I would like to ask benzyme and others posting in this thread to please be respectful in your criticism, as our required attitude states.
Alexicus... As enoon and gowpen said, the issue isnt so much about your theory, but about how you write. But before I get to that, Ill just mention a couple of things about your theories.
Things I agree with:
- A synergy between science and a more 'spiritual' or 'existentially-questioning' world view is very beneficial for a broader fulfilling existence
- Different religions had a similar "base" of truth (though they have all been deliberately edited, or mistranslated and misunderstood, taken out of context, etc)
- Heaven and hell can be states of mind.
- There is a Oneness, life is somehow the universe experiencing itself (if creation is from unity to multiplicity, evolution is from multiplicity back to unity)
Things I dont agree with or find innacurate, misleading or unnecessary speculation:
- Dark matter = souls, or awareness. Sounds unique view but where did you get to this conclusion, what evidence or experience backed this up for you? You say the fact that the universe is pretty aware of itself correlates to dark matter making up a big part of the universe, but in saying that you have set yourself into an experimental trap: If dark matter can be shown to be significantly increasing the last hundred years in an exponential way, at least it doesnt disprove your point, but if dark matter has not been increasing and has been the same for thousands of years, your theory has already been disproven. Enoon might be able to talk about this because she's very knowledgeable about physics, I have no idea if dark matter amounts are changing.
- After death, X happens ... Whatever it is you say about that, is complete speculation, it isnt any more probable than ANY theory out there (flying spaggheti monster, when we die we are reborn as bedsheets, when humans die they go to heaven or to hell, whatever else you want to invent). I really suggest you check out Gibran2's
Improbability of Hyperspace thread regarding these kind of claims.
- "So there was a state of nothingness, then the Creator decided to start the universe. The Creator is most likely just some form of particle that somehow became conscious of itself in the singularity that was pre-big gang. Some scientists have referred to this as the God particle." <- that is as bad a creation myth as any other, and it will always lead to "but who created the creator" kind of questions. Ultimately, the beginning will always be a mistery. IMO you are just putting some words to replace the mistery but it doesnt really solve it at all, and it might prevent you from standing in awe at how the fact that 'anything exists at all' is amazing in the first place.
- You mention gravity and yet you have made not a single step, apparently, in explaining how to unify gravity with the other forces, or how does relativity relate to quantum theory, and all sorts of interesting questions that you seem to miss out in your model (and yet you claim to be The One who found out the answer to life's misteries). I guess you are just not knowledgeable in physics enough to make attempt at explaining these things (neither am I), but then you shouldnt pretend to in the first place.
- Appart from the dark matter aspect, all you said is NOT a theory because you make no falsifiable claims.. What you have there are BELIEFS, like the christians have their beliefs and the muslims have theirs... And all of them explain their beliefs with tales, like yours, which if you poke at it you find they arent very solid at all.
- I see no practical aspects in your theory. How can one really help another human being grow? How should education be organized? What is the ideal economic system ? How do we deal with excess population? What to do if someone rapped and killed your closed one? Should prisons exist, and if not, how do we deal with those doing harm to others? How can we become more sustainable? How to deal with crack addicts? What is the ideal diet, should people be vegetarians or meat consumers or depends? Is it better to eat an organic product from far or a non-organic product from close? Should I buy the avocados that come from small producer but wrapped in plastic and in styrofoam box, or buy the avocado from big producer that comes in reusable wooden crates? Do governments need to exist, and if not, how to structure society? How can we find a balance between moderating the nexus and letting things run their natural course (lol ) ? You see, there are a thousand different questions that are very important and are actually "life's misteries", and yet you dont touch any of them. You remain in a very convenient 'airy' belief that does not touch on the real questions people have about their lives.
Now, enough about your theories, Id like to mention about your attitude. First of, I want to quote from our attitude page, which I hope you read:
attitude page wrote:The DMT-Nexus is no place for preaching, and imposing an idea on others. Respect to different world views is imperative! If you have an opinion about something, respectfully state it, but please do not talk in absolutes about Right and Wrong or disrespectfully disregard other world views.
