My friend who lives in a place where he doesn't have internet access requested that I relay this information to the Nexus. From here I will quote him.
"This is a general experience, not specific to any one trip. I find that with any size dosage the trip is always amazing and almost always pleasant. However, in rare cases where I have attempted a second trip immediately after, or closely following, the first, I find that they are almost always unpleasant. For instance, one "second" trip brought me a place with endless black waves of liquid. This place felt empty, dark and very disturbing. The set and setting were the same as the first trip, which was quite a positive experience.
I find this to be the case every time I attempt consecutive trips, as if I'm being told, "Don't be greedy, one at a time, once in a while, or you'll be sorry." Has anyone else had a similar experience?"
End quote. My friend thanks you.