I´m a noob here so don´t take anything I say as literate facts in any way shape or form, I reserve the right to be totally wrong!
Although looking at the safety sheet:
http://www.recochem.com..../downloads/Shellite.pdf it seams as if it have got the exact same CAS number as most VM&P Naphtha's such as for example Klean Strip:
http://www.homedepot.com...6-a279-b23cf9345aaf.pdf CAS is: 64742-89-8
..on the other hand another sheet says: CAS 64742-49-0 so a bit confused?
That one is called (translated to English) chemically pure industrial Benzine/gasoline where I´m at with CAS: 64742-49-0 does indeed work at least for me using Cybs AB salt Tek using MHRB. With that being said not sure one can go only by CAS numbers, especially when a cocktails and mixes you know?
Sorry not much help form this noob here but I know the feeling of uncertainty and it´s not fun especially when on a limited budget. Lighter fluid is crazy expensive where I´m at and now very sad I put down so much into that stuff when the new Industrial benzine was like $6-7/liter. I also got panic a few days ago when yielded nothing from a ACRB run but it turned out it was the quality of the material.