I often find that a trip is more interesting with my eyes open than closed.
Before I start, I should note that I have a print in my room from a 1907 painting -- it is a classic nine of pentacles type woman, looking at a little bird on her wrist, in perfect repose. I have noticed before that, while nearly everything else in my room can distort wildly when I'm smoking spice, this picture almost never does.
So -- I'm sitting, looking up at this pic and many other paintings of my own around it. Suddenly, (it seemed) everything I looked at was just sort of bouncing diagonally, repeatedly. I looked around me, it was the same everywhere. I remember focusing on the picture because she usually is still when other things get freakish; but she was bouncing too, upwards and to the right.
Then, slowly, I had a very strong sensation of reality slowly uncoiling. It was a very rotational kind of thing, like being on a merry-go-round in slow motion, only it was diagonal rotation if you know what I mean. My room went through many permutations, first it was infinitely compressed, then slowly opened out and at one point was quite spacious. After awhile, the changes were accompanied by a ka-chunk, like gear teeth winding down. I remember at one point saying, "Wait a minute--", because the change that had just gone by had everything reversed, like a mirror world.
My room gradually got smaller and smaller; and there came a time I have experienced before where I think I'm back, and then it shifts again. Looking at the picture, I became aware that the coil was unwinding in smaller and smaller increments, each of which I could feel in a weird way I can't describe. It was an excellent illustration of Zeno's arrow. I definitely felt that the unwinding mechanism was somehow connected to the bird on the lady's wrist. It took quite awhile for the minute clickings to finally release.
I felt that I had travelled through my own self and reality on several planes of existence, parallel in a vertical way. And the bouncing -- I finally concluded that I had almost overwound the mortal coil.
"What's wrong with that generation? ... Is this what comes of putting on Pink Floyd laser lightshows down at the Planetarium?" --Spider Robinson