1968 Chicago My young bride and I drop in on a friend near Old Town. We're from the 'burbs (Naperville) and he is a hard core hipster. We convene in his trip room (walls covered with batik fabrics, low lights, sandalwood incense, sitar music). Some visiting head offers a pipe, no preface, no "you'd better sit down first", just "hold the hit for 5, then take another one right away." I'm young, ignorant, I'll try anything. I go. Everthing I know dissolves into a cavern of dancing crystalline beings. Then "I" is gone. The vision morphs into a manifold of pure potentiality. What have I done?! How will I get back?! I start looking for a womb door back to my default world. I do return, gasping and panting. Later I ask my sweetheart, "What happened to me, what did I do?" "Oh you sat down and became very quiet." I had only done one mild Acid trip before that so this 5meo-dmt experience was my real initiation to the deep psychedelic state. Now 44 years and many and varied molecules later, two wives, numerous lovers, two daughters, four grandchildren, the constant throughout has been the psychedelics. Now here in Northern CA, The Molecule (nn dmt) is my sacrament and ally. Am I better for it, have I learned or brought back anything useful? I'm saying yes. More on that another time. Thanks for this space. I've been lurking for a while and found it to be a fascinating resource.
"You cannot see Me with your normal eyes, therefore I give you divine eyes with which to behold the Power of My Yoga."
Bhagavad Gita, chapter 11, The Universal Form, verse 8