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how I learned my lesson Options
JJ Spigglesworth
#1 Posted : 5/17/2012 6:35:18 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hi all

First of all I should say that I'm writing this post for myself as a way of solidifying my first few experiences with vaporised DMT. It's a bit long cause it's really an account of 5 separate trips. They tell a nice story though that I hope you enjoy reading.

I've known about DMT for a long time, and it's always sounded like the most fascinating experience. It wasn't until 2 months ago that I seriously considered getting hold of some when A good friend of mine mentioned that he'd been collecting together all the necessities for an extraction. I'm a chemistry PhD so he wanted my help with the technical aspects of the extraction. We got together one afternoon and successfully extracted some smokable crystals in just under 18 hrs. we got a crap yield, but it wasn't a bad effort for a first try. At roughly 3am we loaded up his crack pipe with spice and had out first taste.

We had no scales but I would say that first blast was around 10mg. The body load felt like a heavy mushroom trip, and the visuals were beautiful! I was very much still in the room, but the rug hanging on the wall opposite where I was sitting began pulsating with intricate fractal colours that pulsated with each breath. This only lasted for a few minutes, and was a very pleasant trip. We split the spice we had left, and he also gave me some mimosa as thanks for my help with the extraction.

This first taste only served to intensify my desire for a full blown DMT breakthrough. I set about extracting my mimosa, and having leaned from our first attempt I took my time and got a reasonable yield.

The next taste came about a week or so later. I had been spending a lot of time on this site reading about other peoples experiences, and also about the different vaporisation methods. I came across this thread and built myself an inspirator II which I found works beautifully! Still having no scales, I eyeballed around 20 mg (or roughly twice what we smoked the first time) and took it all in one large lungfull...

I was sat up in bed with the duvet pulled up to my chest. immediately the creases in the duvet began to deepen taking on an ultra-3D look. I started to look around the room, and suddenly the walls began to fold outwards and inwards at the same time. it was like when the room spins after a heavy night on the booze, but each wall was spinning in a different direction. Colouful graffiti arrows in cartoonish colours that looked kind of like the picture below began directing my gaze around the room, moving quicker and quicker, twisting in and out of one another in impossible ways before finally pointing down one of the duvet creases that had opened up into a deep chasm. I felt myself being drawn towards the crease, but I held myself back until the room began re-folding itself back to normality. It was a little scary because of the intensity, but it was a very beautiful experience none the less.

It took a week or so and a couple more sub-breakthrough trips that I won't go into detail about here to build up the courage to go further. I learned something from each taste though, in particular I learned to accept whatever happens as temporary, and also how to 'look without your eyes' letting myself experience the visuals without trying to focus your eyes on them.

Feeling particularly brave one day, I filled the inspirator with as much spice as it could hold, probably around 45 mg although I still have no scales. I filled my lungs once, held the breath for a few seconds then took a couple of normal breaths. I felt the familiar body rush, an knowing that soon I would be incapacitated I went for the second toke. pulling the vapour felt very strange and I could see tiny sprites dancing in the flame of the lighter. As I finished the lungful and held it the sprites left the flame and began pulling at the pipe, stretching it into long strands.....

Suddenly the moment froze and folded and I was through into a world that seemed to be impossible. twisting lines and colours in hyper-dimensions that just did not make sense. I remember asking myself "how is this possible!?". What happens next is a very vague memory. A character, I later named him JimJam, began explaining to me how it all worked, how you could fold space in on itself if you could see it from the dimension above. I remember an easel with some moving sketches that showed it so clearly, and I remember him doing it right in front of me with a 3D object. he folded a shape through a single point so that it came out the other side as a different shape. He told me that even though it passes through a single point, all the original information is there so in that way you could store vast amounts of information in a single pint in space. Suddenly I realised "that's exactly how I can experience all this time and space in the space of a single breath....."

....that's when I exhaled the vapour from the second toke and I was immediately back in the room. What seemed like a couple of hours had passed in a single breath. Amazing! I was left with a wondrous feeling, floating in my bed with intricate fractal clouds all around me. I went to touch them and my hands left trails across my vision. I lay back and tried to remember what else had happened but the memory faded like a dream. As I thought back i started laughing uncontrollably, as if my brain was being tickled by the absurdity of it all. 10 minutes later I was back to baseline, and the lack of memory frustrated me imensely. I vowed to go back and to remember everything next time.

The very next day I loaded up the same amount and blasted off in the same way. This time something seemed to be blocking my thoughts. every time I thought something the end of the sentence would become jumbled and sound weird. it was my voice in my head but it was making sounds that I couldn't make. like "what's going onfphkapowfluz" "this is really distractifphkapowfluz" always with the same rhythm and sound but not making any sense. I can remember very little from this trip and I felt very frustrated by it when I came to. I still had the beautiful fractal clouds to float me down, but very little memory of the breakthrough.

Not to be defeated, the day after I loaded up a little more spice, maybe 55mg (still no scales) and took it in two big tokes again. The same mental block started to happen, but this time I ignored it and just gave up talking to myself. This helped, and I just began floating through hyperspace enjoying the view. I remember a presence, but cant remember anything about him/her except that I don't think it was the same guy as before. I think we were having a discussion or something, because suddenly I remember thinking 'HA! Iv'e caught you out! what you just said doesn't make sense! I WIN!". a crack appeared between the hyper-colour-dimension walls of the corridor we were floating through And I could see my room on the other side! The whole of hyperspace began breaking apart and I was in between worlds. Then I was back in my room but I had brought some of hyperspace with me and could control the colours and shapes of everything! I could make it all seem a bit like this.

