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DMT acetate help. Options
#1 Posted : 5/31/2012 12:05:49 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Okay, so SWIM has 6 jars each full with 100grams MHRB, 125grams lye, 600ml water.
Xylene pulls of 100ml in each of the jars for 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, 12 hours, and 48 hours. Is that too long to do a xylene pull or not?
Xylene was stored in two other jars at 500ml each to which 100ml of vinegar was added and shaken thoroughly for 5 minutes, then sat for 5 minutes before the vinegar was pulled. Is that too fast?
Vinegar was put in a Pyrex baking dish and baked at 125f overnight.

So here's the real questions I have, 1) DMT acetate vaporizes at a much higher temp than freebase, right? Can SWIM turn the heat in the oven up to like, 225f without any loss of product? 2) is DMT acetate from MHRB sublingually active without an MAOI? 3) is there any easy way to rapidly oxidize the DMT into psilocin without a food dehydrator? How long does it take for DMT to oxidize into psilocin? And is psilocin orally/sublingually active on its own?

The first time SWIM got DMT acetate it was black and crumbly and got him really really high! Insane visuals! 4) Why are all the other vinegar pulls turning into brown goo that only has a body rush!? How can you turn brown goo back into that magic black char that gets you high for an hour? WHY IS DMT ACETATE SUCH A PAIN IN THE ASS?

SWIM has no money and probably won't have money, so at this point he needs to know how to turn DMT acetate into a good smokable product with just his kitchen. It turned out great the first time, so it's possible.
This Philosopher's Stoned.

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#2 Posted : 5/31/2012 12:40:18 PM

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1- Not exactly. There's no publication AFAIK regarding dmt acetate's boiling point but there's some indication that one can boil off the acetic acid at around 100c (check q21q21 tek and his experiences), and have a dmt freebase stay unvaporized behind (though amor fati started feeling negative health effects over time from this IIRC and decided to stop using this method, possibly meaning at least some acetate ions are not breaking off dmt and boiling off, and maybe later smoking the acetates is irritating on the lungs). I think anyways you can go near 100c and have no problem for the DMT.

2- I dont think so, but you could research amor fati's researches into "linguahuasca", I think he used MAOIs so that it really worked well

3- DMT doesnt oxidize do psilocin, it oxidizes to DMT N-Oxide. You can't 4-hydroxilate DMT like that, it's not so simple. Also im not sure how easy the dmt -> dmt n-oxide oxidation can happen if DMT is in salt form like acetate, you need to turn it into freebase for that to happen more easily.

4- Did you smoke the acetate? You should consume it orally with MAOI or transform it to freebase before smoking. To transform to freebase, check BLAB's tek acetate conversion or work with Amor Fati way of freebasing acetates by mixing with sodium carb and using water to remove the excess, in his case, sodium fumarate (and in your case sodium acetate) and leaving a waxy dmt freebase behind
#3 Posted : 5/31/2012 12:51:16 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Thank you! I'm reading up on the three teks you mentioned. Smile

I think my major malfunction at this point is that I'm broke and I'm not going to have money to spend on anything besides bananas and apples for like a month, so sodium carbonate is out of the question. You can buy like four bananas for the price of that Razz so it is theoretically possible to just bake the acetate at around 200f until its a freebase? Wouldn't an acetate be less caustic than a freebase? q21q21's tek looks like it might be the way for me to go this time.

Thanks for helping me stay informed! I was waaaaaaay off >.<
This Philosopher's Stoned.
#4 Posted : 5/31/2012 12:52:12 PM

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You can buy sodium bicarbonate in the china stores or supermarket or pharmacy for mere cents, and bake it in the oven and make your own sodium carbonate.

What do you mean with "less caustic" ? Harsh to the lungs? To the tongue?
#5 Posted : 5/31/2012 2:29:29 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Like less actual damage no matter how badly it burns?

Okay so I had a bunch of vinegar pulls in a rice cooker and a bunch in the oven in a Pyrex dish.
The shit in the oven is now brown goo, but the rice cooker completely evaporated all of my shit D:
I only did the rice cooker method because it's supposed to be more convenient. The rice cooker and the Pyrex both had vinegar from the same jars, so it's not that one had DMT and one didn't.

I really fail hard at this, but it's fun to mess around I guess. Just laughing at myself now for spending my last $1.50 on vinegar that evapped leaving nothing behind.

If it really is that cheap for bicarb I'll have to run down and buy some. But if I added sodium carb to my goo, wouldn't I need naptha or another solvent still before I could smoke it? Gosh, I thought I knew what I was doing. Yeah right Confused

This Philosopher's Stoned.
#6 Posted : 5/31/2012 2:37:08 PM

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What temperature is your rice cooker? I have a hard time imagining your dmt will have evaporated unless its very high temperatures (over 100c). The brown goo probably has dmt/dmt acetate, you could recover from that.

If you had dmt in your xylene, and mixed that with vinegar, the vinegar should def have had your alkaloids.

If you added sodium carb to your goo, you would either need a solvent like BLAB explains, or you could dry amor fati's way to separate the inactives from the dmt, as I mentioned in my first post.

Also please avoid cursing here if possible, thanks Smile

Oh one question, did you mix thoroughly your xylene with the mimosa many times during each pull or you just let it stand and then pull out?
#7 Posted : 5/31/2012 6:33:53 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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EDIT: so I've been failing hard by not taking pictures, I'm going to start doing that today. I really think that would help me identify what's going on with my acetate. I've already scraped up my Pyrex but it was evaporated in such a beautiful rainbow pattern, red/white/black with tiny little dusty crystals in it Smile no "goo" at all this time, but a crunchy sticky hard hard ball of black acetate. More like my first extraction, I'm very excited to try it.

