Tele... hello there
you may call it whatever you like. Intergalactic, Interdimensional, Enter Hyperspace.. However you would like to coin it.. I just tend to fall back to old Star Trek lingo because I have found Star Trek to actually be a fairly good example of how the universe is set up... For example on the show, ancient Earth(modern day) is quarantined by the federation of planets who does not make Contact with Earth until Earthlings succeed in discovering "Warp Drive Technology"
To me it would seem that this "Prime Directive" is a good analogy for DMT....The main difference between reality and the show here is that instead of the Aliens waiting for the whole planet to reach warp drive they are actually only waiting for each individual to discover their own personal "warp drive" technology....Once a human has mastered this "Warp Drive" technology the "Federation" reveals to that evolved person who and what is really in charge of the universe....
Also Tele
I'm afraid I have to respectfully disagree with a few other comments you made, for instance your insinuation that my suggestion to look for omens and indications was "complicated". I have to say that the concept of following omens or signs is not at all complicated or a hoodoo-voodoo style idea and it should certainly be understood by any Veteran psychedelic user...
An Omen is nothing more than what happens when the DMT entities,ancient aliens,angels, E.T's,masters of the universe,machine elves or whatever you would like to call them attempt to communicate to a human by manipulating that humans physical environment in order to impart signs and information. Interpreting omens is easy because the "DMT Entities" know each person so very well that they are able to precisely communicate to that person so the subject will understand perfectly what is meant to be revealed through the intended Omen or sign. Often times I have received warnings, agreements, and other information from just out of context phrases spoken on television...or sometimes that perfect song comes on the radio trying desperately to tell me something.
Also you wrote this statement:
"I believe if person has researched DMT well and really is thinking "let's do this, I'm willing to take the leap", it's enough. If ones gets scared away from it, well at least he/she tried.
Talking spiritually or in any other complicated manner I believe is unnecessary, but instead I believe all that is needed is true interest in DMT and some balls for taking the leap(especially after first breakthrough when one knows a lil bit what to expect)"
It is my opinion that ones desire alone is NOT enough to justify experimenting with takes something more besides just mere curiosity and "balls" to be right for DMT exploration. A lot of times people that who are in reality as fragile as egg shells will try to pretend and portray themselves to be fearless psychedelic troopers but when it's boiled down and they are in the thick of it these people shatter like egg shells....
Many people underestimate the kind of negative impact DMT in the wrong hands can have....not just for the user but for the sitter as well....I have friends who once invited a completely sane and interested person who did research and had "balls" to try DMT in their home.
20 seconds after Smoking the DMT This ballsy individual started absolutely screaming and shrieking at the top of his lungs louder than can be imagined and there was nothing they could do to stop him for a non stop 8 full minutes!!! Several neighbors including own their landlord who lived down the street came to investigate the blood curdling primal screams and they subsequently got evicted.. The landlord thought they were smoking PCP or something.
Also I personally have over the years witnessed several different people revert to a state that could only be described as fully possessed by demons while under the influence of DMT, LSD, Mescaline or Ayahuasca and all these people had "balls" too. If you have never had to babysit for someone who is possessed by demons then I hope you never do because there is almost nothing worse in this bigger buzz kill than that.
I'm afraid I also disagree with your final comment that:
("I believe no person is able to teach about DMT(besides how to vaporize)".
Tele, let me ask you this:
If you teach someone how to perfectly use a bow and arrow, does that mean that they now know how to hunt big game with it? A person may not be able to effectively teach everything about how to navigate hyperspace the way the E.T's can but a good Shaman can show someone how to get the E.T's to accept them and what terrible pitfalls to avoid along the way.
Simply vaporizing the DMT does not guarantee that one will experience paranormal phenomenon of any type it only guarantees one will experience some type of DMT effect but not necessarily the desired effect. Without some type of foundation for open mindedness either spiritual or scientific a person could smoke DMT until they are blue in the face but it won't do them one bit of will only confuse and confound them until they either stop using DMT because of a terrifying experience or they just plain lose their marbles whichever comes first
There was a study done several years back that found that Native Americans who use peyote for spiritual purposes suffer no ill effects from frequent usage and actually score higher on cognitive testing than do Native Americans who do not use peyote. By contrast there have been scores of people who have no spiritual foundation of understanding and have abused mescaline for the wrong reasons and who ended up suffered from short or long term psychological damage as a result.
(look up french depressed author John Paul Satre's mescaline trip) I realize Mescaline is not DMT but there are of course similarities.
Anyways, nothing personal Tele and I wish you the best.
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph