I signed it and sent it to some friends. The sad thing is that this sort of thing is already happening. Our government (if youre from the US) has been allowing the NSA to illegally perform wiretaps and monitor the internet activity of average citizens without warrants since there were wiretaps to perform and internets to monitor. The worst part is that they dont even have to get their hands dirty. If you have a phone powered by google, a gmail account, or even if you just use google a lot then you should take the time to read their privacy policy which basically states that they will take whatever information you provide them, read and archive any emails and/or texts that it feels like, and then send them to whoever they deem fit for marketing purposes or purposes otherwise not stated and you will not be notified when and if this takes place. Dont use google, gmail, youtube, or you dont have an android phone? Doesnt matter. Log on to your yahoo or facebook account sometime and look at whats being advertised to you. There are companies that specialize in buying and sorting through the account information of membership websites and then who in turn sell it to advertisers and even to our government. And often times when theyre not allowed to sell it or flat out refuse to (a extreme rarity) the information just gets stolen. In fact a figure close to 90% of all large companies and not for profit organizations have had important private information about their account holders, clients, and customers hacked and stolen at one point in time within the past 10 years. Many of the companies nowadays are more than willing to provide private information to other companies for whatever purpose as long as they got the cash or the clout to make them give it up. The worst part of all of this is that in many cases it's the average citizen's fault for being too lazy or apathetic to read the privacy policies and terms and agreements of the sights that theyre signing up for because they warn you and then hide the warnings in plain sight. I know conspiracy talk is looked down on so I wont get in to this further. Theres a 4 part series on this subject called "last call for freedom" that talks about the sharing of private information between the government and big companies and in it they go through a lot of the specifics that I left out. Like the higher ups here on nexus said this isnt the place for conspiracy talk. I belong to another forum that specializes in conspiracy topics of all kinds and that has a MASSIVE torrent library filled with everything from hard to find documentaries to books. Its free to sign up, but Im not going to put the address here at risk of breaking a rule so if you want the name send me a PM and Ill hit you back. You may think a lot of it is crap, but just remember that the mind is like a parachute - it works better when its open.
"The spice must flow. The spice has given me accelerated evolution for 4000 years. It has enabled you to live 200. It gives the bene gesserit sisterhoods the metaphysical ability ability to see beyond. You want power. Our power to fold space is in the spice..." -Guild Navigator from dune