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best dmt plant to grow yourself? Options
#1 Posted : 6/6/2012 9:16:12 PM
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what dmt plant is te best option to grow yourself? i live in the uk, i am going to grow many plants indoors,ouitdoors, some as ouse plants, window cill, but my main interest is dmt plants! and im gonna grow caapi too maybe abit of advice? also can anybody sed ligt on growing kratom? im gonna be researching tis but id like oter peoples opinions.

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#2 Posted : 6/6/2012 10:36:29 PM

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You may have trouble growing in the UK, without a light/heat setup that may draw some attention.

I'm growing peyote though atm, and soon san pedro. Cactus are hardy enough to survive the grim British weather.

Kratom grows in the tropics - it would be nigh-impssible to grow here.

As for DMT-containing plants? I dunno.

Mushrooms are pretty close Big grin
"Mama matrix most mysterious." James Joyce

"The next great step toward a planetary holism is the partial merging of the technologically transformed human world with the Archaic matrix of vegetable intelligence that is the Transcendent Other." Terence McKenna

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#3 Posted : 6/6/2012 10:41:35 PM

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@THBMUZIK, I have heard much on Kratom being addictive. I am sure you are aware or have come across this information while looking into it, so just my best attempt at attaching an additional 'handle with care' mental tag with that plant.
As far as DMT plants go... I know there is an almost insurmountable amount of information here on plants that contain DMT. In my readings I have found a couple things to be true: (please remember I read with my geographic location in mind, and not yours). It seems that some Acacia trees have the best DMT plant with user co-existence, such as acuminata and obtusifolia because the leaves have enough alkaline in them to make more destructive methods unnecessary. SWIM says "Eat your plant and have it too!" The biggest problem is the length of time it takes to mature a seed/sapling to its moar useful stage.
There are some other plants that seem to grow faster, but alkaline in these seem to be less scarce or less documented. Trees that you can love let love you sound like a scenery enhancing friend.
Please take all this in knowing that I am super-n00b here and just trying to help you with what I have found so far in my searching of the volumes of information at your fingertip/s(only one if you have a mac, due to lack of right click).
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#4 Posted : 6/6/2012 10:50:11 PM

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Have just done a bit of research and apparently Caapi can be quite hardy too, if acclimatised right.
"Mama matrix most mysterious." James Joyce

"The next great step toward a planetary holism is the partial merging of the technologically transformed human world with the Archaic matrix of vegetable intelligence that is the Transcendent Other." Terence McKenna

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#5 Posted : 6/6/2012 11:20:04 PM

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what dmt plant is te best option to grow yourself? i live in the UK

Grass is your friend, it grows well on our green isle.

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Parshvik Chintan
#6 Posted : 6/6/2012 11:59:32 PM

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if you can get caapi to survive, i would look into banisteriopsis muricata and alicia anisopetala as well.

also phalaris grow wild up here in alaska so i am sure it would survive england.

would be a very good inconspicuous outdoor plant for a steady dmt supply (you could go with some clones like AQ1 or just some brachystachys seeds or what have you) Smile

also if you do get alicia anisopetala, it has dmt in the leaves, but seeing as how it is a tropical plant, i doubt you will be getting much harvest, even if you get it to survive (though a few dmt leaves would brew great in ayahuasca - which you really shouldn't do with phalaris unless you are sure it has negligible amounts of gramine).

also, as mentioned above, cacti are extremely easy to grow and their seeds are cheap, it is well worth investing in them early, as they can take some time to grow (but well worth the wait).
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#7 Posted : 6/7/2012 12:47:43 AM
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yeah, ive done plenty of research on kratom im gonna have it now and again, im into too many plants to be spending too much with just one,im planning on having kratom,mj,kanna,blue lotus ect one day, then leaving it a day a two and then doing something else like sacred caapi vine on its own and experimenting adding other herbs to it, like say caapi + shrooms, or catus,cannabis, dmt plant ect ect so yeah dont worry about doing it too much i always research vaults,forums to see if things are safe. Ive read alot of threads about the caapi with other stuff idea so im just gonna try it, but im wanting to work with caapi, and anything thats safe to take with it? i know damn well not to mix it with kanna but wat about other herbs. and cool Smile

and so are you guys saying i dont have to have normal grass in my garden? i can grow DMT grass???? you know how much thats just changed my life Very happy, phalaris grass, a kratom tree, caapi growing round tree, kip daggas other plants, i wish Very happy maybe one day eh?

