First of all, here is a summary of the book which I copy and pasted from another site:
On the night of November 19, 1973, following surgery, thirty-one-year-old wife and mother Betty J. Eadie died.... This is her extraordinary story of the events that followed, her astonishing proof of life after physical death. She saw more, perhaps than any other person has seen before and shares her almost photographic recollections of the remarkable details. Compelling, inspiring, and infinitely reassuring, her vivid account gives us a glimpse of the peace and unconditional love that awaits us all. More important, Betty's journey offers a simple message that can transform our lives today, showing us our purpose and guiding us to live the way we were meant to -- joyously, abundantly, and with love.
I stumbled across this book in the New Age section of Barnes and Noble and couldn't help but notice the similarities between her NDE and the DMT experience. It was basically like reading a long and detailed trip report. I copied some of the more interesting passages into my phone so that I could share them here. Whenever you see an ellipsis (...) that is where I omitted some less significant sentences to save some time and get to the point.
"I heard a soft buzzing sound in my head and continued to sink until until I felt my body become still and lifeless. Then I felt a surge of energy. It was almost as if I felt a pop or release inside me, and my spirit was suddenly drawn out through my chest and pulled upward, as if by a giant magnet. My first impression was that I was free. There was nothing unnatural about the experience."
"They had been with me for eternities, they said...then I began to see images in my mind of a time long ago, of an existence before my life on earth, of my relationship with these men 'before.'...the fact of a pre-earth life crystallized in my mind, and I saw that death was actually a rebirth into a greater life of understanding and knowledge that stretched forward and backward through time."
"They somehow communicated a feeling of peace and told me not to worry, that everything would be alright. As this feeling came to me, I sensed their deep love and concern...they communicated much more rapidly and completely, in a manner they referred to as 'pure knowledge.' The closest word in English we would have to define it is telepathy, but even that doesn't describe the full process. I felt their emotions and intents. I felt their love."
"I remember being taken into a large room where people were working...the room was beautiful. Its walls were made of some kind of substance, perhaps like a very thin marble, that let light come in, and in places I could see through to the outside. The effect was very interesting and beautiful."
"As we approached the people, I saw that they were weaving on large ancient-looking looms...standing by the looms were many spiritual beings, male and female, and they greeted me with smiles, I went closer and picked up a piece of the cloth that they were weaving. Its appearance was like a mixture of spun glass and spun sugar. As I moved the cloth back and forth, it shimmered and sparkled, almost as though it were alive. The effect was startling. The material was opaque on one side, but when I turned it over I was able to see through it...the workers explained that the material would be made into clothing for those coming into the spirit world from earth."
"I saw a large machine, similar to a computer but much more elaborate and powerful."
"The garden was filled with trees and flowers and plants that somehow made their setting seem inevitable, as if they were meant to be exactly how and where they were...what filled me with awe in the garden more than anything were the intense colors. We have nothing like them. When light strikes an object here, the light reflects off that object in a certain color. Thousands of shades are possible. Light in the spirit world doesn't necessarily reflect off anything. It comes from within and appears to be a living essence. A million, a billion colors are possible."
"The flowers, for example, are so luminescent with color that they don't seem to be solid. Because of each plant's intense aura of light, it is difficult to define where the plant's surface starts and stops. It is obvious that each part of the plant, each microscopic part, is made up of its own intelligence and organization and can react to the will of God and other universal laws."
"Life. It was in the water too. Each drop from the waterfall had its own intelligence and purpose. A melody of majestic beauty carried from the waterfall and filled the garden...the music came from the water itself, from its intelligence, and each drop produced its own tone and melody which mingled and interacted with every other sound and strain around it...the overall effect seemed beyond the ability of any symphony or composer here...we simply don't have the capacity to comprehend the vastness and strength of the music there, let alone begin to create it."
"I traveled tremendous distances, knowing that the stars I saw were not visible from earth. I saw galaxies and traveled to them with ease and almost instantaneous speed...I knew that I had been to these places before."
There was a lot more interesting stuff that I think we could relate to but I didn't have time to copy everything. Based on my experience with DMT and reading reports, I think its safe to say there are some common characteristics between NDEs and DMT trips. Any thoughts on this? Have any of you experienced things similar to what she described?