I kept pushing the dose higher and higher, because I had a scary DMT flash. after the bad flash that had me freaking out, I went to visit My shaman and we did some fire ceremony grounding work and some soul retrieval work, he also asked his guides to protect me along with the invocation of fire and the protection that that offers.
I wanted a massive breakthrough because I was no longer afraid of leaving my body or dieing of astonishment. When I took the 80mg in about 5 puffs, it was further than I had ever gone. The prescence of a Shaman that I trust helped me to let go of trivial things and be immersed in a higher realm.
I'm still amazed by the way the leaf spirits spoke and the vividness of their eyes. I am also a visual artist, but it's hard to put down on paper unless I found a way to make the pictures dance breathe and morph somehow.
I should take a computer art class so I might be able to create what I saw. When I got my art degree CGI was in its infancy and I was always a hands on artist, prefering to do an oil liquin sketch with burnt umber before I broke out the color.
I do blow glass and as soon as my ceramic stone comes in the mail, I'm going to work on a piece especially for DMT. I know it's possible that from the 80 mg I smoked maybe only 40 got inside me.
I did stack the DMT, first calea then dmt then more calea more dmt then more calea etc..., I found that a good triple stacked bat got the tryptamines burning right. By the time I blew out my fifth hit I was amazed. When I listened to the leaf spirits breathing and meditating I found my head full of words. As I wrote them down I felt as if some transciever was beaming the the words to me. It was a sweet possession but the brain filter was on and as it came through me I knew I was adding something, I just don,t know what it was.
It was strange and uplifting, but seemed to have almost a deja vu feeling. Who knows?
I love all of you!