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I think the beautiful thing about ayahausca, is it is one of the most universal medicines. No matter what Ethnicity, Climate, Religious Beliefs, Philosophy, etc. Ayahuasca can be made from MANY local plants, all over the planet, and all for different uses, with their own things to teach us. Its the Universal Medicine. Now you could argue, "Oh ayahauasca is only B. caapi!" but, I think the beauty of the brew, is its ever changing, always evolving, and will always bring us back to our roots, and can treat nearly anything, no matter who you are. So why should it only be Caapi vine that should be considered aya? Just because of its name? Why label it? Why narrow our thoughts and basically materialize one plant? All plants have something to teach us. ALL. That being said, here are some of the Ayahuasca brews that are used by different ayahuasquero, from different parts of the world. Ayahuasca Preparations and Recipes Machiguenga kamarampi prep 5 meters of Banisteriopsis caapi stems are pounded with a wooden club, this is layered into a large pot with 170 Psychotria viridis leaves and cooked for 2 hours; serves 10 people ingesting it over the course of several hours. -- Russo et al. 1996-1997. (According to Shepard 1998, the Matsigenka cook Psychotria leaves for 3-6 hours.)
Sibundoy biaxíi prep as explained by native informant: Beginning in the morning, boil forty liters of water, add a pile of bark scrapings to the boiling water, and stuff the pot full of cagrupanga [Diplopterys cabrerana] leaves. At noon, throw out both the scrapings and the leaves and add the same amounts of fresh scrapings and leaves, continue to boil for another three or four hours. Again remove the scrapings and leaves, but this time, add only 12 pairs of cagrupanga (24 leaves), boiling them for two additional hours. When they are taken out, the pot is cooled and the biaxíi readied for use."
Sibundoy biaxíi prep as was actually executed by the same native informant Late in the afternoon [a fire was started]. A cauldron with several liters of water was set to boil, and twenty-four cagrupanga leaves were added. This was left…" [while the cook went to eat]
"About 7:00 P.M. [he returned with] two liters of biaxíi left from a previous occasion. Behind the hut, he dug up `four pairs' (eight sections about 4 X 25 cm.) of the biaxíi liana. These had been buried for three weeks, to keep them fresher, he said. The sections were carefully scraped to remove all dirt from the bark [taking ~ 25 minutes] During this time the fire subsided but, when the cleaning was finished, he revived it to continue the boiling…" [for 45 min.]
Now [he] began scraping the bark from the sections of liana with a knife. This tiring process lasted about half an hour, during which time six sections were scraped down to wood. [The other two were not used nor was the wood pounded as intended prior to starting] [Around 1.5 liters of bark was obtained] "…bark scrapings were pounded…with a …stone…and appeared to be reduced to one liter…" These were placed into a bowl.
The two bottles of previously prepared biaxíi were …shaken…[and] "emptied into the bowl of fresh bark scrapings, and about half of the simmering infusion also added…" The scrapings were kneaded, rubbed and squeezed for several minutes and then thrown into the cauldron with the remaining leaf infusion. The cauldron was taken off the fire and the contents saved. The liquid in the bowl was ready for consumption as soon as cool. -- Bristol 1966
Terence's hoasca recipe: (taken from an audiotape) Using cv. Cielo [Plowman 6041], Clone raised by Terence. 500 grams of fresh Banisteriopsis vine 85 fresh Psychotria viridis leaves Boil the total volume in large non-aluminum pot (interferes w/ effective). Layer the crushed (vigoruously smashed) hoasca with the leaves. Boil at rolling boil for 4 hours. Pour off deep yellow liquid. Replace with more water. Boil 4 hours more. Discard solid material. Combine the 10-15 gallons and reduce to the number of doses (12-15 dose). 100 ml per dose. Don't boil too fast or will carmelize and get thick which makes it hard to swallow. Should remain thin.
The following recipes are taken from the Gnostic Garden's website (now defunct). They are compiled from practising Peruvian ayahuasceros Francisco Montes Shuña Road Iquitos-Nauta, Peru. 25 years an ayahuasquero 12 pieces of Banisteriopsis caapi, 200 leaves of Diplopterys cabrerana "Chagropanga".
The ingredients are boiled together in water for around 12 hours resulting in 750 ml of Ayahuasca brew.
Jhomber Davila Requena, Peru. 12 years an ayahuasquero 8 pieces of Banisteriopsis caapi vine "ayahuasca" approximately 30 cm long and 10 cm in diameter , 1 1/2 leaves of Psychotria viridis "Chacruna", 12 leaves of Brunfelsia grandiflora "Chiric sanango".
