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DMT symbol project (work in progress) Options
#1 Posted : 4/23/2012 7:54:13 PM

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Inspired by the "DMT Symbolism" -thread, me and Guyomech decided to embark on a collaboration project based on his clever idea about a mandala and a molecule key. We thought it would be cool to make a thread here so we could exchange our materials, and at the same time could get any critiques or ideas from other people. This is in NO way trying to produce the "Ultimate DMT Logo" or anything, it's just a little project that we thought would be fun, and collaborations are always more fun than working alone.

Here is some very crude initial sketching to get this thing started, and to manifest some more ideas.

daedaloops attached the following image(s):
keymandala1.jpg (472kb) downloaded 597 time(s).
keymandala2.jpg (519kb) downloaded 598 time(s).

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 4/23/2012 7:57:02 PM


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The keyhole mandalas are brilliant.
Bill Cipher
#3 Posted : 4/23/2012 8:00:23 PM

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Shweet. Nice work.
#4 Posted : 4/23/2012 8:03:13 PM

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Indeed it looks excellent!

I saw you played around with the dmt molecule fitting the keyhole... no need to take my suggestion but just something I thought about, would it be very complicated for the dmt molecule itself (or part of it) to look like a keyhole?
#5 Posted : 4/23/2012 8:15:29 PM

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... or the keyhole to look like a neurotransmitter Big grin

good work. I had never noticed how the molecule already looks like a key!!
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#6 Posted : 4/23/2012 8:25:11 PM

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Awesome stuff, again, daedaloops.

Your hyperspacial imagery evokes a wonderful feeling and I can't wait to see the evolution of this collaboration! Very happy
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#7 Posted : 4/23/2012 9:07:31 PM

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Nice, Im quite excited to see what comes out of this project!
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#8 Posted : 4/24/2012 12:11:34 AM

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Great stuff daedaloops! I'm looking forward to seeing this thread evolve too!

I really like jbark's idea of the neurotransmitter as the keyhole. Not sure how you'd incorporate that but I like it!
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#9 Posted : 4/24/2012 1:30:08 AM

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endlessness wrote:
would it be very complicated for the dmt molecule itself (or part of it) to look like a keyhole?

I guess yea, but it couldn't be centered because of the asymmetry. And I think the idea that DMT is the key that opens up the mandala is more meaningful.

jbark wrote:
... or the keyhole to look like a neurotransmitter

Doesn't a neurotransmitter just mean an endogenous molecule in the synaptic process? Which is what DMT is theorized to be. So basically you just suggested the same thing as endlessness. Very happy Or did you mean the whole synaptic structure as the keyhole? I'll have to see if that would work somehow.

Thanks for the suggestions both!
#10 Posted : 4/24/2012 1:40:04 AM

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Very cool. Love this concept.
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I appreciate your perspective.

#11 Posted : 4/24/2012 7:31:08 AM

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Here's a version of the molecule that's dressed up a bit more like a key, including a business end that is shaped like the keyhole (is this what you were talking about, Endlessness?). I've also included a version with a mandala. I am not in any way attached to the mandala, in fact I/m not in love with it at all... think of it as an "insert mandala here" thing. But I think it's about the right size and proportion for the key and keyhole.

Part of the idea here is to be a bit reductionist graphically. The finished thing should be readable on a small sticker.

I like some of the more faceted mandalas Daedaloops drew... could be cool to combine that look with the sort of Tibetan lotus motif here.
Guyomech attached the following image(s):
MoleculeKey1.jpg (595kb) downloaded 499 time(s).
KeyMandala1.jpg (825kb) downloaded 493 time(s).
#12 Posted : 4/24/2012 7:39:29 AM


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Mind = blown

I had a beingasm just looking at it.

This is pure genius.

Thank you for that Guyomech Drool
#13 Posted : 4/24/2012 7:51:23 AM

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Plertiful, love ya work Razz
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#14 Posted : 4/24/2012 3:20:37 PM

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Now just make the lock into a pupil of a third eye on a meditating character and you gotyourself a pretty kickass tattoo idea Smile
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#15 Posted : 4/24/2012 4:49:04 PM

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Guyomech wrote:
Here's a version of the molecule that's dressed up a bit more like a key, including a business end that is shaped like the keyhole (is this what you were talking about, Endlessness?).

Oh yes! That is perfectly what we need, it's beautifully ornate and it's not being too explicit that we're trying to symbolize drugs. Pleased Very cool.

And I dunno if you did it on purpose but I immediately noticed the face on the keyhole, so here's another idea. (It looks a bit mayan or something?) Like this way it could symbolize the entity aspect too. Also added a few suggestions on how the lotus could be patterned.

Also, are you left-handed? I'm right-handed and for me it feels a bit weird that the key is coming from the left.. But maybe that's just me.

*edit* Updated with a tad stronger shadowing

daedaloops attached the following image(s):
mandalanew2.jpg (512kb) downloaded 400 time(s).
#16 Posted : 4/24/2012 5:05:59 PM

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this is so cool !

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Bill Cipher
#17 Posted : 4/24/2012 5:12:21 PM

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#18 Posted : 4/24/2012 5:24:38 PM

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Thumbs up
#19 Posted : 4/24/2012 5:52:52 PM

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No, I'm right handed... I was thinking more in terms of the old "things progress from left to right" narrative that we Westerners have wired into us as a result of the way we read and write. But I'm not at all attached. Try flipping it (edit/transform/flip horizontal) and see if it feels more natural.

Like the Mayan treatment on the lock. Perhaps more of that vibe in the flat parts of the key? Here's what I'd recommend: bring the key into Photoshop, size it to a comfortable size. Flip it if you want. Go to Levels (Command/L or Image/adjustments/levels) and take the lower left slider and move it most of the way to the right until the image has only 10-15% of its original value. It should be readable, but barely. Print it like that and then redraw it directly on the print. I've found this to be a great way to blend two artist's styles and techniques into something that looks like it came from a third artist.

I lIke the lotus petal variations and will mess around with that a bit tonight.

I have no idea how Photoshop literate you are, so forgive me if I instruct you on stuff that you already know.

Love the direction this is taking!
#20 Posted : 4/24/2012 6:58:50 PM


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Awesome stuff!
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