Instead of starting a new thead i thought i would chip into this one.
I had some thick black goo (exactly like the video) left over from the first time i brewed up some vine along with some Chakruna. Instead of throwing it away i decided to extract it, i used the Gibran2 hamala tek and i had some success.
What happened when i extracted this black goo was exactly what happens when i have used this tek before except that the Hamala's(?) are much darker in colour than when i have extracted from Vine or Rue on its own.
Now, i am guessing that the alks are darker due to presence of the chakruna, would i be right?
Im pretty sure i should have tried to get as much of this goo back into my Aya as possible and i think that the resulting weak brew was because of this fact.
I dont want to waste these alks so i will try them in the future, i was just wondering if anyone had any experioence with this situation.
it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???
fool of the year