I had an amazing feeling of power over myself and over everything else and stomped about the house for the next few minutes, playing with the visuals and feeling great! Then I remembered what I had done.. I thought "Oh my god I just broke hyperspace! that was not a good idea!" Despite that thought the feeling of mastery of my own mind carried on for a couple of days. It was a great feeling.

Feeling like I had conquered the spice (what a fool!) I was no longer apprehensive about blasting off. All of my other trips had been in my bedroom, and I wondered what a change of scenery might be like. I loaded up the inspirator with around 50 mg (not weighed) and went to sit in my living room, as there's a lot of colourful posters and stuff on the walls. It's a lot messier than the bedroom too, with generally more stuff going on. I took the first toke, and as I did the thought about breaking hyperspace returned to my head. I dismissed it, and carried on pulling. as I went for the second toke the flame-sprites came back, but this time they were pulling my hand away as if to say 'that's enough! stop smoking!'. I listened to them, and didn't finish off that lungful. as I breathed out I heard a deep voice say 'LOOK WHERE YOU ARE' and immediately I regretted my nonchalance and arrogance assuming that I had broken hyperspace. All I had done was piss someone off badly!

I looked around as the voice hat told me to. I was back in my bedroom in my parents house, and the room was full of weed smoke. I heard my dad's voice at the door and I had that deep sinking feeling of 'shit I'm in trouble here, there's no way I can hide the fact I've been smoking'. I half remembered that I was tripping so answered the door but then I was in school walking into the headmasters office with a splif in my mouth. same 'oh shit' feeling. this carried on for ages, always about to get caught doing domething bad with no way out.

As the trip started to pass and the room reassembled itself I thought to myself 'shit that was scary. don't be so arrogant next time. respect the spice. I've learned my lesson.' Suddenly I heard a BOOM BOOM BOOM coming from the front door like someone angry wanted to get in. cue the same 'shit shit shit I'm still tripping I can't deal with anyone' feeling and I realise it's just the DMT still kicking my ass for being a dick. there's no-one at the door.

It's been a few weeks since that last scary trip. I think I'm ready to carry on exploring hyperspace, but this time I'm taking it slow and steady. I'll build up with some more sub-breakthroughs and always take care with set and setting. Hopefully whoever I pissed off has forgiven me and will let me back in now that I've learned my lesson.

Thanks for reading. I hope it was entertaining enough, and that maybe my foolishness might help other noobs learn to respect the spice quicker that I did.

All the best


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#2 Posted : 5/17/2012 11:35:48 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports

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This was a fun read. I could completely relate to a handful of details in your experience like the odd thought sounds, trails of your hands in the fractal clouds, the impossibly moving graffiti arrows, getting caught up in some discussion/task/activity for which you have no idea what's going on Laughing and the interdimensional geometry. I too received a lesson in how it's done. My entity was demonstrating it as a matter of foreground and then a sort of "behind the curtains" move which I realize is analogous to viewing from the dimension above. Your strategy for accumulating more sub-breakthroughs is a wise one. The sloppiness of the room can also have an immediate effect on the experience, as clutter seems to have a direct effect on the geometries that form.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#3 Posted : 5/18/2012 12:17:43 AM

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Location: מלכות
Interesting read...

some of the more colorful parts of your tale reminds me of my IV DMT experience...

So what is the lesson you learned???

Less is more? because I generally find that to be a good rule of thumb.

something I learned from LSD and mescaline experiences that very much carry over to the DMT realm is...
Clean house or tent or room or where ever you will be tripping at.....
before you trip......

Out of respect...
Not only for the experience itself but also for what ever may be visiting you during your journey...

You always clean before important people come over right?
So why not clean for important entities as well?

Even if you don't believe in entities you would have to admit that a chaotic environment only lends itself to chaos.

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#4 Posted : 5/18/2012 1:54:24 AM

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very interesting. Ive got to that point with mushrooms, got cocky, didnt respect them, resulting in what I refer to as the classic "mushroom bitch-slap". That can be rough, Its hard to imagine how powerful dmt's bitch slap must be!
That last expereince is very interesting. Was the voice that told you to look where you are menacing or angry sounding? Or was it just stern, like a father that cares about trying to guide you? I guess just like dreams you are the only one that can really decipher the meaning behind it all. Thanks for sharing this
JJ Spigglesworth
#5 Posted : 5/18/2012 11:38:37 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for the comments, I'm glad you all enjoyed reading my tale.

@Global - it's very interesting that there are similarities between our experiences. particularly that you also had a lesson in hyperspace geometry! I wonder if it was the same guy teaching in both cases.

So what is the lesson you learned???

@Eliyahu - I guess I learned to take my time with spice and to always be humble. Also that proper preparation of the room is important if you're after a smooth ride.

@Tokapelli - It was more like a slap on the wrists than a full on bitch-slap I think. After reading some of the more horrendous trip reports I definitely feel that I got off lightly.
Was the voice that told you to look where you are menacing or angry sounding? Or was it just stern, like a father that cares about trying to guide you?

It was very deep and booming but not angry or stern, just very matter-of-fact and powerful. not a voice that you would ignore, but not one you would be scared of either.
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