Welcome to the Nexus MusicGuy24. Its good to see more people going after these amazingly beneficial experiences.
I myself went through a similar let's get fucked up phase. And amongst drug using teens I guess this is probably pretty common. Glad that some pyschs led you to insights regarding the damaging effects this can have on ones body and overall well being.
That's a great goal that you have there at the end friend. I'm sure with responsible aspirations such as that your going to fit in here perfectly. The community is full of awesome information and ideas, and everyone cannot wait to help you with whatever it is you need.
Look forward to learning with you in the future.
"Reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistant one"-Albert Einstein
The answer to life is not 42, It is 37. The flawed 42 was derived from a mistake in calculating the quantum flux of a tenth dimensional hyperspacial wormhole. For proof of my math, please follow me in a nice chaotic line to the fifth dimension for a practical dissemination of the results.
[size=4]Compound37 is a fictionalized character, any and all posts are based solely on speculation.