near ego-death experience:
1 tablespoon
3,4,5-methoxy-butyl-bicarbonate lysergic acid: self-awareness raising agent
contextually-idiosyncratically inappropriatelessness
2 pinches
artificially official self raising awareness reagency
out of bodhisattva inexperience
closed i individualization selfless actualization
hordern esatpircsnart
word john-dough
naruto transfers energy into kyuubi, kyuubi molds with senju, senju transfers into naruto
imagine, you have a realization, you think about what everything is, in its most basic form, the whole universe at the most primal, simplest, smallest form, what is it? is it some sort of energy? some form of vibration?
it seems many things have vibration, you can find waves and patterns in triangles, trigonometry, sine waves, we see with our eyes, our eyes have photoreceptors to translate waves into vision, trigonometry, we hear through vibrations, sound waves, the ear is the home of mechanoreceptors, they respond to movement and produce sound, but they also aid in physical balance which helps us move our bodies, these two things are so closely related.
we can relate basic shapes, triangles, to waves of light, sound, and movement, we have both physical and psychological processes so intertwined, but what else can you look at? the waves of the ocean, the force of a strong wind that knocks you off balance these things can be very large and overwhelming, though what else? what is smaller?
molecules, atoms, protons neutrons, waves of energy, we are a part of it all, one in the same, what is smaller than that? how deep does it go? how many layers are "we" unaware of? are we of one thing? can we look into ourselves and explore the universe, tune our vision into another dimension? is this reality a disruption in the universe's PNS, a single stimuli travelling through a series of junctions, schwann cell after another?
is this reality being transferred to a spinal cord? pushed through hyperspace into the universal brain? the ultimate source of everything in it's most basic form?
is this how the universe interacts with its self? the ultimate meditation of self, one infinite network of afferent and efferent vessels which transfer vibrations and stimulate the ultimate mind. vibrations moving within hyperspace, reacting to the infinite space which is ultimate body of self.
the physical body of human, exists at the centre of size, existing in homeostasis, there exist bodies infinitely smaller and infinitely larger than human, one such stimuli is but a dense ball of bundled vibrations like a mesh of cotton wool, like a bundle of elastic bands, travelling in synchronicity, increasing it's gravitational force, until it reaches self and every individual vibration is absorbed.
and two photos:
gantz grof attached the following image(s):
e dubya - the dub mixes - ew edit6.JPG
(111kb) downloaded 65 time(s). ew 2 altern cover edit 2 + ew + (pc).JPG
(140kb) downloaded 65 time(s).my name, is nobody.
*Gantz Grof is a fictional character created as part of an interactive experimental hyperreal novel concept
Gantz Grof exists within "Meta-Novel" which you are currently reading, and therefore a part of.
As one critique of Meta-Novel said:
"if Meta-Novel is fiction, then what is reality?"
As nein critiques said:
"Genius" "Fresh" "the new IN!"
Meta-Novel draws its inspiration from the likes of Kaufman, Jarmusch and others, who coincidentally stole the idea from the creator of Gantz Grof and Meta-Novel.
Meta-Novel is all rights reserved, Once existing within Metaverse, one is owned and belongs to Meta-Novel itself, and therefore also the creator of Meta-Novel