Hello and welcome to the Nexus Zenethylamine. You definitely hit the nail on the head with the helpful community!
I've noticed that sometimes my naptha would take several hours (6-9) before separating, and sometimes if I shook too violently that sometimes "bubbles" or like thats how i described them would form in my naptha but kind of inbetween the actual naptha layer and the basified mimosa layer.
How hard did you mix the two? Tilting back and forth for five minutes? Shaking? what method was involved?
This for me in my experiences with slow separation times has always had to do with too violently mixing the basified mimosa and naptha. I do not mean to not thoroughly mix your mimosa juice and naptha, but to do so in a tilting fashion rather than like shaking.
"Reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistant one"-Albert Einstein
The answer to life is not 42, It is 37. The flawed 42 was derived from a mistake in calculating the quantum flux of a tenth dimensional hyperspacial wormhole. For proof of my math, please follow me in a nice chaotic line to the fifth dimension for a practical dissemination of the results.
[size=4]Compound37 is a fictionalized character, any and all posts are based solely on speculation.