Well I just had a gigantic second dose - the first was probably ~25mg then next around ~60mg and was totally shot through layers of "build up" stuff, and got straight to very intense warbling gigantic space. The space had crawling, throbbing patterns - when I thought for a millisecond that they "looked like such and such" elements of that idea would enter into the visions - as if emitting from the centre of the many fractals that made the one image. I thought that they looked like aliens at one stage, and glowing lights starting circling, and swirling out of the many centres that made my single vision. Then not wanting to tamper with the vision - instead of thinking against the vision, I simply muted my thoughts (as best I could) to not think of anything, and the glowing stopped emitting from the centre. I knew that if I thought antagonistically, like "these look like faces" then the swirling patterns would grow and warp into aliens faces. This happened a few times. I thought they looked cartoon, and would all start turning more 16-bit. Eventually I realised this was life. That it was "consciousness" that worked its way through matter. It was the slipperiest fucking thing on earth - like no thing in the universe could capture or understand it. Then I saw my parents.. Then it all started happening very quickly. . .
They were all spending their entire life dedicated towards building me up to have an amazing life. This is all a narcissistic trip by myself (God). These people who pretend to be other, are no more than myself and are all having the same experience. My Dad is a shy boy because he has forgotten that I am him. Most have forgotten. And this is what love is. It is very simple I thought, you just remember that its all a game.
I was getting absolutely fucking pounded by these visions they were so intense and in your face, and I felt like passing out a few times. After running through hundreds of people I've met, taught, talked with who are all playing the same fractal hologram game. Eventually it felt like the patterns engulfing me had a glass pane between them and me. This was the first sign of the visions subsiding. I had the distinct impression that the they were snapping, baring their teeth in patterns through the glass. Just flexing muscles.
On one hand I feel like everyone knows "were all one", but on the other it feels like information which just is not presented clear enough..
Potentially 5-meo offers a lot more understanding on the non-dual topic, since it seems to deal purely with this area. Do most people find their intense patterns lead to introspective non-dual dead ends?