Lately I've been interested in many things that all tie in together. There has been time after time where something seemed too perfect to be a coincidence. My entire life and interests seem to be connected. Sounds serious, huh?
Well, I would like to be considered for- what I am writing this essay for. I thought of searching the keywords " dmt friend ", (usually I am good at keyword combos/ importance order to find what I'm looking for) but all I found was peoples' descriptions of experiences their friends had with dmt. Then I noticed this site which I had bookmarked.. it had been there for a while & when I finally went back and read the home page I was thrilled.
I warn in advance that I am long winded & even though I try to be concious of over describing things normally, and try to 'keep it short' so I don't lose the interest of my audience.. this may be long.
I have never done DMT. I didn't even realize what it was until recently. But I do feel that I have experienced DMT in my sleep, both as a child, and as an adult. My sleep has always been important. Until recently (past 4 yrs recently) , it was very frightening at times, though I always knew the importance and was curious to know what was happening- especially after learning that not everyone had the same thing happen each night. As a child I had vivid, master pieces of dreams... I remember a few in perfect detail that I had.. 20 years ago? ..in 2nd grade. Maybe I'll post them another time. I was also terrified to go to bed from the time I was maybe 5-10yrs old. It took hours to fall asleep every night bc of what I thought visited me at night.. For some reason, even though no one ever told me this, at the earliest of these times I believed that each night 'aliens' came to everyone who slept to check on them, and fix them. Even though they helped people, I was so so petrified that they would arrive before I fell asleep that I literally had to grab the covers and hold them tight at least up to my chin, if not over my entire head, with my eyes shut tight, jaw clenched, and every muscle contracted, afraid to make the slightest movement.. every night. For many years. I thought this was normal. Mornings I didn't want to wake up. My dreams were beautiful, once the first part was over. It was bad enough that I was not allowed to take naps in daycare or kindergarten..
Moving on, I discovered the 'condition' of sleep paralysis a few years ago.. while researching the last phase I've gone through of my sleep.. Throughout middle/ high school I had magical dreams. Rarely had nightmares.. I looked forward to dreams over everything else each day.. I learned about lucid dreaming and out of body exps and learn to do both, but with minimal control for minimal amts of time.. I loved how much effort it took to go to the ceiling, and to the top of the roof/ trees..
Then on the day I graduated highschool, I took a nap before leaving for the ceremony. I opened my eyes after falling asleep and saw many things. One I left out on the post I'm about to put a link to was a chinese guy with intricate curly/spiral origami statue made of thousands of small origami folded papers.. This was the first day of the next phase. and was the only one that was not at all scary. The rest I posted in 2009 on 'OZZU' so I'll find that to save on typing time. I found one error though, the word masculine when referring to my feet being touched was wrong, I meant feminine. Ill paste the web address- my post is 15th I think, AND I'll copy & paste. here goes!
October 22nd, 2009, 9:11 pm
I have experienced SP quite a few times, but not continuously. It comes in waves- like a bunch for a couple of weeks or months then half a year not happen, then come back...the 1st time was the day i graduated from high school. it was the only pleasant time and the least like what SP usually is..i was napping before the grad ceremony-
I opened my eyes, couldnt move, looked at my desk, (and then i must have fallen back asleep)b/c i saw a mouse on my desk and then saw a mexican fishing with a bamboo fishing pole in a round metal tub full of ice.. then other craziness that was just a dream..
All the rest of the times it has happened to me have been more like most SP cases. First I want to say that I havent decided whether or not i believe that the presences are not real. I experience each time an entity/being/presence that is distinctly individual from the others (unless the same one comes back more than one night).
It always happens in the middle of the night, i open my eyes and know even before i do what is happening. i cant move, i can see in all directions, i feel the presence, i can detect which way its coming from, it's 'sex', it's emotion towards me- for example, there was a masculine one in the top corner of the room straight down from my feet and up to the right. it was always amused at my fear in more of a tormenting child way than evil.. it enjoyed having effect on me. It thought i was funny. I have ranged from being terrified (most of the time) to being curious about what was happening. that one came more times than the others. one masculine one pulled my feet pulling me out of bed, one pulled them back and forth. There were only two feminine ones that happened in my room. One was over to my feet's left at my door, she was pure hatred for me, maybe a hint of jealousy. i am always terrifed of that one. A different one pulled me out of my bed repeatedly and i got back up onto my bed many times that night. she also hated me but with even more rage like id done something to her. the most 'evil' one i ever experienced was right above me coming down on me like you often hear of on the chest, but as i fought to move he won as he sucked me down back into sleep that felt like a horrible spiral down through my bed that hurt my head so much. it felt like falling or like how you feel as if your spinning if you drink way too much tequilla. it sounded like horrible screaching, electronic metallic.. later i opened my eyes again that night and managed to pull up out of it to be awake and paced in anxiety the rest of the night.
There are some other houses that it would almost definitely happen at everytime i slept there. my friend elises was always outside her window looking in. i would always try to say her name and if i said it out loud the 1st time it was at best a whisper though i was trying to scream. if not then i could only do it in my head. it was always female at elises and just curious i think.
The last place ill tell about ( i know this is too long but i get worked up about this stuff) was where i met my husband and we slept together in an upstairs room. it was a woman that didnt want us there, she didnt hate us but thought we were in the wrong place by being there. Another strange dream i had in that house was in the room mates room - it was of a crackhead rocking back and forth in the attic and an old woman dying and someone saying " she needs help". when i woke up i told the room mate he was extremely freaked out and told me that his great grandma died in the house and that his dad had shot a 'crackhead' breaking into the house, and he died in the house as well.
All these have happened in the past 6 years. it hasnt happened since i got pregnant and had a baby, but i feel ill hit another stage of it eventually.
When i was little i was afraid every night i went to sleep b/c i believed aliens visited me. i wonder if it was close to the same thing.. I had very detailed important dreams when i was little. i am 24 now and still remember at least 3 or 4 dreams i had in 2nd grade in detail.
I would like to know if anyone has had any similar experiences to mine.
Bless all..
I know if anyone reads this entire post, there is a chance you're having trouble sitting still by now.. My point is- (if I need to have one) I feel sleep paralysis could be caused by high levels of dmt in the brain. I have not had one episode since my husband & I concieved my son. I have apprehension ab his sleep but I tell him positive empowering things to help guide his thoughts.. I know that it is always all ok.. but will this happen to him? At the end of this last phase I came to accept to occurance. I lost fear. Decided to offer friendship, or at least company & 'an ear' to these.. beings. I wanted to go about it differently to see what I could learn- and it hasn't happened in 4 years. At first I began wishing it would come back, but now I realize all phases have their place. So. Even though I haven't done dmt, I feel drawn to it.. whether I am ready or have the chance in weeks or years I do not know.. But I feel I am more prepared than the avg person. The descriptions I've read feel so familiar.. and I am ready to end my current stage in life to begin a new one that matches my purpose.. things seem stagnant lately.. And I'm not sure what I expect out of posting this. I would enjoy reading similar stories, though.
btw- Did I follow the attitude's theme? Or say anything misplaced?