I feel something should be iterated on in open discussion should be the sheer power of DMT. I know that this is a relatively common topic, especially on experience centered threads, but I can't help but to put my own spin on it.
When I set out on this adventure, I spent 2 years acquiring what info I could (Wish I would have found this community back then) and I thought all that time had given me the mindset of respect and readiness for my trip. I thought I knew what it was capable of and believed I could handle it. Now, I am relatively young (old enough for membership, but young enough to be an undergrad) and of course, with my youth comes naivety. When I had my first trip (which with some lingering trepidation call Electric Play-dough), I realized I didn't know what respect meant until then. I want any newcomer to understand this, of all things.
You can't handle DMT, DMT handles you.Perhaps this changes over time, but as a novice, I still am subject to the whims of the spice without any say in the matter.
I would go on to say, there is a world of knowledge still waiting to be found by individuals. For example, I never dreamed that with a dose, my close friend and roommate would be cured (I say with apprehension, though it seems remission is unlikely, as it has been a good month and a half) of his childhood onset depression.
I won't deny that I still feel some lingering fears each time i hold the pipe to my lips, but at the same time, I've since found a new love and respect that I never expected. I intended for this to be almost a warning to beginners, but now I'm finding it more of a welcome. And I'm ok with that.
Feast on the fruits of the gods to return to the garden.