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Mescalito: Cactus Teacher Archetype Options
#1 Posted : 7/2/2012 6:50:03 PM


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this thread is a place to share your experiences with "Mescalito" and help define this ambiguous character

personally i attribute the dialogue from my deepest experiences to Mescalito
however it could probably be said that even the more trivial profundities are products of his wisdom aswell

this character has scarcely made itself known to me, infact its more often i experience animals as entities rather than some being known to be mescalito, minus the one time i ate three feet of t bridgesii and i was told "TOO MANY!, too many."

ive never seen a being id call mescalito, however i have seen many many strange animals and human hybrids

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#2 Posted : 7/2/2012 10:12:55 PM

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I felt the presense once..after eating dry torch flesh bit by bit throughout the day and then smoking cannabis which sent me into orbit and made me super paranoid..but I felt the presense of the cacti very clearly, coursing though me and around me..hard to explain..

It was a warrior vibe for sure..endurance is one of his qualities..makes sense due to the fact mescaline is stimulating..very old and ancient..I dont know what else to say atm..
Long live the unwoke.
#3 Posted : 7/2/2012 10:54:37 PM

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One of most fond experiences with the Cactus spirit occurred when I took Ayahuasca while I was on Mescaline....

I saw a vision of the Ayahuasca Ally and The San Pedro/Peyote ally standing proudly side by side, with arms around each others backs in a friendly fashion.

"We are brothers" they said to me in unison...

One of the beings wore a sombrero and represented everything that was awesome and magical about the dessert, the other being had braided hair and wore bright rain bird forest feathers and had intricate face paint and was everything inexpressible and astounding about the south American Jungle.

I was led by them to this incredibly vast library of information. It literally looked like a never ending library of huge old antique looking hard bound books. Every realistic book in this giant place however was individually unique and finely decorated treasure of some kind. It was obvious that the vision stood for vast amounts of ancient and beautiful knowledge.

"Together, we can teach you all of this"
The two voices said.

On a rather odd note, the spirit of Cactus most usually appears to me as the giant floating head of Alfred E. Nueman... but that is probably because I used to collect Mad Magazine when I was younger. And obviously because Alfred E Nueman represents infinite wisdom.

Eliyahu attached the following image(s):
Alfred E Newman.png (92kb) downloaded 740 time(s).
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
blue lunar night
#4 Posted : 7/3/2012 12:08:58 AM

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2 descriptors that come to mind are 'practical' and 'pragmatic'.
i strongly value these qualities in an Ally.

In Peru, He efficiently grounded & integrated me after some intensely difficult Aya experiences...
He told me, 'heh, don't worry about Her, kid... She can be a crazy bitch sometimes.'
...a salty but compassionate grandfather.
#5 Posted : 7/3/2012 1:01:12 AM

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Mescalito enjoys flowers, and they are a fringe benefit of having a cactus garden.
A good time to meet Him is at night, when the moths unique to pollinating these flowers, come in the moonlight.
In fact .... sounds like a plan ....
pau attached the following image(s):
IMG_20120702_152641.jpg (2,307kb) downloaded 734 time(s).
#6 Posted : 7/3/2012 3:14:57 AM
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nice one pau!
#7 Posted : 7/3/2012 3:42:01 AM


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might you share the details or link to this experience/report
it sounds as if you experienced something truly awesome, id like to try to refine the dosing to the perfect levels of both to get the most out of integration

did you fast
when did you dose mescaline
what type of mescaline (achuma, san pedro tea, mesc hcl, etc)
how much mescaline
how long into the experience before dosing aya
did you maintain fasting?
what type of aya (admixtures, ratios, amount of plant matter)
how long did the aya last
hangover/afterglow effects

thank you in advance for sharing your experiences with us, i feel that this is a most profound combination and i am passionate about unlocking its mysteries
#8 Posted : 7/3/2012 3:44:10 AM


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on another note
i have an alfred e neuman statue, with "what, me worry?" engraved on the base. it was given to me years ago because as a kid i happened to share his likeness
#9 Posted : 7/6/2012 2:11:17 AM

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mew wrote:
might you share the details or link to this experience/report
it sounds as if you experienced something truly awesome, id like to try to refine the dosing to the perfect levels of both to get the most out of integration

did you fast
when did you dose mescaline
what type of mescaline (achuma, san pedro tea, mesc hcl, etc)
how much mescaline
how long into the experience before dosing aya
did you maintain fasting?
what type of aya (admixtures, ratios, amount of plant matter)
how long did the aya last
hangover/afterglow effects

thank you in advance for sharing your experiences with us, i feel that this is a most profound combination and i am passionate about unlocking its mysteries

Mew. I will be more than happy to elaborate on my experience with the cactus ally...