This was the fifth extraction on my jars, and I've already done a 24 hour xylene pull, so I worry that I had already extracted most of the good stuff.
Okay so first I'll say what I did, what my results are this morning.
Xylene was added to the jars of mhrb and stirred gently, then my boyfriend decided to help and mixed them all into an emulsion. Two days and no separation, so I added more lye and xylene to each jar. Day after that they had separated to about 200 ml of yellow piss xylene which a much greener tint to it than my previous 4 extractions, but I've never left the xylene in for more than 24 hours before. Xylene was in 2 jars at 600ml each, vinegar added in a 1:5 ratio to the xylene, shaken thoroughly for 1 minute and then separated for for 7 minutes before being extracted out into a rice cooker and Pyrex dish in the oven. I did five vinegar pulls on each jar. I noticed almost immediately that the vinegar in the rice cooker was boiling very heavily, but I couldn't find anything on the Internet telling me how hot it would get other than a few scattered posts saying rice cookers don't get above 212f.

Last night, the vinegar in the rice cooker cooked almost completely away and didn't get any darker, it just seemed to be disappearing, while the vinegar in the Pyrex dish was a red goo ( first time I got anything that wasn't brown/resin colored. )
I added the vinegar pulls together in the Pyrex and baked at 212f all night. The vinegar did NOT boil like the "212f" rice cooker I have, so I'm immediately thinking my rice cooker is too hot. I have a five cup rice cooker that my boss gave me when his restaurant closed, and it's from Laos, and it's like 10 years old, and doesn't look anything like the rice cooker that q21q21 had a picture of. Def my fault there for being a slacker and not checking that not every rice cooker is identical, so stupid.

So, this morning i come back to check the oven, everything has separated into an oil slick pattern in the dish of red/white/black dusty char. Scraped everything up and for the first time I have a hard non gooey ball, black with the consistency of a tough piece of plastic. I'll edit this post once I sample it, and say if its better or worse than my other attempts, not going to do that until I go down to the dispensary and bum a joint though. DMT gives me anxiety now Razz this black ball is more similar to the first product I got from the vinegar pulls, which was more of a charcoal colored dry crumbly paste that had very little body high and very bright and terrifying visual ( better than no visuals ) but all the pulls 2-4 were a brown goo with a VERY heavy body load that I almost couldn't smoke enough of to get any effect.

Twice yesterday I smoked the brown dmt acetate goo, took two fat hits both times and held it in for 20 seconds each, the world turned pinkish and the carpet seemed to be made of blue green reptiles IDENTICAL to MC Escher's reptiles, like not even a minor difference, only these were alive. My kitchen seemed to expand slightly wider but that was the only spatial difference at all. The body load hit first and was so overwhelming it wasnt even attractive. I used to IV 80mg morphine at a time, so i thought i was going to have experiance dealing with heavy fast onset body rushes like this, but two hits of the DMT made me feel like i had taken WAAAAAY more than 80mg morphine. I couldnt keep my eyes open. It lasted for like 2 minutes or so before I layed down in bed and passed out. Am I doing this wrong? The first time i had the dmt it was SO easy to smoke, smoked one hit after another holding in for ten seconds each for over an hour, I NEVER felt like I was going to pass out and NEVER got the overwhelming body high from the brown goo. I physically couldn't smoke that amount of goo, I would feel like I was rolling and just lose control of my body. The goo makes me sleep.
This Philosopher's Stoned.
#8 Posted : 5/31/2012 9:26:49 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Sorry to double post but I didn't really want to re edit that other one and add even more to it... No one wants to read all that crap.

So I took DMT acetate and threw it in the oven in Pyrex for 6 hours at 212f, took it out and massaged the shit out of it with a knife until it turned grey and fuzzy, it was sexy, then spread it out in lines in the tray again, baked it for 6 hours at 125f until it became shards of shiny black super hard resin.

Smoked it, 2 hits for 10-whatever seconds, no body effects at ALL, quite lovely, nothing for almost a full minute, then my carpet started squirming, turned from white to green and pink, then finally into lizards. I see this almost EVERY time I smoke, I look forward to it every time Smile My house seemed a lot larger and friendlier. Very ecstatic to share this with my friends, I woke up my brother and smoked him out with it. After about 10 minutes everything just faded away into a very warm body high, I felt like I was wrapped in a blanket. This is EXCELLANT because EVERY other time except the first time i smoked DMT acetate i felt like i nearly froze to death! Everything was extra shiny but no more green and pink.

I think I may have been accidentally been getting xylene in my vinegar ( I don't have a dropper, I just pour off the xylene into a jar then pour the vinegar into a tray, but there is always that tiny layer you can't pour off the top. ) and then using a hair dryer to dry out the vinegar wasn't getting rid of the xylene and then I was smoking whatever was left, making me sick, and by drying for so long this time and the first time I did it it evapped all the xylene. Foolish. I think I just freaking suck suck suck suck suck at making this DMT stuff right now.

I'm off to read proper extraction tek until I can make enough money to buy the stuff to do this right. Making this stuff is too much fun to keep doing it wrong.
This Philosopher's Stoned.
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