All the ingredients are boiled together in 40 liters of water for the duration of the day. The resulting liquid is reduced down to 1 1/2 liters of Ayahuasca drink.
Jose Padilla Iquitos, Peru. 52 years an ayahuasquero 1 Kg (fresh weight) of Banisteriopsis caapi vine, 50 leaves of Psychotria viridis.
The ingredients are boiled in 25-30 liters of water for 2 hours, the extract is then poured into another container and more water is added to the original herbs for another decoction lasting 2 1/2 hours. This process is repeated one more time before all the extracts are then combined and evaporated on a low fire until 1 1/2 liters of Ayahuasca drink remain. In all the entire process takes 12 hours.
Luis Culquiton Manacamari, Nanay river, Peru. 20 years an ayahuasquero 3 Kg of Banisteriopsis caapi vine, 1 Kg of Psychotria viridis leaves, (both fresh weight), 200 grams of fresh bark of Tabebuia sp. "tahuari".
The plants are boiled together for approximately 8 hours and then the resulting concoction is reduced to obtain 1 liter of Ayahuasca drink.
Norma Panduro Iquitos, Peru. 38 years an ayahuasquero 3 1/2 Kg (fresh weight) of Banisteriopsis caapi vine "ayahuasca", 1/2 Kg of Psychotria viridis leaves "chacruna", 3 leaves of Brugmansia suaveolens "Toe", 4 flowers of Calliandra angustifolia "Bobinzana", 10-20 leaves of Nicotiana tabacum "tabaco", Also added are 5-10 drops of perfume.
The mixture is boiled for a total of 12 hours during preparation.
Ruperto Peña Road Iquitos-Nauta, Peru. 35 years an ayahuasquero 12 pieces of Banisteriopsis caapi, 200 leaves of Diplopterys cabrerana "huambisa", 4-5 leaves of Jatropha curcas "Piñon colorado", 3 leaves of Dieffenbachia spp. "Patiquina".
The ingredients are decocted together for 12 hours and reduced down to 1 bottle (750 ml) of Ayahuasca brew.
Solom Tello Iquitos, Peru. 50 years an ayahuasquero 30-40 pieces of Banisteriopsis caapi vine, 200-300 of Psychotria viridis leaves, some Mansoa alliasea "Ajos sacha", Petiveria alliacea "Mucura", Piper sp. "Guayusa".
Three separate extractions are performed on the herb material, which are then combined and reduced to leave 1 1/2 liters of Ayahuasca drink.
Natemä Recipe of the Shuar The Shuar shamans (uwishin) split a 1- to 2- meter-long piece of Banisteriopsis caapi stem into small strips. They place the strips in a pot along with several liters of water. They then add leaves of Diplopterys cabrerana, a Herrania species, Ilex guayusa, Heliconia stricta, and an unidentified Malphighiacea known as mukuyasku. The resulting mixture is boiled until most of the water has evaporated and a syrupy fluid remains (Bennett 1992, 486). The Kamsá, Inga, and Secoya make similar preparations (Bristol 1965, 207 ff.).
Ecuadorian Recipe The bark of the Banisteriopsis caapi liana is peeled off and placed beneath a certain tree in the forest. The bare stems are then split into four to six strips and boiled together with fresh or dried Psychotria viridis leaves. A piece of liana approximately 180 cm long and forty Psychotria leaves represent a single dosage, although a piece of stem just 40 cm long and 3 cm thick is also said to be sufficient. In general, the less vine that is used, the easier the ayahuasca is on the stomach.
Preparation of the União do Vegetal (UDV), Brasil Pieces from Banisteriopsis caapi vine are pounded, mixed with leaves from Psychotria viridis, and boiled for 10 to 12 hours in rust-free steel pots until all that remains is a thick liquid with globules of fat on the surface that shimmer in all colors of the spectrum.
Recipe of the Shipibo of San Francisco/Yarinachocha A fresh piece of Banisteriopsis caapi bark is boiled together with a fresh handful of chacruna leaves (Psychotria viridis) and a flor de toé (Brugmansia suavolens flower) until a thick liquid decoction is produced. This preparation is said to have especially strong effects and to produce many visions.
Recipe of the Shipibo Ingredients: 3 kg fresh ayahuasca vine 1 kg chacruna leaves 4 bobinzana flowers 10-20 cigarros of mapacho variety tobacco (Nicotiana rustica) 5-10 drops of perfume
B. caapi & M. hostilis recipe - by an anonymous member of the Erowid forum The use of Banisteriopsis caapi in this recipe is based on the premise that a) a brew of B. caapi and (usually) P. viridis is the traditional South American brew, b) the caapi is particularly important as traditionally the caapi itself is considered to be "ayahuasca" while the DMT-containing plants are simply helpers, and c) the caapi and the experience it provides are smoother, safer, and "wiser" than that produced by Peganum harmala (syrian rue). B. caapi is less unpredictable and more controlled, a more reliable and learned teacher.
