Hello Nexus,
Being the new kid on the block I thought I'd take moment and introduce myself, though I'm far more interested in you. I'll keep "me" short and out of the way from here on.
I've been practicing Conscious Exploration (Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, etc.) for about one year. I recently watched The Spirit Molecule documentary and was astounded, naturally. Achieving the OBE state and beyond is tough business, almost like juggling while riding a bike with your eyes closed (and even this is an inadequate explanation). I'm still getting my groove, so I was floored when introduced to DMT through this movie.
Wow. Here I am month in and month out, trying to master conscious exits when there's this thing called DMT that shuttles people to the same places (I suspect) in minutes.
And so begins my search to find just where the similarities between Astral Projection and DMT begin and end. I have no history with DMT, nor will I have a future with it. I'm content to keep practicing conscious exit routines no matter how long they take, but the implications of DMT are, of course, far too intriguing to not just sit with for a time.
Mostly, I want to learn from your narratives, stories...you get the idea.
Also, with that said, I'm curious if others here practice Astral Projection (or anything similar), and if so, how would you compare the AP experience to DMT? Same? Sorta the same?
Not sure if his name comes up here, but Kurt Leland writes prolifically on OBE and transcendental states. He's got a book called "Otherwhere," from which I'm pulling my name, and in this book he actually catalogs entities from beyond--and does so with precision. He's got another book called The Multidimensional Human that's also exceptional and may be of interest to some here since it directly overlaps themes.
That's that. Before I stray off point too far, I just want to say hello and I'm very eager to learn from you all. Please, anyone and everyone, shoot me a favorite account--anything about your adventures and how they've hurt, helped, healed, or just blown your mind open.
"Beyond all these ideas of rightdoing and wrongdoing there is a field, I'll meet you there" ~ Rumi