So you see, while thankfully you havent lacked direct respect here, you do come off as very preachy, and this has no place here. You see, there are all kinds of people here, who age from 18 to 60+, many people who have dedicated their lives to becoming more and more aware about themselves, through psychedelics, meditation, martial arts and/or all sorts of other paths. Many members have made great efforts and overcome great difficulties in their lives, trying to find balance between physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual/existential health, while juggling with the situations life brings. Many here have AMAZING feats in their lives, things most have no clue about, the level of difficulties they have overcome, the balance they have been able to maintain, and yet these people arent preaching others here, they arent saying what the universe is about or what are life's misteries, they are rather being mutually supportive to everybody on the path.
I think that it happens, once you have a certain level of development, that one realizes there is no end to personal development, that it keeps going till the day we die. The ego for example, it doesnt stop growing, so we must always make an effort to trim it down and keep it in its place. If one says they have conquered one's ego, I would think that is a clear indication one hasnt.
See, I can tell you about myself, not sure if your case is the same but maybe its similar.. When I was younger, early teenage days, I was a very strong minded person, and saw things others did that were not right. I was very critical and questionning.. Then psychedelics entered my life, and I thought I saw something so obvious about life and the universe, I couldnt believe how others didnt see. I felt myself as clearly standing above the crowd, as a kind of super-human-being, much more aware and conscious than others. I suspect this is where you are standing now. Just to give you an idea, I even started writting a book about how the universe worked, what was god all about, etc. But then you know what happened? LIFE...... It just humbled me when I stepped out of the comfort zone and actually had to overcome very difficult life situations.
You see, its very easy to have all these theories and write from one's armchair, and it all makes sense. But once you travel to very different countries and get faced with contrasts, once you fall in love and have your heart broken, once a close-one dies, once real sickness comes, once you have difficulty finding a job and paying the bills, once you face some kind of real moral dillema, once a real ayahuasca slaps you in the face, all those theories go out the window, and you see the nakedness of human experience, and you see how you are just a spiritual child, still crawling in the beginning of one's path.
You arent any more special than anybody else, and even though you said you know this, I dont think you realy 'feel' it because you constantly make remarks about how you are the one who found answer to life's misteries and so on. IMO before you found the answer to life's misteries, you must go out there and live life, and see what the real misteries and dilemas actually are. Buddha didnt get enlightened from his original palace, he had to go out there and see what life is about before he really found out about things (though I dont believe in a permanent state of enlightenment, I like the analogy)
You mentioned "wise and intelligent" as characteristics for developed people, but that is only a part of it. You see, you maybe intelligent for some things, but I bet you arent for others. There are several types of intelligences and skills.. Maybe you are intellectually advanced, but maybe you are not good in interpersonal relationships.. Or maybe you are good in both, but maybe you are not dedicating yourself to physical balance/diet/exercise/body control. Maybe you have that, but maybe you dont have enough empathy. Maybe you dont have enough patience. etc etc etc.. Every person has their own level of these different skills, intelligences, and their unique contextual balance between those different things and awareness. Its not easy to judge others and put them into levels once you see how complex humans actually are
Last, but not least, you must question yourself what is it that you are actually doing here in this community in the first place. You came saying you wanted to become a member so you could write a huge post about how the universe works.... ??? I mean, think about it, dont you find that arrogant and single sided? Instead of coming here to want to share your views, but also learn, to give and to receive, you just want to tell us about your views. And then the only other posts you made elsewhere were to tell others to read your own 'theory'. This is not the kind of people we want here. This is not a community for one-sided communication, for people preaching and only receiving answers that go along with their views. 'learn, share, expand', as the forum banners say... There is no 'teach', there, you see, and even if there was, it wouldnt be by itself. So if you really want to be a part of this community, I suggest you rethink your attitude and question what is it that you really want here. If this reflects your attitude elsewhere, I suspect you are going to have a lot of negative responses in your actions out there in the world.
Anyways I already wrote enough. I just felt like extending a bit because a couple of posts before lacked quality and thoroughness, and before you are cut down because of your preaching, I want you to be given the reasons why that preaching is out of place here, and why you should reconsider and rethink your plans in being here and how to act in life in general.
Be well!
PS: I think the Nexus is way beyond your, mine and anyone else's level. It is the synergy of all members, all the collective efforts, accumulated information and rightful attitude that makes this place unique. We all can learn a lot, every single day here.