I have spent over 10 years travelling on and off in mostly Latin America and Asia. I pretty much have ticked most of the "must see and do" travel boxes, but still had the Ayahuasca box to tick. So this became one of the things i chose to do on a 1 month trip to Peru, i have just returned from. Luckily, Olympus mon was in Peru doing some ceremonies, and gave me some helpful guidance. I had quite a few options to choose from, and heard great things about another Curandero called Don Marcial. But after a lot of dithering i made it to Curandero Don Mateo's place in the Shipibo village of San Francisco, on the basis that it was both easier to get to, and that OM as well as other good people were staying there, so at least i had some good company. Which curandero should i choose??, there was only one way to find out....Only by actively trying out Don Mateo would i be able to make a realisation. Thinking it out was not the answer!
First ceremony: Wow, the molokka feels like such a special place, and the air is filled with Mapacho smoke..What have i let myself into, i asked?? I drank the slightly fermented brew, all one cup of it. The lights went out, and i waited. When the Ayahuasca was starting to work, the shamen started singing their icaros songs. These helped drive the Ayahuasca visions, and "spread them out". It was truly a beautiful experience of visions of jungle animals guided by the ever present snake, either boa, or anaconda. In the midst of all these visions , and in the next ceremonies was a central part to the visions where i saw animals with human eyes. I later realised that these were the "matrix central" realms where the Shamen had also entered, and could see into my thoughts.
This Ceremony left me in Awe, and i then realised why this molokka had been constructed. I had great respect for the Shaman, and thought "what a fantastic job it must be to work as a Shaman, such positive vibes"etc...
Second ceremony: This ceremony was much more powerful as i chose to drink 1 and 1/2 cups of a new brew which OM told me was chakruna heavy. It was very visual, and too much at times. I saw classic 3D DMT visuals, as well as clowns and visuals that magically descended from the ceiling. Dna type visuals floating in the air and Snakes were everywhere, and the malokka was full of spirits. During this ceremony it was a cross between the nauseaus mapacho smoke, icaros, and of course stronger Ayahuasca dose that had me Purging my guts out. I was right to assume that it was gonna be a strong and horrid purge, but at least i got to understand the purge and even nastier acidic Aya throat taste, and it helped calm things down quite a bit. During this ceremony i had some negative thoughts about someone who had treated my mother badly, although i chose to address this issue outside the ceremony as it had no place in this otherwise positive ceremony. It was during this ceremony that it became clear that our good parents love us from the moment we are born to the day they die, and that anything else in life was just either essentials, or "padding", and that we should return this gratitude back to our Parents.
>The day after this ceremony, i was shocked when one of the shamen told me, "so you wanna kill the shamen!!". I then realised that he was talking about this negative vision that the shamen also had access to. I then realised that he had misunderstood this vision because this person i had this issue with was Tunisian, and had a similar appearance to the shamen in terms of looks. The shamen told me that sometimes they get the interpretation wrong, although because i don't think i explained the similarity in looks part i still have doubts if he really truly believed me. Quite scary really when you realise that they can misunderstand such things, and that when they are in your Aya matrix that they can pretty much do what they wish to you, since this is their well known "playing field" territory of which i was a newcomer.....
Third ceremony: This ceremony the Ayahuasca was rather weak. Although i only drank one cup, i should have at least had a level of visions similar to the first ceremony. Eventually i did get visions, but they were negative and horrible ones. This really made me think that the shamen were trying to battle with me, (after the last ceremonies misunderstanding on their part). It could also have been connected to a "Demon" being released from an Argentinian guy who had some Drugs problems. When i eventually got to sleep i had a rather incredible vivid dream of an Indian Sadhu with massive thick dreads and both driving a mercedes car, and remote control driving it from Ancient wall ramparts of a modern European city??
Fourth ceremony: This was the last ceremony. To be honest, i was tired, but unfortunately the Ayahuasca was EVEN weaker than last time, even though the shamen told me it should be a better "mix"?. this ceremony i got almost no visuals at all from the one cup i drank, but did see some Incan faces on my mozzie net as i struggled to try to sleep in the early hours, later on!. ( I could not be bothered with drinking more Ayahuasca later and prolonging the journey till i found a "sweet spot", and eventually assisted myself to purge. When purging the Aya seemed a lot thinner than the first time i purged, and this made me feel the Aya was "watered down". A disappointing end, although i could have also chosed to have drank more and was also in all fairness quite tired from lack of good sleep ). Still, i think to this moment that the Ayahuasca was the major problem. Without a decent Ayahuasca, the connection to the central "matrix" cannot be made and icaros are meaningless....
>>Overall views:
1. To do an Ayahuasca ceremony should be a "must do" on any travellers itinery in Latin America. The first ceremony left me in awe, and gave me a great respect for shamanism. I'll admit i thought of trying Ayahuasca alone in my hotel room, but i'm glad i instead did so in a Ceremony. Ayahuasca alone is really missing a lot in terms of having shamen there to create a safe and protected environment, icaros, curation, and the mapacho, etc. Not only that but it's simply a magical group experience when done in a ceremony. It made me realise that every special experience in life is a ceremony, or should be..
2. I did Ayahuasca out of curiosity, rather than for "curing" as i did not feel i needed any. However it did give me some reaffirmation on certain thoughts, and this was all positive stuff. I met many westerners doing Aya for various reasons. Some were dealing with mental issues which were making them suicidal, etc. Others were doing it for reasons like myself, or trying to make a television documentary, etc. Although most of them were nice people, and very into their Ayahuasca, had taken it for years and stuff, this didn't mean they were positive in all life areas as i realised when see'ing some woman talking to her son like he was dog dirt, etc...
![Rolling eyes](/forum/images/emoticons/rolleyes.png)
> so obviously whilst Ayahuasca can help in it's way, we also have to actively make positive change in our lives to finalise the insights gained, or it's just rather aimless. Ayahuasca can help us in some ways, but we must do the rest. It is not the cure all, we are also our own medicine.:idea:
3. It was a pity the Ayahuasca was "all over the place". I thought there was no excuse for this because making Ayahuasca is as easy as ABC. And expected better than the Aya i got. I felt like i had gone to a top class restaurant and recieved a crappy street burger the last 2 ceremonies!
4. To end, i'm glad i did the ceremonies even though they hit the spot only 50% of the time. If i never would have tried Don Mateo, i would never have known. Now i can speak from experience, and know what to look out for, ask about next time, etc. I would agree with an Australian couple i met, that 3 good ceremonies in a week should be more than enough for MOST of us, and especially for the shamen who need a rest as well. It's something i would someday like to repeat, although i would also like to try different Curanderos, because although i thought that Don Mateo was a good introduction, and the company was great, the rest was pretty average, especially the Ayahuasca.
Kind regards, Christian.
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"