ANAHUASCA RECIPES As with traditional ayahuasca, most ayahuasca analogs have a thoroughly disgusting taste and are therefore generally difficult to force down (because they are forced up again from below). Chewing sliced ginger (Zingiber officinale) can help counteract the often repulsive taste (DeKorne 1994, 98*). The following recipes are formulated to yield a single dose.
Classic Ayahuasca Analog 25 g Psychotria viridis leaves, dried and ground 3 g Peganum harmala seeds, crushed Juice of one lemon Enough water to boil all the ingredients (approximately 200–350 ml) Place all the ingredients in a steel pot. Slowly bring to a boil, then boil rapidly for two to three minutes. Reduce the heat and simmer for approximately five more minutes. Pour off the decoction. Add some water to the herbs remaining in the pot and boil again. Pour the first decoction back into the pot. After a while, pour out the liquid once more. Add fresh water to the remaining herbs and bring to a boil again. Remove the plant remnants and compost them, if possible. Mix together the three extracts. Carefully heat the mixture to reduce the total volume. The tea should be drunk as fresh as possible (allow to cool first), although it can be stored in the refrigerator for a few days. The effects begin about forty-five minutes after ingestion. The visionary phase lasts about an hour.
Juremahuasca or Mimohuasca Connoisseurs consider this ayahuasca analog to be both the most easily tolerated and the most psychoactive preparation. 3 g Peganum harmala seeds, finely ground 9 g Mimosa tenuiflora root cortex Juice of one lime or lemon The crushed Syrian rue (P. harmala) seeds may be either swallowed in a gelatin capsule or mixed in water and drunk. The decoction of lemon juice and mimosa root cortex should be drunk fifteen minutes later.
Prairie Ayahuasca This blend is especially popular in North America. Predominantly pleasant experiences have been reported (Ott 1994, 63; cf. DeKorne 1994, 97*). 3–4 g Peganum harmala seeds, finely ground 30 g Desmanthus illinoensis root cortex (prairie mimosa, Illinois bundleweed, Illinois bundleflower) Juice of one lemon or lime Prepare in the same manner as juremahuasca (above).
Acaciahuasca This blend is especially popular in Australia and has been used with good success. 3 g Peganum harmala seeds, finely ground 20 g Acacia phlebophylla leaves, ground (cf. Acacia spp.) Juice of one lemon or lime Prepare in the same manner as juremahuasca (above).
Phalahuasca In Europe, various combinations of Phalaris arundinacea or Phalaris aquatica (see Phalaris spp.) and Peganum harmala have been investigated. Unfortunately, the experiments have met with little success to date as far as pleasant visionary experiences are concerned. Because of the toxic alkaloid (gramine) that occurs in the reed grasses, these preparations can be very dangerous (Festi and Samorini 1994).
Peyohuasca This preparation is a combination of Peganum harmala and Lophophora williamsii. It may be pharmacologically very dangerous.
San Pedro Ayahuasca The following amounts and ingredients have been reported to produce pleasant effects (in Entheogene 5 [1995], 53). 1–3 g Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) 20–25 g San Pedro cactus powder (see Trichocereus pachanoi) This blend may be pharmacologically dangerous.Okay so far, these are all the recipes I could find, that have some reports of use by more than one person at least. These are from various sources, and were indeed copied and pasted to preserve the factual text. (Retrieved from: Ott, Ratsch, Keeper of Trout, et all) I am looking for ayahuasca recipes that may be used around the world, that haven't been listed here, Anahuasca recipes that have also not been listed here (Possibilities are almost endless in this category), but prefer some that have been used by more than just one guy on a random forum or something. The main things I am interested in, are Recipes that use of the LARGE number of Ayahuasca additives. Using mainly the 5 categories; Tropane Alkaloid plants Tobacco PlantsMedicinal plants Stimulantsand of coarse Mind Manifesting PlantsSome that are of the most interest to me personally, are preparations that utilize, Brunfelsia sp., Brugmansia sp., Nicotiana sp., and other random medicinal plants, which I will go into further soon.. I have been thinking about maybe a "Pituri" (Dubosia hopwoodii, Dubosia spp.) admixture. Considering it having Scopolamine, and Nicotine. Which would be similar to adding a Brug, and the Tobacco, two birds with one stone so to say.. I dont believe that it have been reportedly used traditionally, but I am not to up to par with my Australian aborigine research in regards to an "Aussie Anahuasca". For all we know they just may already. They could with just two Acacia species and some Pituri! Considering there is some Acacia that have β-carbolines, and of coarse some/many with DMT, NMT, etc. And even I believe an Acacia with β-carbolines in the stems and DMT in the leaves? Cant remember where I read that (I think Ratsch, encyclopedia) but I am not aware of the content ratio, so I am not sure about its plausibility.
