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Posts: 689 Joined: 22-Feb-2009 Last visit: 21-Feb-2025 Location: Oaxaca
Hey Everyone... So I've been looking for the "deep cleanse" for a while... I have finally settled on my option. I am traveling very far away to a sacred high-energy nexus where I will consume purifying plants. I plan on getting some henna around my Kambo markings beforehand, taking good pics and documenting the experiences in a journal then posting it all on here. I'm always focusing on my diet for 3 weeks beforehand and will be doing a very basic cleansing dieta during the two week journey. I will have exactly 2 weeks, here is the plan I was thinking. Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations regarding tolerance & interactions? Thanks a lot! I was thinking this: Day 0: Arrive and relax Day 1: Sapo in morning. Light Ayahuasca at night. Day 2: .4g Iboga in morning, .4g at night Day 3: .8g Iboga in morning, .8g at night Day 4: .8g Iboga in the morning, 6grams at night Day 5-6: Rest for 2 days. Hike & Stay active. Day 7: Sapo in morning. Medium Ayahuasca at night Day 8-11: Rest for 4 days. Hike & Stay active. Day 12: .4g Iboga in morning, .4g at night. Day 13: 3g Iboga with 2.5g Mushrooms Day 14: Rest and meditate with crystals. Play the didgeridoo. What do you think???-Eternally Romping the Astral Savannahlands-

Posts: 6739 Joined: 13-Apr-2009 Last visit: 10-Apr-2022
I think you are going to have the time of your life!
Don't be too hard on yourself if things don't go exactly on schedule, listen to your body and mind and do what feels right.
Let us know how it goes, CosmicLion. Bliss!
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sounds like a plan. Long live the unwoke.
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Will there not be any cross tolerance? Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
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Posts: 465 Joined: 01-Dec-2009 Last visit: 04-Jul-2024
You are going to have fun  Listen to a man of experience: thou wilt learn more in the woods than in books. Trees and stones will teach thee more than thou canst acquire from the mouth of a master. St. Bernard
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Posts: 177 Joined: 11-Aug-2009 Last visit: 22-Nov-2024
I want to add a bit of a warning.
Very close to me there has been a case of somebody experiencing colliding energies resulting in a kind of "brain melt". This person was doing daily small dosages of Iboga and during the ayahuasca sessions he had a rough time.
Iboga and Ayahuasca "dont always, do not" go very well together to put it mild. Many times its advised to not use Ayahuasca for serveral weeks upp to a month after having had Iboga. The given reason is that the energy of ayahuasca will disconnect the work the Iboga is still doing in the whole body. But it does get worse than that.
Very recently there was also a case of a very experienced ayahuasca drinker that did a 7 days sessions with ayahusca and Iboga. This was under guidance of a "shaman"/facilitator. I have no details about dosages of either Iboga or Ayahuasca but the fact is that this woman is now in a mental institution. She doessent even know who her children are. I dont have any updates about her situation. I hope she will get well soon and can join her family
I really think you should reconsider, this might not end in a right way. You are taking quite a risk in my opinion.
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Posts: 689 Joined: 22-Feb-2009 Last visit: 21-Feb-2025 Location: Oaxaca
And it begins.... Today is Day 1 of serious preparation. So far I have had nothing to eat today. I have some mega potent Reishi tea on the stove right now, gotta have tp simmer those things for 4-8 hours since they are so tough. Gonna be prepping the best I can for my journey. Things have changed a little! My best friend of 6 years moved to India 3 years ago and got married. He is coming to the states in a week and is coming to see me during that trip. I couldn't say no, nor did I want to. This will cut into some of my time. I am going to stay away from Ayahuasca during this voyage... I have never had a "strong" or particularly visionary Ayahuasca ceremony, despite the many times Ive taken it. I don't want to risk it or over do it. So I will have Changa instead. Also, been doing MUCH more research on Kambo and I want to dive right into it. I also found a shamanic practitioner with Peruvian experience that might administer the Kambo to me! The main idea is not so much to have a Shaman as it is to have someone to actually apply it on for me, which seems like it could get difficult. Here is the updated plan for 10 Days: Day 1: Arrive in AM and setup camp & relax Day 2: Kambo (5 Dots) alone in the morning. Meditation & light Changa at night. Day 3-4: Rest for 2 days. Hike and Stay Active. Day 5: Kambo (5 Dots) with Shaman. Meditation & heavy Changa mid day. Iboga .4g at night. Day 6: .4g Iboga in the Morning, .8g Iboga at Night Day 7: .8g Iboga in the Morning, 1.2g Iboga at Night Day 8: 1.2g Iboga in the morning then 5.2g Iboga at night with 1.5g Mushrooms Day 9: Rest - Try to stay partially active Day 10: Travel home as a new me. ---Wait a Week-- Day 17: Eat 3-4g Mushrooms and Meditate to Integrate all the lessons. That's the new plan! I want to integrate Ayahuasca in after Day 17. I will be experimenting with different brews throughout the summer. -Eternally Romping the Astral Savannahlands-
