Gowpen wrote:
So..... I will/would like to, try and include DMT in my life conversations with people I interact with. Im not asshamed of it, I am proud of it. Sorts your friends out !!
I totally Agree with this!
We are social creatures and I/many of us care deeply for our other fellow humans. Why else do we get excited about anything in life that we want to share? If they want to know about me, well what is some major things in my life? I would consider breaking-through my very time like my first time having Sex. Its an event in your life you won't forget. (even if you forget the experience itself). I also want to start spreading the word subtly, enough to the point they will do there own research.
Weather I like it or not, I am changed, my old world view is gone... and it shows in conversations and actions. People close to you will take notice! They may ask themselves or me... "What? You completely Flipped 180 degrees or have a new perspective on that... what changed your mind?" ... when this happens I am getting sick of brushing people off. They should know why, many times I have to do some semantic verbal dancing around the topic with some science/esoteric/botanical talk without just coming out and saying the unadulterated truth.
We all share things with our family/friends and even coworkers/strangers. We share things like. "I got a new job, I found a new girlfriend, I got a new pet, I painted my house yesterday, did you see that thing on CNN.... I MOTHER FKING GOT WARPED OUT OF MY BODY INTO SOME UNKNOWN PLACE AND COMMUNICATED WITH INTELLECTUAL ENTITIES WHO TOLD ME SOME CRAZY SHIT ABOUT ME AND THE UNIVERSE AND IT WAS SOMEHOW MORE REAL THAN THIS!!!"
Sadly since most people don't know what DMT is if I said that last part there brain would instantly shut off to the idea and think I am crazy.. maybe I am!
“Accessing your existence before the current one is of no concern, all you need to know is open your Heart and just BE” - A loving Entity from a Breakthrough
“To question is good, but take delight in contentment as well, because always asking “WHY?” too much can create a feedback loop into madness.” - A concern Entity from a Pharma voyage.