Alright so this is going to sound a little bit weird, but let's just say that I strongly think that the place that I work (it's a Dunkin Donuts) at is more than likely haunted, or at least the ground it was built on... let me explain.
I've been working there now for 5-6 weeks now, working 3rd shift. The first 2 and a half weeks I was working with someone else at night so I could be trained on how to do everything properly and bla bla bla. One of the things he brought up to me is how he and a lot of employees thinks it's haunted, and honestly, I more or less blew it off at first. There would be very subtle things that would happen while I was getting trained with him, machines would just stop working abruptly, or turn on without warning, things getting moved around when no one is around, little things that I thought "he's just doing it to mess with my head" (he's the kind of guy that you would see doing that sort of thing).
Well I've now been alone there for about 3-4 weeks at night working. And those weird things still happen, even after I locked the place down so I know no one's even able to get inside. Little things would get moved around, pens mostly, I'd usually blame it being drafty (usually is inside), but sometimes they would move to different counters. The one night I placed a tray of freshly baked bagels onto one of the counters to put them into the baskets when I had someone in drivethru, after getting them their coffee I went back to the bagels (which was out of my sight for less than a minute) to find them moved almost 5 feet onto the other counter. The one night I swear to you I saw a ghost, the event happened as such:
Someone in drivethru around 2am (doors all locked I'm alone inside) orders a dozen donuts, so I grab the dozen box and head over to the donuts (which are still in the back where they were made), while I was walking over to them listing what donuts we had into the headset for the person ordering I walked right past a women roughly 5'6" wearing what looked like a white shirt and skirt, she looked at me and gave me a strange smile while raising her eyebrows, I didn't even think anything of it at first (our uniform is a white shirt so I first assumed it was another employee) as I walked past her and to the donuts, but when I turned around is when it got weird. See I realized "Hey it's 2am I should be alone" after I finished listing which donuts we had to the person in drivethru, so I turned around to talk to who I just saw, to see nothing, naturally I walked around the rest of the store to look for the mystery employee, nothing. No one in the bathrooms, not in the walk in fridge/freezer, no where. I check the door, still locked (you can't lock it from the outside). I was a bit paranoid the rest of the night, but then blew it off as nothing (thinking I was just sleep deprived and seeing things).
The next shift as I went to open the door for the shift leader in the morning, I heard behind me what sounded like something small had been dropped with some paper rustling, after letting him in I checked to see what it was, turns out a paper that was affixed to the cork board with a giant push pin had been apparently blown off by the draft, the paper was about 5ft away on the floor while the giant push pin (no really, it's like .75" diameter and 1.25" long with the pin being roughly .5" long and as thick as a toothpick) was about 10ft away. As he watched me pick them up and put them back where they were before I jokingly blamed it on the place being haunted, he then began to tell me about how other people also agree, and how the guy who worked 3rd shift before me would see a woman who after he described her to me I realized that that is who I saw, or at least who I think I've seen. He also told me of someone who worked 3rd shift and the one night while she was working alone she quite literally up and left the store unattended because she heard a voice scream her name from inside the store.
I am both fascinated and confused by the events that have been occurring at the store at night, what do you think is happening? To me there is just too many coincidences for it to be nothing.
The reason I bring it up in the first place is because it more or less makes me want to try DMT even more than before because of the spiritual aspect of dmt, not sure if dmt would supply an explanation of what's been happening but the paranormal events make me more curious. What do you think I should do next time I work tomorrow night?
A dramatic shift approaches...