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Being dragged into hell by demons Options
#1 Posted : 5/2/2012 10:15:54 PM

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SWIM had his first two experiences with DMT last night after his successful extraction with Noman's Tek. What he saw is of course hard to describe, in the physical world everything looked like puzzle pieces/very pixel-like. He saw many things duplicated all around, kind of like the way a kaleidoscope works. Some of those things were basic alien head outlines and a dead man's face. He hallucinated a yellow liquid dripping from the trees. He felt like he was moving. It was somewhat similar to salvia, but more intense. I'm kind of explaining both of his trips because many of the things mentioned above were in both trips. Maybe it's important to mention he was outside and it was dark when he did this. He waited about an hour and a half before he vaporized more spice and took another trip. The second trip was a much darker experience. He saw skulls in the same way he saw the alien heads mentioned above. He saw demons and they were trying to drag him down into hell, he felt like he was getting pulled into quick sand. Even after the trip his arms still hurt from fighting off the demons or maybe DMT just makes your muscles feel weird? What's strange is SWIM isn't religious. He grew up a Christian, but has been open to everything for about 7 years now. He doesn't believe in heaven nor hell or anything except his own experience so to me it's very strange that he would have such an experience. If he was dealing with his own subconscious and thoughts and working through them then this doesn't scare SWIM, BUT if this was really happening...that's scary as fuck. Maybe he should have spaced the 2 trips out a lot more? His friend tripped with him and didn't have negative or dark experiences either time. I just wanted to log this experience somewhere, if anyone has a comment or prediction on this I'd be interested in your take on this.

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#2 Posted : 5/2/2012 10:56:39 PM

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Obviously lots of people are going to disagree with me on this so I'm going to start by giving a little disclaimer....

"this is only my opinion based upon my own personal experience of what I have witnessed during my 15+ years of heavy psychedelic consumption, other peoples results may vary greatly."

Unfortunately when it comes to the DMT realm, we as humans are quite limited in our ability to properly describe what's going on....

It does NOT matter what religion you are...you can believe in the tooth fairy for all that it matters but "demons" are a real phenomenon. I and the people I trip with have been attacked by them countless times, I have even been witness to full blown horror movie style possessions.

All religious baggage aside.."Demon" is a word that I use to describe a certain class of inorganic beings who are essentially very effective spiritual predators...

These beings feed off of negative emotions such as fear, anger, jealousy, lust, hate, greed,selfishness etc. These "predators" have the ability to hijack your thoughts and emotions and can manipulate you according to there will turning you into a puppet on a string.

The flip side of this is that, if demons are after "SWIM" then my guess would be SWIM may have a very important purpose on this earth that the Demons would very much like to interfere with. Demons do not bother everyone because they cannot afford to waste their energy for no good reason, they would also rather you think they do NOT exist at all.
Really they only bother you if your "meant for some HIGHER purpose".

Another bright side of this is that If Demons exist then so do angels...If the demons were so totally determined to "get you" that they allowed you to see that they exist then in their haste they actually broke protocol and showed you a greater truth because you can't have demons without having angels as well.

So don't be scared....but do remember...
To be a person of knowledge one must be willing to see everything.
the light and the dark

You didn't think you were going to smoke DMT and have anything besides a paranormal result?

Did you?
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#3 Posted : 5/2/2012 11:05:53 PM

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Read this link, it might be helpful:

#4 Posted : 5/3/2012 12:55:34 AM

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I must say..
That Wiki link is not only well written but informative as well and I do indeed concur that the various techniques listed are highly effective ones to use.

I do also think it's worth mentioning that enough cannot be said about the phrase:

"clear your mind".

-It may sound like some Bruce Lee Cliche but it is the strongest weapon against "dark spirits" in my opinion.

Inner silence is an often an overlooked but extremely vital tactic in combating these pesky predatory beings from what I have learned during my travels...

For me, "inner silence" is a most effective way to fight back against the lower or "dark" forces" when they attack. It's my opinion that this is because true silence is in effect nothing more than prayer.

I subscribe to the idea that the story of Adam and Eve being tossed out of the Garden of Eden in the book of Genesis is a metaphorical account of what happened when people started thinking to themselves and abandoned their intuitive and instinctive natures..

