Hi all,
I have been watching the dmt-nexus forum for a short while and I think that you guys may be able to help me with a problem I have encountered recently.
Without going into detail about the causes of my lucid dreams, I would like to share two in particular that have stayed with me after waking up for several days afterwards.
The first is the more elaborate and one that I may have an explanation for, which I will keep to myself as to not influence your opinion of it. It begins with a train carriage in the middle of a field, resting on train tracks that extend out to both horizons. Inside this train carriage, I am performing some sort of experiment with four other individuals, which now I cannot say that I know, but I felt like I was very familiar with them when inside the dream. The experiment involves an antenna on top of the carriage which is controlled by the high-tech equipment inside, many monitors, work stations...you get the picture. Now, I believe the experiment is actually meant to save the universe from collapsing. Yes, very hollywood, I know, but nonetheless, we are supposed to do it and we believe that we have.
As we exit the carriage to assess if our endeavour has saved the day, we begin realising that, in fact, we were either too late or we did not succeed. What happens next is that the sky darkens and, I don't see, I FEEL the solar system planets evaporating into dust and sub-atomic particles, it's not something that can be explained in words, I simply knew that it was occurring. Watching the sky, the darkness encroaches until a deafening quiet permeates the air and I can see the rest of the team being taken into the darkness which, ultimately, takes me as well, the last thing that I see is my hands as I lose all sense of colour and all I can see is black emptiness.
Now, what happens next felt like the most important aspect of the dream and why it felt so real for me. I felt that I was dying/being disintegrated and I sensed a whole body vibration taking hold as I struggled with great sadness at my molecular deconstruction. After the sadness and vibration, I see lights emerging in front of me and forming a structure. Forming the shape of an extended hand to lift me out of the darkness, I reach out with all my will and as I do so, I wake up into another dream.
In this outer dream, I wake up on a make-shift bed in a tent which is located on a construction site/archaeological dig. There, I meet two good friends I know and we discuss the best way to excavate the hillside as we try to decide where to place the top soil layers that we cut up the previous day. In this outer dream, I start remembering the feeling of vibration and the light beckoning me to reach out to it and, again, as I think about it I wake up, this time for good, in my bed at home. All I can tell you, is that for the first half an hour of being awake I did not believe I was awake and I felt like it was a dream rather than reality, and so, I kept wanting to wake up from this dream and go back. Pretty soon though, the ego kicked in with its usual mechanics and I realised I was back on terra firma.
Throughout that experience, I felt like I was there, living, knowing, remembering my whole life from inside the dreams and the strangers which I apparently knew. It felt more real than the moments of cognition after waking up fully and the spent cigarettes in the ashtray that I had for two hours after being shaken into reality.
The second dream is shorter, but it had the same impact, which was to make me question whether I was awake or still dreaming. I was on top of a mountain temple, which had a distinct architectural style, combining eastern and western elements. Two other people were with me on my journey down the 10 000 steps that needed to be taken to reach the bottom of the mountain. One of them, I cannot remember but the other looked like Seraph from Matrix 2. As we start going down the steps, I realise that something is incredibly wrong and I look back to see if they are behind me. They are indeed descending but, as I run down the steps more and look back: 1) I still am at the same distance from the top as before and 2) it seems my companions are beginning their descent again.
This happens a few more times and I realise I need to do something about it, otherwise we will all be stuck in the "descend, look back, same distance travelled, descend" loop forever. And so, I try to forget about them and focus on my own journey. This, surprisingly, enables me to jump hundreds of steps at a time and, pretty soon, I am at the bottom, in front of two large, ominous doors. There is a powerful white light shining through the doors and, when I open them, I wake up.
This dream I do not have a grasp on explaining at all, so any ideas would be welcome.
In summary, what I am trying to say is that this all feels highly distant to lucid dreams I have had in the past, because I don't wake up and realise they were dreams, I wake up and think I have just fallen asleep. Not only that, but after waking up from the first dream, I had a sudden urge to call my brother because I know he will be around London for the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony and I had an instant bad vibe about the situation which I wanted to warn him about, aka, stay clear of the city on the 27th of July.
In any case, if this makes sense to you and have gotten through my lengthy post, any hints or pointers of what I am going through would be welcome. Or if you have had similar experiences, feel free to post them as well.