Allow me a little time to type up a little trip report worth reading and I will post It on this thread shortly....

About the Alfred E. Nueman thing.....

Funny coincidence ...but wait...when dealing with cactus there are no coincidences...

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#10 Posted : 7/6/2012 6:31:43 AM


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your future contribution is most pleasurable
Hiyo Quicksilver
#11 Posted : 7/6/2012 7:38:00 PM

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#12 Posted : 7/7/2012 9:11:25 PM

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OK...Here it is..

Please Enjoy!

(note: the Ayahuasca Ally and the Cactus Ally have given me Proper names to call them besides just "Ayahuasca Ally" or "Cactus ally" It's just that...I'm not at liberty to disclose that information as of yet, so the names have been made generic..

PRE-CONDITIONS It was the first time that I had ever combined mescaline and Ayahuasca, about a month prior to this occasion I had an experience on Ayahuasca where my Ayahuasca trip mimicked a mescaline trip perfectly.

I had taken about 100grams of Caapi in a tea with 10grams of mimosa and 40mg Harmine and 100mgTHH in a capsule. I was laying there having a beautiful Ayahuasca experience, my closed eye visuals were beyond description. Quite suddenly the entire Jungle like vibration of the Ayahuasca transformed altogether.

I found myself dazzled by the beauty of a vibrantly colorful beaded pattern inside my eyes, it was a very distinctly native American looking motif, the soul soothing majestic colors of the native beadwork glimmered in the golden rays of the desert sun, reflecting a glorious rainbow light. My heartbeat felt magically rhythmic like some sort of heavy tribal drumming. I then realized I was feeling the familiar sensation of mescaline instead of Ayahuasca. My Ayahuasca trip had somehow become a very distinct mescaline trip. It was then that I heard the calm voice of the Ayahuasca ally say: "Yes, the cactus is a substance I would fully and whole heartedly endorse to you.

"If a man has both Ayahuasca and the Cactus ally in his life , he needs very little else to teach him and guide him besides those two things. Together, The cactus ally and I are able to provide a man with all the healing and knowledge he will ever need.."

The Ally gave me a moment to consider what he has said and then continued by saying. "Why not take both of us together and See for yourself, I assure you that it is quite harmless to do." I gladly accepted the invitation about a month later.

(mind)Set: I was nervous and anxiously optimistic.
(physical condition) Set:Good
Setting (location):My apartment, alone
time of day: Night time
recent drug use: Marijuana

Gender: M
body weight: 68
known sensitivities: Mescaline makes me nauseated more than most.
history of use: Experienced with all substances involved.


Substance(s): Mescaline HCL, one 1/10th of a gram of Sun dried hand picked Amanita Muscaria, Ayahuasca brew, 50ml contains, 100grams of Caapi (red), (average strength), 20 Grams B. Caapi leaf, 50 grams Bobinsana Agustifolia, 7-10 grams of Mimosa Hostilis and a small amount of fresh P.Cubensis.

My diet before hand consisted of chicken and baked potatoes, my usual choice for pre harmala eating.
I mainly try to avoid not just tyramine and MSG but also regular salt before taking harmalas because I am fairly sensitive to interactions with maoi and the wrong foods.

Dose(s): 200 grams of mescaline, a nibble of Amanita, 50ml of Ayahuasca
Method of administration: Eaten, drank


"Quite a bit;" 4 = "Extremely."Pleased
Evaluation / notes:

Pleasantness: 4
Implesantness: 0
Visual Intensity: 4


Hangover: Zero, Zip, Nada None, no hangover.
Afterglow:FOUR! felt like I had won the celestial lottery.


It was a day like any other day, except this day I was going to take a radical combination of high purity mescaline HCL and potent Ayahuasca brew. I had considered such a combination in the past and had done enough research on it to know it was safe. The combination also was recommended to me by a well trusted friend. However, despite the evidence that it would be a good combination, I believe I was ultimately fear full that it might be too much for my pulmonary functions to combine MAOI with a psychedelic that had such powerfully stimulant like properties.

