I don't mean to stir up any controversy with this thread, but I've been giving some thought to this subject of late. I am leaning towards the conclusion that psychoactive alkaloids should not be inhaled, but rather that they should be orally consumed on all counts. This statement applies to DMT, Salvinorin-A, Cannabinoids, and any other alkaloids that have been or are commonly smoked. Vaporization is an improved means of inhalation, but I'm not talking specifically about the hazards of smoking. I'm focusing more on the actual experience itself.
I spent a lot of time, effort, and money to extract DMT from mhrb, but when I simply brewed a cup of tea and threw my head back, I found what I was really looking for all along. This mirrors my past experiences with Cannabis, and more recently with Salvia quid. I'm not saying that there isn't a time or place for inhaling psychedelics, but what I'm really getting at is that maybe that's not the point...and never was. In my experience, smoking these substances turns them into recreational drugs, while oral consumption retains the medicinal value. I might experience anxiety before smoking inhaling DMT, but I'm stricken with fear before drinking ayahuasca. I can remember being younger--I still am young--and being strongly opposed to smoking tobacco. I still refuse to do so, but I've found myself making allowances for psychedelics, and perhaps I shouldn't be.
Anyway, what do you think? I suppose this could be a case of "to each his own" or something of the like, but you can resolve almost any argument that way. I'm not saying there's a right or a wrong in this case, but certainly I'm suggesting that there's a better and a worse.
"Culture is NOT your friend" - TMK
- Yolks N' Stuff ( 2008 )
The year is 01 ADMT