Think about it.(no pun intended). Animals do not need to think because they already "know", that is they are connected with their natural instinct. Some people would argue that thought and reason is what separates us from the animals but I would say that it is perceptual awareness that defines us as human.

The theory behind this is a relatively simple one. The basic idea is that "internal dialogue" (A.K.A habitually thinking to oneself inside ones head) is an entirely learned and unnatural process that only serves to distract and sabotage humans from their own existence.

Now I'm not saying one should try to completely stop thinking all the time but I am saying that at the very least least a person should have control over this function of "thought" and be able to stop and start it at will. It is my belief that these "demons" are able to use our own thoughts against us in order to cultivate negative emotions from us.

The "demons" will take over a persons own thoughts and soon that person will find themselves constantly, depressed, stressed, hateful or worrying all the time. People will think things to themselves over and over again such as:

"I'm ugly, i hate my life, I'll never amount to anything, I wish I was dead, it's hopeless,etc."

Then those negative thought actually start to have conversations with other thoughts and then all the thoughts end up agreeing with each other. It can get pretty silly inside a human beings head. "I think therefore I am" then begins to apply in the worst way.

To sort of assist in illustrating my point of how internal dialogue tend to completely take control of a person I would challenge anyone reading this post to try and be totally without any thoughts for TWO full minutes straight.. and remember....thinking about not having thoughts is not allowed.

I would venture to say most people that have no prior practice in shutting off there internal dialogue intentionally would find this task to be impossible to complete even after several attempts. This is because it is a deeply ingrained habit and the only way to stop it is by completely retraining your brain..

I first started doing this mental exercise when I noticed during an LSD trip that if I had no thoughts whatsoever and just allowed myself to simply "exist", that my awareness would expand and any demonic forces that tried to attack me would be rendered powerless very quickly because higher forces would begin "charging to my rescue." so to speak.

Thanks for taking the time to read this ridiculously long post.

I know some people aren't real big on Bible quotes but I thought this one is relevant for what it's worth:
-when you pray go into your room, and when you have your door shut pray to the Father who is in a secret place and your father who sees in secret shall reward you openly-
-And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words.
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#5 Posted : 5/3/2012 1:10:21 AM

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Oh..Yeah and by the way Musicguy24.

Demons don't like "good" musicians.

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#6 Posted : 5/3/2012 1:19:40 AM
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In my experience when I feel like im sinking into things like the floor or my chair this is a good sign im about to have a breakthrough so I lay down and close my eyes and accept it.It is not easy at first but it gets easier with time.
When this happens (ego death)and you are scared and fight it,things will get terrifying fast.Your ego does not want to die and will prompt you to fight.

I could be wrong about this but for me the sinking feeling means "breakthrough is coming lay down and close your eyes".
#7 Posted : 5/3/2012 2:46:48 AM

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That Wiki piece really covers it so well .
This stuff takes a long time to learn.
There is a long learning curve
Reserve all judgement . All kinds of super strange and unexpected things can happen ,it can have dark overtones sometimes .
Just witness it . Work on your set and setting .
Don't be in a hurry for breakthrough that's asking for trouble . Patience strength are keys ....
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

#8 Posted : 5/3/2012 4:33:45 AM

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What was your friend's mindset when he embarked? Was he anxious, worried, or not in a good headspace? Were all these visuals with eyes open or closed?

The only time I have encountered dark visions is outside, with eyes open. I also have found that no matter how dark the visions, fighting only makes it worse. Once I felt that I was getting sucked up into an alien ship against my will by horrific slime-covered half-androids with malicious intent. Once I was able to let go and surrender to the experience, the whole feeling changed, as well as the visions and sensations.

If there's one thing I've learned from the spice, it is this:

If you are in a difficult situation, it may benefit you to suppress your first instinct (which is often to FIGHT and attempt to control). and try to take control over your reactions. In life as well as in hyperspace.

I hope your future journeys take you to new and interesting places Smile

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“Poems are rough notations for the music we are.”
― Rumi
#9 Posted : 5/3/2012 7:37:55 PM
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i too tried to control everything (or at least too much) in my life. Letting go of something or letting it run its course scared me. I always had to know when something was going to happen and i was afraid of change. Rather stay with what you know right? Call it a mild form of autism if you will.

