To introduce myself to you all I will sum up the events that led me to your fine community.
For several years I worked as a landscaper and loved spending my days outdoors getting exercise. Although I loved nature and admired it I feel aspects of my work in retrospect feel like I was battling it. Jump ahead to the fall of 2009, where I believe I was given a wakeup call that I needed to take a different path in life. This message was sent through a terrible injury in which my left eye was cut in half while doing tree work. Going into surgery that day and being told by doctors that with a lot of luck I'll keep the eye I was less than optimistic, but I did keep it and it still works. Although the year of 2010 was filled with agony with every flinch and every blink as stitches holding my eye together constantly rubbed against my eyelid causing endless pain. 2011 was a bit better as some of the trouble stitches were removed and the ever present suffering was reduced. Crippled by depression and having no amount of self worth I was to say the least, worthless. Eventually I mustered the motivation to attempt rebooting my brain to level things out with some mushrooms I had cultivated solely for this purpose. It helped alot, it single handedly broke the cycle I had become a slave to. I had become a member on a similar forum to this to help guide me, although I always had alot of interest in mycology and had experimented with several hallucinagens over the years. Some members of that forum led me here, but this was after I had already completed some extractions and been on some voyages, somewhat regretable after seeing the wealth of knowledge contained herein. It has been a difficult journey to reach this place, but not one I would change. And though I still have a couple stitches in my eye even now, the world looks alot better. I have thoroughly enjoyed looking around at all that you fine people have built, I especially love the art section, but really enjoy reading about everybody elses experiences as well. So as not to make this too long winded I will wrap this up and say thank you for having me.