hi everyone.
I did mdma this weekend with my love one.
I totally discovered the Yin and Yang fact. Everything in this dimension is controlled by that duality fact. How could you experience pleasure without pain. I mean only pleasure would be hell! It would be unbearable. Duality was needed. The beauty of it all is that it is always changing. Yes we suffer and its hard, but everythign is worth because we experience beauty and love. Beauty and love is worth it only if you experience negativity.
I used to think that we were One, the grand One, but I think I was mistaken. The buddhist put this thought in my head and quite made sense but didnt totally. How can there be only one if there is many. No matter how connected I fine myself to everything, I'm still one, and they are still there.
The One is infact the duality of yin and yang. There is no-One if the duality does not exist. I used to think that we were only One but that is false. we are one but we are everything. we cant be only nothing like the buddhist claims. In order to be one, we have to be dualist.
It is the combination of the duality, one/everything, that actually makes the one. there is no nothing only, there is also everything.
Must be a reason that I cant be alone forever. must be a reason why every living thing need one another to evolve, experience, procreate!
I think that there is two truth, we are nothing and everything. We are finite and infinite. In the whole universe, at least on this planet, you cant find only one thing. you will always find pairs of everything.
Even the notion of infinity cant exist if we are one, we need duality (space and time) in order to experience anything. For example, take one straight line and stretch it to infinity, the line is still one line no matter how infinite it is. then take two lines and from one point, divide that point in two lines. the two lines will never be one again. for infinity, the two lines will be separeted but the distance between those two lines will always be measurable. meaning that yes the two lines will be separated for infinity but you will always be able to measure how long it is because the two lines have one common beginning which is the one.
You cant have two things if their is no beginning. yet you cant have one thing if those two lines are.
indeed we experience everyday those two lines over and over, yin and yang.
Therefore we could indeed say that one=nothingness and two equal infinity? I will be throwing tons of ideas here, please dont be harsh on me and please dont comment some errors, try to understand the whole of my realisations.
Pain and happiness. Emptyness and fullness. Heaven and hell. Living and dying. Positive energy and negative energy. no gravity/gravity. There is four elements: water, fire, earth and air. fire beign the exact contrary of air. air is empty and fire is full but you need air to creat fire! air is emptyness of energy and fire contains the maximum of energy possible within a pair of elements! water represent emptyness and earth represent fullness.
We are everything and nothing right. we are one but we need to be two to procreate another one. I cant be alone and procreate, I need another to be able to create something. I need two to be! I have a body and a thinking mind. Infinity and finality. Everythign in nature shows us the yin and yang rule!
I believe that a lot of suffering comes from the fact that we, as humans, cant understand and cant comprenhend that our death, and that our suffering is necassary and that it is part of the whole, part of the one law. We are one indeed but in this third dimension of space/time continuum, the rule is yin and yang. It may even explain why we call this dimension the third dimension: space/time/conscience. No space and time, no conscience. No conscience in this space and time equals nothing as long as you dont have life in this space/time continuum. as long as their life, their is something theerfore there is the feeling of One. One is the byproduct of two and viceversa. This space and time is still nothing, so nothing exist without the conscience to see the law of duality.
I cant say that we arent only One but in this universe, we are indeed a result, life is a resul of duality. Life cant be without it.
Suffering comes when we dont consider life as one but seperate ourselve from the one and really believe that there is an ending or that there is a perfect anything. We suffer when we dont accept the duality of life. nothing is perfect because there is always that contrary. The one is nothing if not in a duality state I seem to understand.
I cant believe that their is nothing indeed, just like the buddhist say, because their is. When we dont accept the duality of everything, problems arrouse. Just like the buddhist say, we have to get away of suffering. but why? Arent they running away from the truth, there is suffering but also hapiness. Suffering is worth it because I also can experiement one moment of hapiness.
The problems in our society is exactly that; we dont accept the duality. we dont accept that perfect happiness doesnt exist. we dont accept that there will always be that little black doth on the white side. I think that even the buddhist dont accept that whole. dont they try to run away from suffering by thinking that their is ONLY nothing? If nothing exist, something exist, as simple as that. By accepting the positive we have to accept the negative otherwise we refuse the one and so we suffer. By not see that One law, we suffer. by thinking that Im separated of the whole because I wont always be me, I suffer. but once you accept that duality, you can finally strive for the happiness but also see the true suffering for what it is. You cant run away from suffering, but you sure cant run away from hapiness either. You have to live both and it is worth it.
I am happy now because I accept the situation when I'm not. I dont fight it so hapiness can come asap, but if I fight that negative feeling, it haunts me. When im having a bad trip its because I dont accept what the drugs do to my life, I refuse the negativity and so I cant see the positive of the experience when im on it. No experience is only positive or negative, they are both. And its true, every bad trips was because I didnt want to surrender to the negative thought the experience brought. By not accepting the negativity I cant accept the positivity. by not acccepting the negativity, its like refusin the One. its like refusing the two law: Yin and Yang. Every bad trip was because of that.
In order to experience a good psychadelic, I need to accept both good and bad points otherwise, I cant totally enjoy the experience because I refuse the Whole of the experience.
Yes its freaky not being able to control life, yes its freaky to die, yes its suffering.
Yes its beautiful to walk in a parc, to laugh, to love, ect.
Any thought?
“Me only have one ambition, y'know. I only have one thing I really like to see happen. I like to see mankind live together - black, white, Chinese, everyone - that's all.”
― Bob Marley