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Music? Options
#41 Posted : 11/21/2011 7:20:33 AM

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i have only done a couple trips,i played sam roberts for both,very mellow.felt like,and sounded like the words were changed for my trip.as if someone was speaking to me through his music.

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#42 Posted : 11/21/2011 8:41:56 AM
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Wow i had this same realization last trip!
I checked the track later, totally different words.

While in the trip, what was told, was so true, so deep, so clearly spoken!
By offering input platforms to work on and alter the communication gets way complexer!

I used to "hear" voices sometimes when i got de-individualization attacks (have them couple times a year since i am born),
now i realize it was just one of the many side effects of naturally tripping,
i had embrassed my psychotic-like attacks as spiritual events and the fear and danger of it disappeared, but never got to comparing the experiences with DMT.
#43 Posted : 11/22/2011 10:11:04 AM

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I must add that the entities(many of them at least) like music very much and start moving and dancing to the rhythm, and what's more awesome than party with the entities? Altough I like to hear also the hyperspace sounds, therefore I keep the music at low volume, best of both worlds so to speak.

PS. Try funk if you are in the mood(I do it kind of rarely), best parties I had were with the band "down to the bone".
#44 Posted : 11/22/2011 10:14:18 AM

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Music grounds me too much and kills the experience. Silence is best for Purges.
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#45 Posted : 6/13/2012 12:55:30 PM
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What's everyone's opinion? Have during the journey or not?
#46 Posted : 6/13/2012 1:45:43 PM

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graham92 wrote:
What's everyone's opinion? Have during the journey or not?

I certainly prefer music most of the time, but quiet and calm can sometimes give you a better atmosphere for reflection. I have a lot of music in me, so I feel my trips are intensified through music as it seems to awaken more of my soul. It's really personal preference though. Try it with and without to find which is best for you, but I would start with chill/ambient music. A lot of people like Shpongle for DMT trips, but I would recommend Emancipator's "Safe in the Steep Cliffs." I find it sounds a bit more organic. If you go to my "DMT music recommendations" thread you can find how to download the album if you are so inclined. And please share your experiences with music there as you try different sounds.

Walter D. Roy
#47 Posted : 6/13/2012 4:50:50 PM

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I tripped one time (the only time with music) and Sweet Home Alabama was playing. This made my trip much more comedy like than any other. So I guess music would be good if it was the right kind, it seems to affect it a lot.
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#48 Posted : 6/13/2012 5:48:08 PM

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I love music with DMT, it for me is the perfect combination and music tends to attract different types of entities(depending on music genre). I prefer relaxing music, I am especially liking chilled tunes played with nylon string guitar. For me DMT is kind of musical thing too. I like though to hear the hyperspace sounds, so I keep it at low volume. Experiment with music you like, you might be surprised at the results!
I also get much more pre-flight anxiety when music is not playing, for some reason.
#49 Posted : 6/13/2012 5:49:23 PM

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Music and spice go very well together.. so well that even if you go in with silence, it might sometimes provide its own soundtrack.
#50 Posted : 6/13/2012 6:07:12 PM

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I used to use music but I don't anymore . I know it can be great under the right circumstances .

I found myself tearing headphones off too many times trying to manage super intense journeys.

Music is noise and clutter when trying to connect to the DMT realm for me now.

The evolution of my relationship with it has changed so much that music
doesn't seem to have a place in it anymore.
Its like trying to have a conversation with someone with loud noise going on. I find it completely distracting.

I'm seeking a clearer understanding of what these experiences are all about so I'm trying to cut the clutter out.

That being said I understand that music is integral to many peoples journeying technique.

I would like to recommend something to those that are not familiar with this guys stuff.


this particular album " playthroughs" is sublime when combined with spice and high grade greenery.
keep the doses low , just try to stay on the brink.

take my advice give it a try in a natural setting, like up on a beautiful overlook spot.

its an amazing experience.

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

#51 Posted : 6/13/2012 6:10:11 PM
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I should warn to exercise caution with aggressive music.

I once had a dream that I was listening to some aggressive dubstep music (which goes very well with cannabis, LSD, and Salvia imo) and I wanted to enhance it with some DMT. I eyeballed a 10mg dose (this was a mistake, I shouldn't have been lazy and should have weighed it), and vaporized it. From my excessive coughing, I quickly realized that I had smoked substantially more than I thought, and proceeded to break through. The angry, aggressive dubstep did not go well with the experience. It seemed like the song wanted to kick my ass the whole time. It wasn't too bad to be honest, but it was far from pleasant. It was like being yelled at by an angry person in hyperspace.