Anyone have any info on an Aussie anahuasca that has been used traditionally, by chance? If not, I am making one for personal use, in the spirit of Australian aborigines. As for the infamous Banisteriopsis muricata. Anyone know of a traditional use of this? Being that it can be used as the MAOI and DMT, as all you know? Or is this just a possibility of its use, without any evidence in traditional medicine? Recently I have also thought of a hypothetical brew including Anadenanthera colubrina (Cebil) or Anadenanthera peregrina (Yopo) seeds. OR something else that contains n,n-dmt, 5-oh-dmt, and 5-meo-dmt, as I am not sure those would be a good choice for an even spectrum.. OR even a brew containing only 5-meo-dmt and β-carbolines, or only 5-oh-dmt and β-carbolines. Does anyone think this could be done safely? And what would some hypothetical ratios be? Im sure this may be a bit dangerous as well, as they are VERY powerful.. Any thoughts? Next thing I would interested in learning more about is, Alternanthera lehmanii, and its use as an admixture. I have seen it in Ott's "Ayahuasca Analogues", but haven't been able to find the reference yet. It really interests me, because its a BEAUTIFUL RED PLANT, with such a beautiful spirit you can just feel being around it. I am assuming it falls into the "Medicinal Plant" category. I have recently acquired a couple of cuttings that I have successfully rooted, and would love to experience what this particular plant has to teach, as I feel very drawn to it. But the problem I face, Is I am not really aware of its possible toxicity, if it could possibly cause unnecessary interactions with others, and what would be a good amount to add to a brew. I really hope someone can help me with some info on that, however unlikely that may be. Because either way I am going to experiment with it, if I cant find any info on it. But it would help if there was some info on it, at least of tribes who use it, so I can get a little info instead of wasting valuable foliage without any effects on the health, and possibly slowly harming my body.. So any knowledge would help.. Another thing I am interested in is, Capsicum species that have been purportedly used in brews. I have read that Pepper species can actually really help to calm the stomach a bit, and help to counteract negative effects of an ayahuasca brew. (Matter of opinion I guess). I know the Jivaro, and the Shuar use some species in their Natemä brews. I have read Capsicum chinensis being used in a Brazilian brew, for the "counteracting negative effects of the ayahuasca", but I am not too sure about the other species that may be used.. AND if there would be a difference of the almost endless cultivars around the world. One I have had my eyes on as a possible source to experiment with in my brews was Capsicum chinensis 'Aji Dulce Amarillo' Which is a Peruvian/Brazilian cultivar of gold fruits with a sweet taste. I am just worried about the difference of Cultivars/varieties not being as useful in a brew as what was used traditionally.. So I wish I could find the exact ones that were used, or at least figure out if the different cultivars will be of different effects.. On the topic of Capsicum spp. The Jivaro use large amounts of Capsicum sp. and Nicotiana sp. along with the usual; Banisteriopsis caapi, and Psychotria viridis in their Natemä brew. The Capsicum sp. for the counteracting of the negative effects, and the Nicotiana to help with the visions and help induce the purge. ALSO, this really interesting brew I have read of, with literally only one report, (Being of a Spanish imperialist claiming they were making a devil brew, and became possessed when taking it... Of coarse...), of the Libaro Native Mexico, would brew a mix of Banisteriopsis caapi, with either a Brugmansia, or Datura species, or similar plants. Along with Nicotiana tobacum, and Ilex guayusa. This one is quite interesting to me, as its one of the only brews I have heard of that is definitely a very visual brew without the use of a DMT containing plant. Which is quite intriguing... Now this next one is not an Ayahuasca, and I am not sure how much you want to get side branched, but this Native American Cherokee drink is very similar to ayahuasca in a sense. In the fact that it is drunk to cause a violent purging, with hallucinations, cleansing of the body and spirit, and bringing a group to a level of consciousness to accomplish a task. Just like ayahuasca. This drink is referred to as Yaupon or "black drink". In the Cherokee language it is actually called "White Drink" or "Light Drink" but European imperialists, referred to it as "Black Drink" because you guessed it. Its dark black... It is a hot water infusion of many leaves of the Ilex vomitria tree of the Holly family. It is composed of almost entirely Caffeine. It is said to be equivalent to drinking almost 8 pots of coffee, and thats AFTER the purge... I find this very interesting as it is similar to ayahuasca in theory, but it is a whole other thing. To show my point in the beginning, that I could consider Ayahuasca to be the most universal medicine, and can be changed to be used in nearly EVERY single part of the planet. So feel free to recommend information on brews similar to this as well, if you would like? Some additives I find intriguing, I would also, love to hear of some information in regards to the use of Virola spp. in a brew.
