:10:29 AM

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AluminumFoilRobots wrote:
The reason I pursued DMT so strongly of all psychedelics was the fact that my first encounters with it were the most blissful, love-filled and entity-filled experiences that I have ever had!


I'm not sure if this has been covered before but i've found at least 3 distinct plateaus of vaporized dmt experience.

level 1 (small amount in a spliff)
Length: 5-10 min
Effect: Mild/moderate visual distortion, physical euphoria/drowsiness

Level 2 (good bowl hit)
Length: 10-15
Effect: Visually rich, organic, loving closed eye visuals. A female mother/goddess presence is often noted. Psychic communication/revelation may be felt with the mother goddess.

Level 3 (hyperspace)
Length: 15-30
Effect: You tell me

#16 Posted : 7/7/2012 7:25:06 PM


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Tek! All I have is my phone for Internet ATM, but I have many things to say to you. For now I will just say this, last night I took Jurema/harmala with the intention of getting their particular feeling on the Elves. It was very powerful, sort of direction-changing (most havin to do with using these sorts of things, but also life-wise). There were many entities, a dozen or so surrounding me... It was like "ask and ye shall receive!". They were shadowy but colored (dark orange mostly) and always characterized by being rather hard to get a good look at. Not like the elves, I don't think it was the elves. They don't self-transform, thy are static but quick and insubstatial in form. I can feel them more than see them. These are the "dmt shadow-people", very distinct from the "sleep-deprivation shadow-people". I think they don't like to be seen, unlike the elves who are endlessly in my face.

It was a little scary at first, this crowd of entities... But I was eventually just laughing right along with them: Jurema is truly my ally, we have been discussing making it official, working out the terms if the pact. There is still some reticence on my part to make that pact, but I am forever indescisive. My recent experiences, however, say I need someone stronger than myself.

Anyway, I'll get back to you with the full reply!
ุจุณู… ุงู„ู„ู‡ ุงู„ุฑุญู…ู† ุงู„ุฑุญูŠู…

Fairly responsible Kratom user.

"whenever he drank ayahuasca, he had such beautiful visions that he used to put his hands over his eyes for fear somebody might steal them."
in between the grinding-brakes of a train crash while aluminum-foil robots make obnoxious sex noises on a static-filled walkie-talkie radio.
#17 Posted : 7/11/2012 6:23:42 PM

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Tek wrote:
I added this thread this morning which deals heavily with these elfin entities. I've been reading up on Theosophy and there is a lot of information regarding these creatures. Smiling, see if any of the excerpt I posted resonates with your experience at all:


Thanks Tek. Great post. It definitely resonates and I think it corresponds nicely to Pabol's spirit hierarchy that I posted in one of Eliyahu's threads. Does anyone have a copy of or have read "Fairy faith in Celtic Countries"?
#18 Posted : 7/12/2012 2:44:51 AM

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this is outstanding.. thanks for sharing
"science never proves anything; you can never duplicate an event precisely at the same moment in time as the initial event. science can only show correlation from the evidence and data derived from it." -benzyme

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#19 Posted : 7/14/2012 12:39:46 AM

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Thanks dude. The title of the report should be I fought the elves and we won. The trip definitely would not have had that outcome without this community.
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