Hello dear nexians!
2 days ago i had 2 wonderfull things hapening. i got full membership here in nexus
and i finally got out from the hospital where i was for 2 and half months.
The reason for that is that i got infected with tuberculosis, and allowed it to advance to a critical state, because im a reiki practicionist and was treating my self, and for other reasons i was recieving acupuncture treatments, and both things together where keeping me well enough to dont realise soon enough about what was happening to me.
While in the hospital i was talking with a friend of mine that is an experienced ayahuasca healer and she wanted to help, but it was to expensive for her to travel from her country to mine just to make a couple of ceremonies with me.
And because some visions i had, i asked if she could send me some of the medicine, and i would take care of the rest. it took some days for the answer to come but when it finaly came she said she had dreamt with me, and that she would send it.
Now im home, and i have this little bottle of sacred medicine smiling at me, but i still have some questions and cant reach her at this time, thats why im posting here.
first of all, im still positive, wich means the tuberculosis bacteria is stil active in me, i just came home in excepcional circunstances, because i convinced the doctor that i would heal better at home in this final stage of the desease, and that i have here conditions to stay in quarentene.
that means im still taking 5 difrent antibiotics, 10 pills in total. i will have to take them for a month, make exams, in case the virus is still active, repeat the procedure for another month, in case it is allready inactive, i will take only 3 pills for 6 months to erradicate it completely from my lungs.
My question is, should i wait until the bacteria is inactive, and i am taking less medication?
or should i take it now, and ask the medicine to help me heal fisicaly, and show me wathever emotional reasons can be behind this?
I made my research and now that there isnt any dangerous chemical interaction with the MAOis, but in my holistic point of view, everything is connected, everything influences everything, so the outcome can be radicaly difrent if i take it now with so many meds.
what is your opinion?
Healing someone is an act of love, but how can you love someone whitout loving yourself first?