DeMenTed wrote:The real reason for prohibition against psychedelics is because big pharma companies run the show and pull the strings and dont want you taking natural remedies. They want you take their drugs and they lobby against natural drugs like cannabis etc.
If that were true, herbalism would be wholesale regulated by the FDA rather than pretty much ignored with only minor regulations.
Having "big pharma"'s support makes legalization far easier definitely, but it's always been the fear response or moral panic of the general population that determines whether a substance is illegal or not. That's why things like San Pedro/Peruvian torch are not scheduled while Peyote specifically is. Plenty of other examples as well like Salvia, Amanita Muscaria, and all the other unscheduled psychoactives.
As far as the psychoactives forum not containing many posts about pharmaceutical psychoactives, that's probably because there are plenty of other places to find information on them and the general bias against them held by many in our community. However "Other psychoactives" definitely includes them.
Up until several months ago, The Traveler actually had a rule against the discussion of anything other than classic psychedelics and other entheogens that have been in common use for at least a couple decades. He removed that rule and allowed the discussion of RCs, Dissociatives, etc, as long as discussion was informational and did not deny the risks of such drugs.
Hence, I don't see how this topic is unsuited for discussion. Personal bias against something is just that, a personal bias. Facts are though that benzos and other pharmaceutical psychoactives have uses, and psychedelics aren't illegal due to pharmaceutical companies. Hell, they would have benefited if they were legal and psychiatrists/therapists were in favor of legalization. They were just as forbidden for the most part from research and potential patenting of them as we are from self-exploration with them. The wholesale illegalization of psychedelics makes the cost of researching, patenting and approving a potential product prohibitively expensive for them.