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 689 Joined: 22-Feb-2009 Last visit: 21-Feb-2025 Location: Oaxaca
Some thoughts: Heavy Changa after 5 Kambo Dots sounds toooo good. All together I will be eating 10g Iboga over 4 days. This is enough to reach my target flood goal of 10g. More Iboga, less mushrooms. I was thinking the 5.2g Iboga would be a good flood-catalyst while the 1.5g Mushrooms will help integrate the experience better without making it much more chaotic. All the Iboga dosages are given in .4g increments as 1 gelcap filled with Iboga Root powder usually holds right about .4g -Eternally Romping the Astral Savannahlands-
Posts: 102 Joined: 07-Oct-2010 Last visit: 06-Jan-2014 Location: Eden
Good luck and safe trip!  My reality does not exist.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 689 Joined: 22-Feb-2009 Last visit: 21-Feb-2025 Location: Oaxaca
Good advice! I edited Day 5. I figured I would get the 7 Kambo Dots and later that day use the Changa. I would wait until that night, once the MAOI + DMT was out of my system, to ingest that first .4g Iboga microdose. -Eternally Romping the Astral Savannahlands-
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Posts: 689 Joined: 22-Feb-2009 Last visit: 21-Feb-2025 Location: Oaxaca
Also, within 28 days of my 7 Kambo Dots I am going to do 9 Kambo dots as per tradition: Quote:In the caboclo use, the basic treatment is three doses, at intervals of time that depend on the development level of the person with Kambô. The first treatment is over no longer then three months, with three increasing doses (e.g. 5, 7 and 9 points), with no more then 28 days between each dose, preferably of the new moons and last quarter. Another interesting side note: Quote:Then, after at least six months from the last application of the first treatment, you can make one second, now every 15 days, with minor increasing doses(for example: 3, 5 and 7). They also make treatments for 7 days (at any moon other than the full moon) and for 3 days, combined with dietary changes (no solids or salt) and the use of Ayahuasca. The important thing is that the maximum interval between the two applications is a moon, 28 days. "If it takes more time than that between a dose and another, the Kambô will have to work all it had worked before again." http://marcelobolshaw.bl...t.com/2008/08/kambo.html-Eternally Romping the Astral Savannahlands-
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Posts: 689 Joined: 22-Feb-2009 Last visit: 21-Feb-2025 Location: Oaxaca
Hmmmm... seems like I may want to just stick to 5 and not go up from there. If I want to stick with the tradition of using odd numbers, what do you think about doing 1 dot first to increase the recognition and further bio-availability for when I do it the second time a few days later with 5 dots? -Eternally Romping the Astral Savannahlands-
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Posts: 689 Joined: 22-Feb-2009 Last visit: 21-Feb-2025 Location: Oaxaca
So I should see an acupuncturist, get a basic balancing and also use some henna to mark out good points. I will do that. Cool, final edit then... 5 Dots alone the first day. Then 5 a few days later with the shaman. Hopefully I can get the shaman guy to work-trade for some Sapo, that would make it feel pretty legit. He had never heard of it before. -Eternally Romping the Astral Savannahlands-
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Posts: 383 Joined: 29-Sep-2011 Last visit: 04-Oct-2024
Good info kambo I've been very interested in kambo ever since I heard about it I can't wait tompartake in it sometime soon. "we are not human being's having spiritual experiences, we are spiritual being's having human experience's." (Teilhard de Chardin (1975?)
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 383 Joined: 29-Sep-2011 Last visit: 04-Oct-2024
Good info mannill remember this stuff "we are not human being's having spiritual experiences, we are spiritual being's having human experience's." (Teilhard de Chardin (1975?)
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 689 Joined: 22-Feb-2009 Last visit: 21-Feb-2025 Location: Oaxaca
Started the dieta... Just juice + water... Yesteday had juices + some sprouted buckwheat RAW granola. Today is just water & juice. I am gonna be migrating further updates into another experience report. -Eternally Romping the Astral Savannahlands-
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 383 Joined: 29-Sep-2011 Last visit: 04-Oct-2024
Good luck it sounds very interesting I can't wait to hear about your experiences. "we are not human being's having spiritual experiences, we are spiritual being's having human experience's." (Teilhard de Chardin (1975?)
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2096 Joined: 20-Nov-2009 Last visit: 12-Nov-2023
Yes CosmicLion, keep us updated ! Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 465 Joined: 01-Dec-2009 Last visit: 04-Jul-2024
All the best Listen to a man of experience: thou wilt learn more in the woods than in books. Trees and stones will teach thee more than thou canst acquire from the mouth of a master. St. Bernard