SWIM finished a second extraction and is very happy with the results!!!
Lye: 53 Grams
MHRB: 50 Grams
VM&P: Naptha: 600ml
Sodium Carbonate: A few Grams
Distilled H20: 750 ml
One ball jar: 900 ml
Funnels: assorted sizes
Coffee filters: brown
Vinegar: a few quarts for SAFETY!!! lye spills neutralization
along with some heavy rubber gloves
and SAFETY goggles!!!!
Glass eye dropper and a syringe used to give medicine to babies
a pyrex collection jar with a air tight lid
1.SWIM mixed 50 grams of MHRB with enough vinegar to cover plant material
The cap was put on the jar and left to sit for a week
2. Next the jar was topped off with water to about 600 ml or so
3. A cold bath was prepared by putting a stopper in the sink and running cold water until the sink was almost filled
4. The lye was slowly added to the jar 1/3 at a time, as the exothermic reaction took place the jar was placed in the cold bath until it was cool. The jar was then topped off with Distilled H2o until it reached 750ml.
(SWIM used a ratio of 15ml per gram of lye approximately)
5. SWIM is a glass blower and used a rod of clear 9mm rod to stir the contents
6. The sink was then drained and refilled with water as hot as it would go
the jar was left to sit in the heat bath for 4 hours or so
7. 100 ml of naptha was added to the mix and stirred vigorously, Then the cap was placed on
and was turned upside down, then right side up 3-6 times
8. The jar was left to sit in the bath until full separation occurred. The naptha was then decanted using a glass eye dropper and a syringe used to give babies medicine
Steps seven and eight were repeated 6 times.
9. In a small jar some sodium carbonate was mixed in some water until the ph was 10 or above.
10. A small amount of the sodium carbonate solution was passed through the collected naptha and the seperation occurred almost instantly. The naptha was poured into a clean dried jar, then when the water got close to the rim of the jar SWIM stopped pouring and added the rest to a make shift seperation funnel made out of a gatorade bottle with a twist cap.
Step ten was repeated two more times.
The naptha was then poured into my pyrex bowl and capped with its airtight lid, and placed in the freezer to precipitate.
The naptha was left in the freezer for 24-30 hours.
It was snowing heavy and the sides and bottom were covered with white crystals. After most had sunk to the bottom SWWIM poured off the naptha through a funnel with a coffee filter in it then set in front of a fan to dry.
SWIM did this exactly and ended up with .7 grams of slight yellow spice and some orange crystaline chunks.
After everything was dry, a week or so, to be safe, SWIM tried the spice and was blown away!!!!
I thought the orange crystaline slow drying goo was impurities but it was some of the best spice SWIM ever tried.
I love all of you!