Finding the nexus in my google searches for different dmt teks was a pleasant surprise, especially once I delved into the forum and saw how generally positive and intelligent the community is. I have made dmt before using the lye/naptha combo with success, but I dislike working with lye and decided on the Q21Q21 tek - man, that worked so well and I got an amazing yield, roughly 1.2% of pure, snow white, elf spice. Anywho, introduction...
I've been interested in and practiced philosophy, mysticism, science, personal growth, ritual magic, healing, art, and technology since I was a teenager, going on a decade now. I have erowid to thank for giving me the correct mindset when going into psychedelic use; that its for expansion and healing, and maybe a bit of fun, but not to just to get f'd up or escape. I have tried mushrooms and salvia many, many times (perhaps a few hundred of each, 95% of the time with the right intent in a good setting), and various others such as dxm, opium, lsd, yopo, ayahuasca, amanita, lsa, and of course, DMT. For better or worse there were varying periods of time in the past that I indulged in the not-so-good substances and pharmaceuticals, but as a result I know a good amount about pharmacology and drug interactions+metabolism+half-life etc, so if any judgement-free advice is needed feel free to pm.
Right now I'm in school for philosophy and volunteer some time helping out "conscious" or "green" start up companies with web design and business planning when they end up on my radar. Some of my favorite hobbies are weight lifting, body modification, and playing D&D/Magic:The Gathering/other nerdy things. Most of my r/l friends are very conscious, wise, and loving souls with an inspiring level of integrity and open-heartedness, one which I would like achieve. The last few years of life have been extremely rough and I lost my center...I'm just now starting to get back to myself and find an open heart (most important thing in my opinion), explorations into entheogenic space feel right again and I'm glad to be back in a place where I can have them.
I have a lot of knowledge, and a bit of wisdom about life, love, and spirit, but there is so very much for me to learn - a humbling amout, truth be told - and the community at the nexus seems like a great place to help deconstruct, map, analyze, and share the experiences I have/have had.
Love and Light!