Hey nexus,
I've been slowly getting into drinking aya after a long time using many other substances. My first couple of brews was what a friend had prepared using vine and mhrb. The mhrb was just prepared by 2 hour long boils and then reduced...needless to say it tasted truly horrible. It was so bad that it really affected my sessions.
So what I'm planning to do is the egg-white method on the mhrb and brew the caapi separate. Now I've done egg white mhrb before and it works great! I will add when I've drank mhrb this way I have used rue with it and not caapi, and I never used to purge.
Sooo I really need help with the caapi. I'm not trying to dodge the purge as I appreciate that's what aya is about. I want to know how long to brew caapi for and if I brew a batch does it keep?
So then I will drink the caapi and then drink the mhrb...I should still purge just off caapi yes?
Any help would be great, thanks
acolon_5 wrote:Welcome to club hypersex.
I've been there too...it is amazing.