Hi thanks for the links, much appreciated.
Does DMT actually do anything if you swallow it?
I'm very interested in making the
Inspirator MKII I'm reading through the wiki and am really struggling to wrap my head around how it works.
My first question is, is the vapor harsh and will there be issues breaking through if the user has low lung capacity?
I tried reading through the
thread about it but got more confused. Maybe someone can help me understand how it works.
My understanding is as follows:
Basically it consists of a glass dropper stem (thinner then your normal bong down pipe) that is inserted into a normal bong with an appropriately sized grommet to hold it in place.
There's some sort of container (is this what's referred to as the 'plug' in the wiki?'
for the spice (not quite sure how this works) that gets inserted partway down the dropper stem.
A heating element containing ceramic wool is inserted into the end of the dropper and there's a gap of air between the spice 'container' and the heating element.
The heating element is heated with a butane torch and the user sucks in slowly to fill the bong chamber with vapor.
Once the chamber is filled with vapor (I assume this is visible) the user should then inhale deeply and hold his breath for as long as possible. This is repeated until all the vapor is gone
Am I sort of on the ball with how this works? How does the spice 'container' work?
PS I'm listening to the audiobook: 'DMT: The Spirit Molucule' at the moment and loving it.