The invitation from the Ayahuasca ally had been very appealing so here I was. I ingested the capsule of mescaline around early evening time. I waited a fairly long time for it to kick in, I remember it took about 3 and a half hours for my stomach to feel comfortable enough to think about taking Ayahuasca.

The 250mg does of Mescaline was way lower than what I was used to and the trip was somewhat on the light side. I had some heavy physical buzzing but no real prominent visuals or anything. This was a good thing because it left me wanting a bit more trip wise. I determined that it was as good at time as any to go ahead with the Ayahuasca taking.

I took a tiny piece of scarlet colored Amanita cap from my medicine box and chased it down with some soda. I waited for five minutes and then went to take my Ayahuasca, by that time the Amanita I took had boosted the effects of the mescaline considerably and I was now seeing some vivid visuals.

I saw a very dark looking skeletal figure in a black cloak and hat. The haunting looking skeleton figure was cloaked in a black a robe and wore a familiar looking hat. It dawned on me that this cryptic thing was dressed like a Jewish Pharisees or a second temple high priest perhaps. It’s eyeless skull face glared at me from across the kitchen as I held the shot of brew in my hand. It looked at me and ominously pointed a bony skeleton finger at me in the most accusatory manor and just said:
“YOU have violated the TORAH! and must therefore DIE!!”

Although shocking , I was sort of used to seeing such things and so was relatively unmoved by it.

Then I heard the familiar voice of the Cactus spirit speak into my right ear, “Uh oh, he’s giving you “The Old Testament Point. he’s charging you with being unworthy.”

The cactus spirit then laughed heartily and went on saying. “He’s old school, he goes strictly by the book.” Feeling like the archaic pointing Skeletor looking thing was just full of hot air I raised my Ayahuasca glass to the poisonous wraith, said “cheers!... to a worthy adversary !” I then knocked back my 50ml shot of Jungle brew. It tasted delicious, the Caapi had turned out superbly it a nice enduring jungle oak flavor going for it.

After taking my shot The shadowy cloaked demonic figure, with one bony, decayed finger still raised; gave me a disapproving reptilian hiss and then vanished from my perception. As soon as the mimosa hit my stomach I became very nauseated, this is how I knew it would work like crazy.

The feeling of a major mimosa body load quickly swarmed over my whole being. I went to the bedroom and lied down trying hard to concentrate on not throwing up prematurely. About 20 minutes after taking the shot of brew my heart beat began to intensify in the classically Ayahuasca way. I felt a surge of wild energy like the marvelous essence of pure Jungle energy had been turbo injected into my bloodstream that was already rushing along like a flash flooded dessert stream. My discomfort gave way to utter astonishment and my urge to purge seemed to disappear all together.

As I became slowly and steadily seized by the paralyzing intensity of a fast rising Ayahuasca trip I noticed that even though my heart rate surprisingly was not any faster than It would have normally been during any other intense Ayahuasca experience a had undergone previous to this occasion.

“It’s completely safe, we were made for one another and we enjoy each others company, we love to work as a team my friend!" I heard two different, heavily accented voices announcing this to me in perfect unison.

It was then that I detected the two very different and separate powerful presences of both Ayahuasca ally and the cactus Ally at the same time. I felt a surge of emotional balance and well being that I had never before known. Then the visuals began, I noticed that instead of one overpowering the other they seemed to function in perfect harmony. My heart beat with the rhythm of a tribal jungle drum.

The closed eye visuals were dazzling to say the least, I saw endless arrays of ancient architecture and dazzling cornucopia of desert, beach and jungle landscapes. With eyes open I then saw the Cactus ally in full form, he had taken the form of a native American medicine man with insect like face that had strange fuzzy, caterpillar like features, on his head/part of his head was a super wide kaleidoscopic sombrero that had elaborate Mayan and traditional Mexican decorations hanging off of all sides of it. The cactus spirit also wore a brightly beaded rainbow outfit that reminded me of Huichule Indian beadwork.

On the other side of the room there was the Ayahuasca all, who was part jaguar and part plumed serpent, he steadily morphed from a creature of the jungle into a into the towering shape of a very tall rainforest, shaman, face heavily painted, with the eyes of a jaguar, he was wearing brightly colored indigenous jungle garments complete with vibrantly colored fathers..

