This is nothing to do with DMT or entheogens, so this may not be the right place for it... but since I feel somewhat close to this community this is where I shall post it.
Recently the legal courts in the UK made a decision to attempt to "ban" The Pirate Bay via the means of DNS level filtering. Now anyone who knows anything about computers (including *anyone* who knows how to google) can easily overcome this particular method of censorship. Some people will use a proxy server to get passed the ban, others who have more in depth knowledge of the systems will just switch their DNS server. Anyone who understands the protocols involved can see that what they are doing is attempting to, by law, remove a certain website (phone number) from DNS servers (phone books), so they will just switch to a different phone book... the actual method is silly. BUT... anyone who pays attention to these types of things will be able to see that this, unfortunately, is just a step forward in a much larger plan.
So lets say, for example, that the internet causes a massive problem for the "social order" in the world. We now have a whole generation (almost two generations) who pay no attention to mass media, they get their facts via research online. They do not accept, without question, the dogmas that are handed down by the people who (in history) have always controlled the media. When they see a news article claiming "this is this" they then search to find out if the claims are valid. This poses a problem for the power systems of the world... because there is nothing they can do about it.
So we now, in the UK, have DNS level filtering of ThePirateBay... but it didn't stop there, after this came a court injunction to block people from linking directly to
TPB proxies by legitimate political parties. So now, in result of this weak DNS level ban, we have a further injunction limiting what a website is allowed to link to... based on very weak grounds.
I would say, personally, that these companies (the people lobbying for these laws and rulings) are secondarily interested in copyright and firstly interested in gaining control of the only source of free information left in the world... the internet. I won't even go into why copyright is immoral, I just want to point out the bigger picture of what it could mean.
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