It has been quite a while now (3-4months) since my last journey, and lately I have been getting the urge to go back.
I still have half a pound of mhrb that I have been hanging on to, and I plan to perform an extraction within the next week. I have had my share of amazingly beautiful breathtaking experiences and a couple that didn't go so well (which is why I took a break)
3 days ago my relationship with my girlfriend of 3 years came to an end, I'll spare you all the details, but I'll let you know that I loved her very much and didn't really want to break up, but the relationship was going downhill and we both agreed to break things off before it got worse. (it wasn't that bad, we didn't really fight or anything)
Needless to say I have been a little upset about the whole situation the past couple days, and it will take a while but I'm trying to do my best and move on.
Bringing me to my question...
Have any of you ever decided to use dmt even when you aren't in the best of moods?
I want to have a good experience, I'm not turning to dmt because I'm upset, I just happen to be a little upset but I still want to have this experience. So has anybody ever been bummed out and used dmt and still had a good time?
Or is it almost a guaranteed bad time if I'm sad/depressed and go for it?