The two omnipotent allies moved towards the center of the room and greeted one another with a friendly embrace. They shook one hands (paws?) with one another and then stood proudly side by side, arm in arm.

"We are brothers ." they spoke in unison and smiled very widely..

I was then taken by them out of my body and into this incredibly vast super library of infinitely valuable information. It literally looked like a never ending fine wooden paneled antique library of huge old archaic looking hard bound books.

Every realistic book in this giant place was individually and uniquely decorated in some elaborate way, many of the books appeared to written in various languages and glyphs that I had never seen before. It was clear that each book represented some kind of treasured knowledge. It was obvious that the vision stood for vast amounts of ancient and beautiful knowledge collected over an unimaginable amount of time
"Together, we can teach you all of this"
The two melodious voices said at once, each in their own individual exotic sounding localized accents.

Suddenly, I had to purge so I rushed to the bathroom. After a light purge I felt incredible.

I played some guitar and wrote a bit of poetry for the remainder of the evening.
The experience left me feeling so miraculous that I decided I would try the combination again in the near future but on at a much higher dose level, I was confident that a full fledged Mesca-huasca trip would be more than a worthwhile undertaking to pursue.
Hope this was an enjoyable read..Smile

I will be posting the results of a higher dose Ayahusca Mescaline experience, as well as some other cactus related experiences on the forum soon.

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#13 Posted : 7/7/2012 10:51:08 PM


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This was an incredible article, please submit more of your experiences, it seems there is much for you to share and more for me to digest.

im intrigued by your use of amanita with mescaline, is this a regular thing? please share some more info on this as an admixture for both aya and cactus

the use of p cubensis, when did this come into play and do you have thoughts on it as an admixture to either ally

thanks again, this has become an incredible thread of the ineffable!

peace friend!
#14 Posted : 7/7/2012 11:18:29 PM

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yeah thanks eliyahu. looking forward to that high dose report Smile
‎"Trust in your own wetware; your psyche and your body will be reunited." -Gracie and Zarkov

in plants we trust
#15 Posted : 7/7/2012 11:58:49 PM

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I'm happy that the my report was sufficient. Laughing

As far as Amanita use goes....I am planning on writing more in detail about the Amanita in my next few reports.

So give some summary information about it I will say that I stictly only use hand picked, sun-dried amanitas...I don't think any of the Amanita Muscaria available on the net is sun dried at all. I have ordered a few out of curiosity and the result was always terrible.

From my experience sun drying is a very important step...boiling incorrectly dried ones does not work. There is a certain chemical transformation (Muscamine into Muscimole I believe) that only properly takes place via intense UV light exposure.

Amanita must be treated with extreme respect and it can be a powerful ally force. I believe it to be the legendary Soma when combined with psilocybin.

..With A. Muscaria less is always more dosage wise.(note the very small dose I took) If you take too much it can be quite unpleasant. But if used correctly it boosts any psychedelic considerably especially smoked DMT, Psilocybin and Ayahuasca.

The Amanita has to be dried to a crisp in the very hot sun for them to work properly otherwise the side effects can be unpleasant, including headaches and stomach cramping into the next day..

And about the fresh Cubensis, I used to add fresh cubensis caps to my ayahuasca during the brewing process...As far as plant or mushroom allies go I always consider it to be the more the merrier.

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#16 Posted : 7/8/2012 12:28:01 AM


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a tenth of a gram dried cap or a tenth of a gram of dried skin peeled from the cap

this warrants more investigation, is it likely that one could mistake an amanita for a lethal or seriously toxic lookalike?
#17 Posted : 7/9/2012 8:48:02 PM

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mew wrote:
a tenth of a gram dried cap or a tenth of a gram of dried skin peeled from the cap

this warrants more investigation, is it likely that one could mistake an amanita for a lethal or seriously toxic lookalike?

I have had both caps and stems...stems are not as smooth.

I see very little chance of a mistake being made because they stick out like a sore thumb, there is a mushroom called the sickener which grows along side Amanita and is pale orange with NO spots. That is the most similar thing I know of....

The detroying Angel Amanita is bone white and looks just as deadly as it is..
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#18 Posted : 7/9/2012 9:42:32 PM


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thanks again for your information, mew is comfortable enough to harvest and investigate now. your input supports mews previous research
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