And i have san pedro seeds im gonna try germinate i just need a plastic see through zip bad and some sand for my soil, i actualy forgot about this Very happy

brachystachys seeds? do they produce seed/reproduce? i dont get it and i think id do a extraction when i learn how to do that kinda thing, im trying a root bark with nomans tek, will be my 1st time Smile im gonna google these brachystachys seeds and try, maybe in a pot 1st?

alicia anisopetala? sounds good juist came across post on here sounds interesting, im gonna go with this strain, why isnt it called caapi? hmmm sed some light on this im gonna tyry my best to find some seeds Very happy
Parshvik Chintan
#8 Posted : 6/7/2012 2:02:09 AM

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klip daggas other plants, i wish Very happy maybe one day eh?

i would HIGHLY recommend you sample some lions tail before you try growing it. it is not quite the marijuana analogue it is made out to be (and it tastes god-awful)

And i have san pedro seeds im gonna try germinate i just need a plastic see through zip bad and some sand for my soil, i actualy forgot about this Very happy

really any container w/o drainage that can be covered will serve the same purpose.
and i have germinated about 80 cacti or so and i have never used sand, so it is not necessary (though it might help). just make sure you sterilize your soil in the microwave prior to germination, and you can plant the seeds while the soil is still warm (not too warm) to aid germination.

brachystachys seeds? do they produce seed/reproduce? i dont get it and i think id do a extraction when i learn how to do that kinda thing, im trying a root bark with nomans tek, will be my 1st time Smile im gonna google these brachystachys seeds and try, maybe in a pot 1st?

world seed supply has a great blog on how to grow phalaris
and as far as extraction processes go, Q21Q21's food-safe jim-jam extraction would suit your needs, as you salt the dmt out of the solvent (not nearly as hard as it sounds)
just as easy, if not more so, than noman's tek. so that is definitely worth looking into.

alicia anisopetala? sounds good juist came across post on here sounds interesting, im gonna go with this strain, why isnt it called caapi? hmmm sed some light on this im gonna tyry my best to find some seeds Very happy

its not caapi because it banisteriopsis caapi is an entirely different species altogether.
however it is still a vine traditionally used in ayahuasca (referred to as black ayahuasca)
same family of different vines, but different genus, if i am not mistaken.
read more about it here
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#9 Posted : 6/7/2012 2:08:13 AM

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i would HIGHLY recommend you sample some lions tail before you try growing it. it is not quite the marijuana analogue it is made out to be (and it tastes god-awful)

Seconded. I got a free sample once Sick

Tried it, never touched it again. I wouldn't pay 10p for it, let alone grow it lol.

But yea, try it you might like it Shocked
"Mama matrix most mysterious." James Joyce

"The next great step toward a planetary holism is the partial merging of the technologically transformed human world with the Archaic matrix of vegetable intelligence that is the Transcendent Other." Terence McKenna

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#10 Posted : 6/7/2012 2:11:14 AM

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I know a lot of people want to grow cacti from seed and I totally understand why.

However, you can get young or even quite mature plants online from The Netherlands. If you PM me I can recommend a site that has very good deals.

Means you can maybe eat them while the seeds are growing Pleased

I'm gonna live with mine awhile before taking cuttings though Very happy
"Mama matrix most mysterious." James Joyce

"The next great step toward a planetary holism is the partial merging of the technologically transformed human world with the Archaic matrix of vegetable intelligence that is the Transcendent Other." Terence McKenna

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#11 Posted : 6/7/2012 2:31:18 AM
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im already growing it i ave 3 seedlings there doing ok, there in pots with canna soil and bat guano on the window cill. ive ad some resin on ebay was eiter klip or just wild dagga, it wasnt strong but relaxing, ive ad the wild dagga petals too,not muc nbut good to smopke with weed, im still gonna grow this plant maybe i can work with it more, canga and stuff, plus i like all plants anyway im gonna have loaaddds, and yea good idea io need a san pedro/ayahuaca brew Very happy ill pm you Smile
#12 Posted : 6/7/2012 2:51:24 AM

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And cheers your question means I may well now grow me some phalaris Cool
"Mama matrix most mysterious." James Joyce

"The next great step toward a planetary holism is the partial merging of the technologically transformed human world with the Archaic matrix of vegetable intelligence that is the Transcendent Other." Terence McKenna

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#13 Posted : 6/7/2012 3:26:53 AM

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the australian native Acacia Floribunda (0.3-0.4% dmt in the phyllodes 0.5-0.8% in the bark) seems to do ok in a wide array of climates.. or you could try acacia acuminata (1.5% dmt in the bark roughly 0.6-1% in the phyllodes)..

