Even though i have already written one of these as the member "cidilon", i feel the need to write another, now that i am both "reborn" and "updated". I am a 22 year old male with a fascination for various entheogens. Having some experience with Salvia, LSD, LSA, Mushrooms and Ibogaine(both Psilocybin and Amanitas) - i find DMT to be my favorite ally! The reason being that this wonderful molecule, taught me to respect myself and my surroundings. Thanks to the Spice i was able to get on a positive path of furthering my education, taking care of my body and everyone/ everything around me. A few years back with the aid of this wonderful ally, i received the much need push to get into the university that i wanted. Fast forward to now, recent encounters with Spice helped me realize just how bad i was harming my body by smoking (cigars and also cannabis but to a lesser extent), not exercising and "eating" copious amounts of Valium. It's been a week now that i have not smoked nor imbibed in Valium. I took up climbing and Yoga, both of which are pure bliss. This past week has been wondrous - i feel so serene and clear. I managed to fix my sleeping pattern (previously I've been going to bed at 6-7AM and getting up 10AM on weekdays and 2-3PM on days off) which in turn made studying easier and more fulfilling. I am so glad that i was able to receive this incentive!
As i am sure you can tell, this beauteous molecule has done a lot for me! I look forward to sharing my knowledge and insight with the community. I feel that i need to give back to the community that peaked my interest in DMT, many years back. Thank-you all! Now, i have a plane to catch - all the best!