After my first mdma experience i have made it my single goal for a long time to not try to control everything. Be open and receptive to everything that is happening and if i feel like somethig frustrates me i push it away for a minute or so and then when i start thinking about it again it has either become unimportant or i have a fresh sight on it and i can understand it better without being frustrated about it. I have learned to not react to my first negative emotion all the time and so now i feel more flexible and understanding about certain changes and in fact, i love changes. Not all of them are always nice, but some which i first wouldn't want to understand have either turned out to be very positive, or at least be a very informative source of which i learned a lot.

Recently i had what i still call as an "unpleasant" salvia experience in which i heard someone saying "he does not approve" just as i blasted off. It kept bouncing in my head for a while and gave me a bad vibe. It took me still quite a long time but in the end i managed to tell myself "you promised yourself to let go and accept consequences on change" and that immediately changed the whole trip into an acceptable one (not completely positive). This has been my most valuable salvia trip to date.

So all i can say is. Try to accept things that are happening. Embrace change, don't reject it. Don't over-think things. If you can do that i'm sure you can accept being dragged away by whatever demon is trying to get a hold of you and i'm sure it will either not happen or you will not experience it as a negative experience anymore.

And perhaps an even more important lesson i had to teach myself. "Don't let fear control your life. Fear is the mind killer".

Good luck on your future journeys
Always follow the light
#10 Posted : 5/4/2012 10:15:59 PM

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Thanks for everyone who put this site together. The wiki on dark entities is right on. My first experience in hyperspace was a difficult one but it also corroborates a lot of what other people are saying. I encountered some of these malicious creatures and they seemed to get a huge kick out of confusing and frightening me. Other's walked past and leered at me, while some seemed to just generally marvel at the novelty of me. Either way, I was surprised that these things both knew what I was and knew how to elicit certain emotional reactions from me.

I think it's very interesting that these guys have no concern for the things we seem to be concerned about i.e., telling us the truth, verifying their existence to us, having a normal conversation.

That would all seem to imply that they have motives that are completely alien to us.

I read report after report of people being thoroughly confused and bewildered by these things.

It's clear that they are guided by completely different notions of the world, different desires, and different systems of value. That much is not surprising.

What is surprising is that these guys don't seemingly have a totally random pattern of behavior either.

They seem to be interested in us, as we are interested in them. They sure as hell don't scatter and hide when we appear like most people would if a UFO landed. Guys, these are all clues to what is going on there.

Let's not be so concerned with getting them to tell us truths, I think its more interesting to think about what motives they would have for talking to us at all much less obeying our commands to cough up material facts about our dimension. Why would they even know that stuff? Why are they so interested in us? Isn't it odd that a locus of pure energy and consciousness, which possesses abilities far beyond our imagination would be interested in us?

Furthermore, consider this. We got to that dimension for a very short period of time, and it doesn't appear as though we appear in that dimension the way we do in our. So why the forms that we see in that dimension be the absolute forms of these entities? Maybe they exist in another place, in another form and they can access the DMT dimension when they want to.

I think generally we are cutting our line of inquiry short when we anthropomorphize these things. Prime numbers? Lottery tickets? Why would they have any incentive to care about that stuff?

#11 Posted : 5/5/2012 12:07:35 AM

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Eliyahu wrote:
Obviously lots of people are going to disagree with me on this so I'm going to start by giving a little disclaimer....

It does NOT matter what religion you are...you can believe in the tooth fairy for all that it matters but "demons" are a real phenomenon. I and the people I trip with have been attacked by them countless times, I have even been witness to full blown horror movie style possessions.

All religious baggage aside.."Demon" is a word that I use to describe a certain class of inorganic beings who are essentially very effective spiritual predators...

These beings feed off of negative emotions such as fear, anger, jealousy, lust, hate, greed,selfishness etc. These "predators" have the ability to hijack your thoughts and emotions and can manipulate you according to there will turning you into a puppet on a string.