i'm not sure what mimosa hostilis's legal status is over there but i doubt anyone would even know what it was if you were growing it in your garden...
#14 Posted : 6/7/2012 1:33:29 PM
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Im going to be growing in my house, in my garden and the woods Very happy, loads of people grow phalaris grass by the looks, im gonna try grow it in my garden instead of normal green grass Very happy a few poppy plants be nice, jdubs look at ur inbox ull find seeds for grass in the link i sent you Smile
#15 Posted : 9/9/2013 6:08:21 PM
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You can grow Phalaris Arundinacea anywhere in the world except the Arctic. Seed is easily obtainable on the web and cheap!
It is easy to grow and is one of the plants that is highest in DMT. I bought a plant at my local market garden.
Also known as Canary Reed Grass or Gardener's Garters, it is an ornamental grass.Smile
Parshvik Chintan
#16 Posted : 9/9/2013 10:27:34 PM

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EZeeMoney wrote:
You can grow Phalaris Arundinacea anywhere in the world except the Arctic. Seed is easily obtainable on the web and cheap!
It is easy to grow and is one of the plants that is highest in DMT. I bought a plant at my local market garden.
Also known as Canary Reed Grass or Gardener's Garters, it is an ornamental grass.Smile

1. this thread is over a year old
2. phalaris was already mentioned in this thread
3. arundinacea is NOT the plant to grow if you are looking for a clean source of DMT. if you want a varying cocktail of various unidentified tryptamines, beta-carbolines, and related alkaloids, then sure, spring for arund. if your are looking for reasonably pure DMT, its best to go with a known clone.
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#17 Posted : 9/29/2013 9:58:59 PM

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any update on this topic? Rolling eyes
Tz'is aná
#18 Posted : 10/4/2013 4:21:11 AM

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I've been thinking about this plant.>> Desmanthus Illinoensis. I haven't yet had a chance to experiment with it. I found this post somewhere written by Marsfold.

Desmanthus Leptolobus seems to be the best plant source for home-grown DMT in climates where winter is just slightly below freezing. First, it flowers and makes seeds the first year of growth. This is important because the plant does not have to survive the winter. And while Trout thinks the rootbark may be more potent after three years of growth, I am not convinced at all that it is absolutely necessary to get tolerable yields. The jury is still out concerning Leptolobus' ability to survive truly hard winters. While it's much weaker cousin Desmanthus Illinoisis certainly is cold-hardy, a USDA map of Leptolobus' native range extends no further north than central Missouri. At about the 39th parallel north:


Trout, however, claims that Leptolobus has been found natively as far north as Nebraska. Seeds from this latitude could be the holy grail of DMT. Second, it seems to have tolerable concentrations of DMT in the rootbark. Although I never extracted it, Trout's excellent book on it ("Cultivation of Desmanthus for Rootbark Production" - Moksha Press) claims that it reliably yields in the 0.1% range by percentage dry weight. This equates to around nine doses per pound. Third, the alkaloid profile seems favorable, that is - mostly DMT (subjectively determined by personal trips). I once did two extractions of Illinoisis. Commercially purchased products from two different places. Both extractions yielded within 10% of each other. I obtained roughly 1.5 doses (83milligrams) per 409 grams of whole root. That's right, it takes a half pound of whole root to get one single dose. So yeah, Illinoisis is too weak to bother with. But at nine doses per pound from Leptolobus, if a bulk TEK were used it could be quite practical to do once a year. If there is much interest, I'll post the A/B TEK I used for Desmanthus. It differs slightly from my old Marsofold TEK a bit.
#19 Posted : 10/4/2013 4:30:45 AM


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Keeper Trout wrote:
Phalaris aquatica var. AQ-1

Higher levels of DMT than are known from any other species (Samorini 1992 Personal communication with J. Ott and Festi & Samorini 1994) In excess of 1% reported from grass grown in Italy.

Extremely strong occurrence was also reported using HPLC. Festi & Samorini 1994b


I will echo that my TLC work also showed "Extremely strong occurrence" with this strain Thumbs up
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Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#20 Posted : 10/4/2013 4:53:26 AM

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acacian wrote:
the australian native Acacia Floribunda (0.3-0.4% dmt in the phyllodes 0.5-0.8% in the bark) seems to do ok in a wide array of climates.. or you could try acacia acuminata (1.5% dmt in the bark roughly 0.6-1% in the phyllodes)..

i'm not sure what mimosa hostilis's legal status is over there but i doubt anyone would even know what it was if you were growing it in your garden...

This looks promising. A simple search came up with acacia seeds of various variety from a shop in Oz. They are really very pretty.
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