I had those 3d glasses and was hella excited to watch the 3d commercial. When I put them on a was drunk. In drunken rage I watched the first commercial. Nothing was 3d and I got pissed off; I convinced all the men to go outside to play catch. Meanwhile, the women arrived home from shopping. Just like women, taking care of the men, but we never realize it. Men are like lions. We always think we are protecting everyone, when in reality women do the hunting and providing. We just stand around, do the "protecting", look cool, and feel good about ourselves. I know alot of men will read this when I when done writing this, and they will get very defensive. I have written this because I believe it is true, either I am an idiot and those men are right or I am a genius and those men will go ahead thinking I am an idiot but we all live happilly ever after. God I wish these forums had a spell check. I know alot of shit is wrong but I can't help it.
But anyways I am done with my tirade and will continue with my story. While we were playing catch the women went inside. They picked up our 3d glasses. They saw some 3d things or whatever. I haven't seen it yet and they didn't explain it well. But they saw 3d and I didn't! I'm kinda pissed. I out thought myself. And in the end the women won. God, it has been such a crazy night. My ally wanted me to come in here and write this. I started writing this with another purpose and ended with this. I can't even remember what the other purpose was. But I gotta ask you one thing. It was one thing my ally told me to ask you. Print out what I just wrote. Mail it to someone. Someone close to you. Preferably someone you haven't talked to in a long time, but it realy doesn't matter. Tell them to mail this to someone else.
I know this sounds crazy. It really might be. But I just had what scientist would call a life changing spiritual experience. I don't know what will happen after this. I don't know what to say or think, but hopefully it will come out of my soul.
I love you all, have a good night and great life.
You lock the door, and throw away the key
There's someone in my head but it's not me