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Different Variations of Spice Experiences from Different tek types and smoking methods? Options
The Observer
#1 Posted : 4/19/2012 2:41:01 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 211
Joined: 12-Feb-2012
Last visit: 23-May-2019
Location: Somewhere in the pillars of creation
I have had many different experiences in the short time I have been spicing. Many times, from launch to launch, things are seemingly very different in regard to intensity of experience, even when seemingly my doses are equivalent.

I have been using the GVG, and believe I finally have that worked out so its easy to take the whole dose in one inhalation. I find a slow ramp up using the GVG as opposed to the "drive by shooting of hallucinogens" or the "bungee jump". Wondering if other GVG users also experience the slower onset.

Before I got my GVG, I bought a VG to tide me over until I got my GVG. Several times when using the VG, I experienced several launches that were Inception like, in that my whole world shook violently, or better described as vibrated wildly within a few seconds of inhaling a hit or two on the VG.

Because of these fairly substantial differences, including me using AB tek the first time, followed by STB Normans for the masses the 2nd time, I am wondering how much difference, if any, experienced spicers that have used different tek methods and smoking devices/methods nexus members think may have to do with the different tek methods of extraction vs. smoking methods, etc.

Or generally, any comments regarding the differences encountered would be interesting to me.

Sorry if I rambled.

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention by using totally fictitious verbiage...........

The above refers to the fictitious 'I'

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#2 Posted : 4/19/2012 9:00:50 AM

DMT-Nexus member


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IMO there is no difference in effects between different batches, at least in any of the common ways of extracting.. Or better said, the possible variation between DMT trips even of the same batch, dosage and set and setting are so big that any small difference the minor alkaloids can make are 'diluted' and unperceptible. I have had COMPLETELY different trips with the same batch and dosage and setting: some very light some very dark, some with harsh visuals some with 'soft' visuals, with entities or with just shapes, realistic or cartoonish, breakthrough or not, of one type of colors or another etc etc etc

You can click my signature for jungle spice analysis, it shows the difference between different extractions and alkaloid content. Scroll down for individual info on each extraction.

In any case this is not a closed case, its still up for discussion... BUT, I think the biggest barrier we have is that people KNOW they are smoking of batch X or Y, and then they come to their conclusions without realizing the other factors that may come into play, like self-suggestion. Thats why I suggested a protocol for blind tests, and the only person that so far did it, ice house, did not feel any difference:


If more people would try it like that, we would have more info to finally settle this discussion
The Observer
#3 Posted : 4/20/2012 9:41:27 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 211
Joined: 12-Feb-2012
Last visit: 23-May-2019
Location: Somewhere in the pillars of creation
Thanks endlessness

I was surprised no one else piped in other than you, as it is rather perplexing at times how the different journeys can be oh so different, even when believing most variables and doseages are in line with past journeys.

I have no recollection to date of ever experiencing the intensity of OEV or CEV, including the infamous "dome" that most seem to experience on a regular basis, for some reason.

I keep thinking I have the GVG sorted out and under control with my technique, but never quite sure.

I also have no recollection of ever encountering entities, aliens, gnomes, elves, or even Elvis..............I keep seeing this darn clown guy, but he appears inanimate.

Endlessness, do you experience a substantial difference in a "normal breakthru dose" and doing a substantially larger dose than that? And if so, what seems to change as the dose increases from your normal dose?

I have also read in many posts/pics that spice being somewhat yellow is ok, and in at least one or more teks, it mentions if your non polar, separated liquid isn't yellow, that there is a problem. I have done both AB muriatic lye naptha and Normans STB with pretty much clear naptha's on pulls and white spice. Am I missing something. Could that be because I don't let it sit for a day or two before the pulls?

By the way........I volunteer as a "Pepsi Challenge" participant for the different batches/teks.

I understand if you don't have the time to answer this posting.

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention by using totally fictitious verbiage...........

The above refers to the fictitious 'I'
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