Most of all, Virola surinamensis (Cumala) which has been shown to be devoid of any psychoactive tryptamines, yet is still used as an additive, in some brews. I wonder if anything has been found in it, and what its use is, since Ott reported on it.
And of coarse (Manacá ) Brunfelsia uniflora & (Chiric sanango) Brunfelsia grandiflora because of their presence of Scopoletine, which according to multiple reports (Including a report from the dearly missed 69ron) that the use of Scopoletine with a scopolamine, hysocayamine, atropine plant, both at low doses, the Scopoletine will prevent the delirium, but still give the visual hallucinations. I wonder if there is a brew with both a Brunfelsia and Brugmansia? Being the Solanaceae fanatic I am, I need to be brave and experiment with this combination in VERY VERY VERY low amounts and work my way up until proven successful or void.
And last but not least, (Uchu Sanango) Tabernaemontana sananho, in use with Banisteriopsis caapi. NO DMT THOUGH!!!! AS ITS CONSIDERED DANGEROUS!!! I wonder if this is a traditional brew as well? I have heard of it on Ayahuasca forums, when I asked about an "Ibogahuasca" and Kambogahuasca being the great person he is, recommended that combination in small amounts, being VERY profound! Im sure very dangerous, but still educational, and possibly used in a safe setting. That statement goes for Tropane plants as well. I really know my way around Solanaceae plants, I know how to respect them, I have had my butt handed to me by them before, That being said, please dont say "DON'T TOUCH ANY DATURA, BRUGMANSIA, ETC.!!!" or "BE CAREFUL!" etc. As I already know the risks, and I have risked the risks in my life before, and this is mostly for INFORMATION purposes. Nothing more. So please dont cramp up this thread with warnings.. Its just educational.. So to cover that Here's the disclaimer on Tropane containing plants ..::: DO NOT EVER INGEST ANY DATURA, HENBANE, ATROPA BELLADONNA, BRUGMANSIA, METHYSTICODENDRON, WILD SOLANUM, SOLANDRA, AND ANY OTHER PLANTS THAT CONTAIN ANY ATROPINE, HYSOCYAMINE, SCOPOLAMINE, SCOPOLETINE, AND OTHER DANGEROUS TROPANE ALKALOIDS! THIS THREAD DOES NOT ENDORSE EVER CONSUMING ANY PLANTS WITH THESE ALKALOIDS, AND IF YOU DO SO DESPITE THIS DISCLAIMER, YOU DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK WITH THE POSSIBILITY OF VERY SERIOUSLY HARMING YOURSELF OR OTHERS, GOING INTO A DELIRIOUS STATE IN A COMPLETE BLACKOUT FOR UP TO, BUT NOT LIMITED BY; 3-4 DAYS. POSSIBLY RISKING EITHER A COMA, AND EVEN DEATH! THERE IS SCIENTIFIC PROOF THAT TROPANE ALKALOIDS CAN ALSO SHRINK YOUR FRONTAL CORTEX OF YOUR BRAIN AND CAUSE PERMANENT BRAIN DAMAGE... YOU. HAVE. BEEN. WARNED!!!! DON'T TAKE THIS LIGHTLY!!:::..
Tropane alkaloid plants seem to be a very controversial family of plants in some species. So every time its mentioned, there is a lot of constant disagreement that turns to flaming usually, as one usually has a stance one way or the other, and it will most likely never change. They are just intriguing plants. Very interesting. So this is for INFO purposes only. So please dont clutter the thread with warnings as its already covered. Sorry for all the colors, I tried to break it up to make it easier to read. I apologize if it just made it harder for some... Feel free to suggest anything that looks hard to read if there is a problem. I apologize for this is a bit of a long thread, but I feel its still an informative one. Maybe really informative if there is some great contributions. Okay so now all of that is out of the way, Can anyone else here share some traditional ayahuasca recipes with the use of admixtures? or Anahuasca recipes not listed here? And if you can not do either, what about helping out on some of the questions asked throughout this thread. (Especially the Alternanthe lehmanii question.) Peace, Love, and Light to you all. May you all find your paths~ *~Solanaceae Dreamscape~*