Hey there...
Morning glories are an old favorite of mine...but I have also gotten very sick on them more than once. When I first started with morning glories I tried various things, I tried grinding them up and making tea out of them, hot and cold....both things made me very sleepy and came with nightmarish body loads. I tried various crude extracts. I have tried eating dried HBW seeds too...also made me feel awful with very little visuals.
If any one is familiar with the Peter Webster LSA syrup discovery, they may be aware of the fact that LSA seems to function best in syrup as opposed to dried form...this is because the LSA/erginine ring is VERY sensitive to degradation and transforms into something lesser when it is dried.
Then One day I stumbled upon a real live morning glory bush..with hundreds of pods....
I started eating them fresh and I was amazed with the difference...the fresh seeds did not make me tired...and they worked more like LSD. The stomach upset was still there but it would only last for about 45 minutes and the trip would slowly begin...it would take two- three hours to come on...sort of like mescaline.
One day I took an eight of mushroom along with 12 heavenly blue morning glory pods and it was very, very visual to the extreme....(I don't eat the green shell just the white seeds inside.)
So I also experimented with hatching seedlings and eating the two day old hatchlings....
I found this to also be very effective but still not as good as fresh green pods right off the vine.
I made a viable extract with fresh seeds a few times by "rinsing" the Morning glory mush with everclear, or ethanol, the first rinse has the uglies in it so I throw that out.
...then I would soak the fresh rinsed mush for a few days...throw away the mush, keep the resulting yellowish colored ethahnol and evap it down to a very small amount,,, a few droppers of that was effective....
So my apologies on my tek not being very technical but It's not very complicated to make.
Hope this is helpful to someone
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph