Following essay is (of cause) entirely fictional.
Hello fellow travelers!
I am a student of biology from Germany, currently finishing my bachelors' degree. I beg your pardon, if my style in the English language is not that sophisticated, compared to the general level here. I will try my best, to contributions to this great forum in a good scientific standard.
I want to tell you a few things about me. My interest in mind altering species and substances grew at about the age of 14-15. In the following years I have acquired a good basic knowledge about this topic and cultivated several ethnobotanic species including several
Trichocereus sp. and
Lophophora sp.,
Salvia divinorum, Solanaceae like
Datura stramonium and
Solanum dulcamara,
Papaver somniferum,
Psylocybe cubensis and
P. azurescens and the obvious
Cannabis sativa/ indica. I keep most of these plants solemnly for the joy of seeing them mature and reproduce and the feeling of having powerful and sacred plants around me. I no experience with about half of them. I would for example never even consider to touch my precious Peyote. Also I often go as far as harvesting and preparing plant material and then the preparation gets old in some drawer.
My experiences so far include: Cannabis, Alcohol (excessive when I was really young, now maybe a beer a month), Salvia, Psilocybe mushrooms, GHB, N2O,
Amanita muscaria and
P. somniferum extract. Experiments with these Substances are of great value for me and have blessed me with important insights I wouldn't have had without them.
My curiosity of DMT was mainly catalyzed by the lecture of TIHKAL just recently. I have accomplished to find three known
Phalaris strains, Big Medicine, Yugo Red and Don F., which I am now cultivating. I am currently reading through as many reverences to Phalaris and extraction of the same, as I manage to find the time to. By this means I also stumbled upon this magnificent forum and I have the strong desire to have additionally 10 hours a day just for reading here.
I think my next project will be the extraction of a small amount of MHRB using organic solvents (e.g vegetable oil). I am not very keen of having residues of any petroleum products in a substance I intend to ingest.
I am looking forward to an enlightening exchange in this forum.