Unfortunately, you are absolutely correct. Thank you for having the courage to share that. I have been attached by malevolent ones as well. Those experience have profoundly changed the way I view the universe. It was clear to me that these things wanted to sever me from my humanity, that they were jealous/desirous of humans which struck me as weird. They are in another dimension, able to conjure fantastical things and yet despite all of their incredible powers, they are green with envy of humans. Can anybody shed some insight into this?

#12 Posted : 5/5/2012 6:59:15 AM

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Thanks for everyone's responses to this.
The wiki does seem to explain this subject well, but I don't think SWIM will understand everything it means until he takes more journeys. The trip preparation suggestions are definitely helpful.

Eliyahu, you said a lot of things that just sound right to me.
If your take on this is right, than SWIM needs to go into trips completely different.
SWIM used to be spiritual and meditate daily, but he hasn't done that in a while and is definitely thinking more than he used to. He will clear his mind and meditate before trips from now on.
He actually came to the "Stop thinking" realization when he used to trip on mushrooms a lot. He even wrote a song for his band where he repeats that phrase for the same reasons you mentioned by you above. And yes, you really have breakthroughs tripping on LSD or mushrooms when you finally are able to clear your mind. It is at that point you realize the insanity of your constant thoughts. SWIM has gone through MANY ego death type trips, and it's not the death of the ego that scares him. If he's scared usually it's the thoughts that get to him not the lack of thoughts.
Funny you said "Puppet on a string"...He used those exact words to describe what he felt like. He said he could feel his head being pulled up in a robotic way and becoming animated by something that did not seem to be himself. So I guess SWIM could have been possessed there for a bit...which is a pretty terrifying thought. It might be important to note that it wasn't one demon he saw it was a dozen or so all crawling over each other and fighting to get to him. He was a bit afraid during the trip, but because he believed he was dealing with his subconscious and not actual demons this experience really didn't bother him too bad. He was just sort of confused on why it was happening.
SWIM's goals in life definitely are going right up against the NWO and could see how demons(darkness) could see him as a threat.

WarriorPriest, SWIM went into the trip anxious, slightly nervous but also excited. Sort of like the feeling you have when you're on a roller coaster and you're climbing up the hill before you go straight down. Most of the visuals were eyes open, he would close them at times to try to avoid them but that didn't really help. The thoughts were also pretty bad although it's hard for him to remember most of them now...just some of the visions.

I can understand everyone's suggestions to simply let go. On his first(less dark) trip he took, he was able to just let go and let the spice take him and he said to his friend "Just let go man, all you have to do is let go" And with pretty much every hallucinogen SWIM has ever taken he has learned to just let go. However, if it's real demons(or whatever you want to call it) SWIM is dealing with surrendering to them doesn't really seem like a good idea...
#13 Posted : 5/8/2012 4:19:16 PM

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There are several sacred "names of God" that could be used in times of crisis.

It may be benificial for you to familiarize yourself with these names, because these names can be helpful if you need to call for help.
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#14 Posted : 5/8/2012 7:11:51 PM

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Okay, thanks. What names would you suggest using?
SWIM has been very spiritual in the past. He's found mantras to be very powerful, any mantras you suggest using before or during the trip as well?
#15 Posted : 5/8/2012 10:39:43 PM

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Smiling block,,,,

A little old testament lore for you..

When God created man he told the angels that they would have to bow down to his new creation.
Some of the angels refused to take their place below humans saying that "We will not bow down before dirt" and they became bitterly jealous and full of loathing for mankind.

As you might have guessed these angels eventually became some of the "Fallen ones".

Also Musicguy24,

And as far as sacred names for GOD go, I can tell you that there is NO such thing as magic words. What I mean by this is....just saying the names are not enough, one must also have some understanding of what they are saying for it to work properly..

So I will tell you some of the names and I will leave it up to you to learn the full meaning behind them.

According to my beliefs the Hebrew Torah in it's entirety is nothing more than a very long name for GOD.
When the Hebrew Torah was translated into Greek, it was a truly dark day for spirituality in the world. The Rabbis wailed, lamented and mourned. They mourned heavily because they knew that the translation would be an atrocity. There is no way to properly translate Biblical Hebrew into Greek because the two languages were not even remotely alike.