From that I learned that it's best to pick your DMT smoking music like you pick your friends. While aggressive and angry music is nice to listen to a lot of the time, you wouldn't want a friend with those characteristics. You also probably wouldn't want a friend who is sad all the time. You want a friend that's joyful, nice, peaceful, or funny, and that's the music you want too.

On the other hand, I listened again to some dubstep when I dreamed of coming down on pharmahuasca, and that was enjoyable. Maybe aggressive music is only good for sub-breakthrough experiences?
Sky Motion
#52 Posted : 6/13/2012 8:20:51 PM


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Listening to trance or any electronic dance music during trips on mushrooms and LSD has never brought about any negative energy for even a second. It is something that always gives me a good time no matter what, only once on mushrooms did I not enjoy it because I was just sitting around thinking about how pointless life is haha, it happens.

For DMT, I've never tried. The consensus here is usually silence brings out the best for DMT, but I've definitely seen a few posts saying people love it.
Electric Kool-Aid
#53 Posted : 6/13/2012 8:32:02 PM

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Felnik wrote:

I used to use music but I don't anymore . I know it can be great under the right circumstances .

I found myself tearing headphones off too many times trying to manage super intense journeys.

This exact thing happened to me! I found myself with the headphones in my hands and sitting up. I way laying down when I blasted off and then at some point I sat up and took the headphones off and then in my trip is was sort of a puzzle or something that was in my hands and creating this vibrating welcoming (music vibrates when holding it). I am sure the music did put me in some sort of loop which I got stuck in for 10 minutes at least. Very strange. But when I listen to that song again, it reminds me of DMT and is very alien strange to me when I listen to it again.

Dark FetZ.mp3
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
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#54 Posted : 6/14/2012 2:53:02 AM

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Um, If I want insane, I listen to "Triad", by Tool on Lateralus. Never fails. There are theories of using rhythms and tones to replace words in magic. Anyhow Triad is always wierd on spice.

I stared at this poster last time on 15mg listening to triad and it seemed like the entities didn't know what to do. It felt like my parallel universe self got hit with glass from the poster exploding and I was trying to spit out pieces of bloody broken glass.

SoulCrushingBass attached the following image(s):
warp-spiral-fractal.jpg (39kb) downloaded 75 time(s).
Well, y'know, it's like this experience that I had was like, y'know, erm, it was kind of the most profound experience I've had in me life, like
#55 Posted : 6/14/2012 3:41:49 AM

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Music is wonderful with DMT, and most classic psychedelics in general.

I smoke DMT with music half the time I'd say, the other half I vaporize the spice outside on my property and allow nature to sing it's own tune. Smile
โ€œThe most compelling insight of that day was that this awesome recall had been brought about by a fraction of a gram of a white solid, but that in no way whatsoever could it be argued that these memories had been contained within the white solid. Everything I had recognized came from the depths of my memory and my psyche. I understood that our entire universe is contained in the mind and the spirit. We may choose not to find access to it, we may even deny its existence, but it is indeed there inside us, and there are chemicals that can catalyze its availability.โ€
#56 Posted : 7/16/2012 4:55:32 AM

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Hello fellow hyperspace travelers,

I'm just posting this to ask of any tracks, sounds, music, etc to where you like to travel with. Or do you prefer silence? I get strange tones and sometimes like a clicking in silence.

But I do travel to Bluetech, Bassnectar, Tipper, Shpongle of course. Infected Mushroom. Anything ambient or sometime classical. I've had some awesome experiences with classical becuase I believe it's not content all the time.

Anyway I'm looking forward to your posts so I can look them up myself. I do love music with a passion. Peace.
#57 Posted : 7/16/2012 5:47:30 AM


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#58 Posted : 7/16/2012 9:23:58 PM

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I'm just looking for different music to trip on.
I usually stick with my favorite songs by nit grit (Lupin, serotonin syndrome, Dimethyltryptamine)
Anyone have some other tuneskies i can listen to while i travel?
I keep losing my phone in hyperspace X[

Fact: Some people like to play video games, so people like to sky dive and do crazy stuff, and some people like to enter the many different doorways of our own minds! For I am one to explore where many refuse to go!
#59 Posted : 7/16/2012 11:40:12 PM
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Liquid Mind
#60 Posted : 7/17/2012 3:57:53 AM

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I'll check that out for sure. I have to admit that I'm a bit dissapointed that I only have 1 reply out of 42 views in 24 hours..... What's up yal?
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