as many days as you want, and it doesn't have to be 5g.. but given how expensive caapi is i sometimes just do general I try and go as long as possible drinking roughly 5-20g at night
as for the bigger dose, you just have to find whats right for you. 40g is a very small dose for the vast majority of vine out there. If you didn't get anything from that, i would just double it, then drink more if your still not where you want to be. Its generally very warm and welcoming so don't be afraid of high doses, but it can cause a lot of nausea if you take really big amounts where you leave your body everytime you close your eyes. Welcome the purge if it comes! That will help. And just lay down in silent darkness, breathe deep and slow. i often take around 130g vine alone or more- you get used to the higher amounts after a while
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"