In the modern bible the actual names for "God" have been removed. The word "God" is not one of those names, neither is Jesus Christ an actual name. It is said that it is because the names are too sacred to say out loud that they have been censored.
I personally believe this information has been purposely withheld from the bible because of it's great importance.

The actual name for Jesus is Yeshua ben Yoseph. Yeshua is a Hebrew word that literally means "a cry for help". Ben Yoseph means son of Joseph.

Yaweh is probably one of the most important names as it symbolizes God's mercy and his interaction with creation.

Elohim is a word that means God(s)plural but when you add Yaweh to that name it becomes the name of THE God. Yaweh-Elohim <this is considered the most powerful and complete name for God.

There is also Abba. this is a hebrew word meaning father, it also is a name for God.

There is El-Shadia- this name that basically means Omnipotent one.

The word EL by itself too is also a name for God.

BTW i'm not trying to covert anyone to Judiasm here, I just happen to believe that the Old Testament in it's original Hebrew form represents the most complete record of archaic knowledge that there is.

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#16 Posted : 5/9/2012 4:17:07 AM

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I have had multiple interactions with what I would consider demons. I vividly remember the most intense experience:

It was during the darkest period of my life. However, I do not believe I was viewing my own subconscious thoughts. I began smoking out of the pipe when everything in the room turned into tiny tear drop shaped entities with human-like faces that were shivering with fear.

I just stared around the room at all the terrified beings, and asked them with my thoughts what they were scared of. At that moment, the wall in front of me opened and three black shadow figures came out of the other dimension and began walking towards me.

At this period in my life, I was so overcome with depression and suicidal thoughts that I was pretty much incapable of experiencing fear. As a result, I was more intrigued with the demons than afraid.

I wanted to protect the scared beings around me, so I tried to look as courageous as I could and focused all of my energy on closing the door to the other dimension where the beings were lurking out of. I was able to get the door closed, and the vision faded away.

I completely agree with what Eliyahu said, in that I believe these beings feed off of negative thoughts. Light and love scare them to death.

Peace and Happy Journeys Smile
All posts are completely fictional and for educational purposes only
#17 Posted : 5/10/2012 2:46:02 AM

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I am often caught between fighting and surrendering. The conclusion I have come to is that it takes far more courage to surrender than to fight.

I remember reading a great report here of someone working with shamans in SA (sorry i forgot your name). The author talked about the unspoken respect he gained from the shaman due to his reply after the first ceremony. It was particularly gruesome show with many having a real difficult time. The shaman asked at the end of the ceremony "how do you feel?" To which the author replied "good and dead."

The shaman had apparantly sent snakes to devour the participants, which the author realized during the experience, and hence let the shaman know with his reply, thu
s earning his respect. I've had similar experiences with what I would describe as flesh eating macro-bacteria, after I had called upon the vine to help me.

Interestingly, in the second ceremony, when the snakes came again, the author was able to send them away, knowing what they were.

The idea behind this story is that the shamanic experience requires a certain "spiritual toughness." The shaman called particular spirits to that ceremony to "put them through hell" and make them confront their own death to make them stronger.

Personally, I didnt completely catch on the the importance of the death/rebirth aspect of the psychedelic experience until i started going fairly deep and getting "dissolved." It is an incredibly profound feeling of freedom to say to yourself "yes, this is really it...I'm done for, I'm really going to die right now...and I accept that fact."

I think there is little more that can temper the soul and the acceptance of ones own death in real time.

After that, having no fear is more manageable. In the words of Mckenna "At this point [death] is just a big existential question mark."

Also, I think Timothy Leary referred to the non-ego (voice in the head) states as being in the clear light. There are definately some parts of his book on the tibetan book of the dead that are wrth looking and relooking at.(Like you didnt already know!)

One of my most profound "channelings" was from an anonymouus voice in my head after taking morning glory seeds. It was just after I realized that being present in the moment (not thinking) made all the bad feelings I was having go away. So theres deffinately something worth exploring there with mastering meditation and zen techniques.

I'm so "psyched" I get to talk about this with you guys! Its deffinitely not common for people I know to understand this stuff. I love this community!
#18 Posted : 5/10/2012 2:47:34 AM

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And now I'm going to have to watch Apocalypto Love
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